Friday, May 20, 2016

Cheat Sheet for Residents/Voters Here In Mesa: What is Nepotism?

Nepotism is a form of discrimination in which family members or friends are hired for reasons that do not necessarily have anything to do with their experience, ...

Strangely enough, according to Wikipedia's definition     Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives.
The term originated with the assignment of nephews to cardinal positions by Catholic popes and bishops . . .starring as a religion-based practice.
All candidates running campaigns in upcoming elections - this is important - and voters and residents of Mesa might be advised to take a clear look inside city government to root out nepotism.
Those already elected - and those aspiring to enlist public support for election to the Mesa City Council - might think it's a good thing to prove to constituents that you place open and honest government ahead of personal, religious and party loyalties.
Do we need a local anti-nepotism ordinance? Or will politicians come clean?.

the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
"hiring my daughter was not nepotism—it was just good business" [LOL]

Synonyms: favoritism, preferential treatment, the old boy network, looking after one's own,
bias, partiality, partisanship
Antonym: impartiality
the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to relatives.
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Corruption, nepotism and malfeasance is rampant in governments

Sorry, but this doesn't pass the sniff test.
In-laws should be included in anti-nepotism statutes, requiring elected leaders to abstain from votes involving family members.
Anti-nepotism statutes were created as an effort to help clean up government and assure constituents that those in power weren't giving preferential treatment to family members when it came to hiring.
Sadly, political appointments are more about loyalty than getting the best person for the job



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