12 June 2021

Inside The World's Largest Chips Factory TSMC: A Robot Factory In Taiwan China

If you've been paying attention to "the news" you know there's a global logistical supply-change shortage of semiconductors that's disrupting vital and important large-scale industrial/manufacturing operations.
There are plans to build not one but two FABS here in Arizona.
TSMC says has begun construction at its Arizona chip factory site | Reuters
TSMC was a topic of discussion by GPEC President Chris Camacho at last month's meeting on May 4,2021 of the City of Mesa's Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting.
Here are some details:
". . .A quick look at metrics from July through June FY21, we are trending right above 250 projects currently, 22% of those come from international locations, most notably out of Canada and the western European market and then most recently with TSMC that is going to north Phoenix. 
That project was a three-and-a-half-year process that will now manifest roughly two dozen supplier companies that will need rail, air quality measurements and vast power requirements. 
> 28 companies have located with $654.5 million in capital investment, 
> 5,589 jobs (excluding TSMC) and 
> $81,454 average high wage salary
Arguably, we have seen labor rates continue to rise across the region and it has made a more competitive market. . ."
Why is Taiwan's Tech Titan betting on the Desert here in Arizona?
TSMC says has begun construction at its Arizona chip factory site | Reuters

Off-Shoring to Inland Ports (or Safe Havens?)


TSMC says has begun construction at its Arizona chip factory site | Reuters

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