Tuesday, March 31, 2020

U.S. Department of Justice Releases New 25-Page Analysis: PREDICTIVE POLICING

PredPol: What Is It?

The report notes that almost all federal law enforcement agencies are (or were) using some sort of analytics to determine crime hot spots and areas where enforcement should be targeted. As of 2014, none of them were using actual "predictive policing" software, but all were engaged in some sort of crime-modeling.
Official Police Business: Does predictive policing actually work?    
Crime forecasting tools are taking off, but good data is hard to find
By Matt Stroud on   @MattStroud

FOIA'ed DOJ Report Points Out The Downsides Of Relying On 'Predictive Policing' To Fight Crime

from the making-tradeoffs-without-considering-the-majority-of-stakeholders dept

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has obtained a DOJ report on predictive policing via a FOIA lawsuit. The document dates back to 2014 but it shows the DOJ had concerns about the negative side effects of predicting where crime may occur by using data that details where crime has happened.
The report [PDF] contains some limited data from trial runs of predictive policing efforts. One of these tests ran from 2009 to 2012 in Shreveport, Louisiana. Using historic property crime data, along with 911 calls and the number of residents on parole or probation, the analytic software attempted to predict where future crime might occur and where police presence might be increased to prevent crime.
The results were inconclusive:
The RAND Corporation evaluated the program and found that property crime decreased by approximately 35% in the first four months of the seven-month evaluation period as compared with the control districts. After those first four months, however, the SPD reduced its intervention efforts, and property crime reverted back to the same level as the control districts. The RAND evaluation concluded that additional research should be done.
More research was underway at the time the report was written, but the results hadn't been compiled at the time of this publication. Other efforts not involving the DOJ reported similar results: an immediate drop in the type of crime targeted. But there's no data in the report indicating this resulted in long-term declines in criminal activity or whether targeting one area resulted in criminal activity migrating elsewhere.
The report notes that almost all federal law enforcement agencies are (or were) using some sort of analytics to determine crime hot spots and areas where enforcement should be targeted. As of 2014, none of them were using actual "predictive policing" software, but all were engaged in some sort of crime-modeling.
The DOJ says predictive policing efforts show promise but contain numerous downsides. Efforts like these could conceivably result in more efficient law enforcement activity, directing already-depleted resources to areas in need of the most attention. The DOJ even theorizes that swamping "high crime areas" with additional officers might somehow result in better relationships with those communities. But that theory really doesn't square with the downsides noted in the report, which indicate flooding certain areas with more cops is only going to increase the tension between these public servants and the public they serve.
Part of the problem is "garbage in/garbage out." If law enforcement agencies have historically engaged in biased policing and enforcement efforts, all predictive policing software does is tell those officers they were correct to do so. Junk data created by biased policing will only generate biased predictions.
Legal authorities provide some guidance about the degree to which race, national origin, and other protected or immutable characteristics may be considered. Critics have noted that proxies for protected characteristics, or for socioeconomic characteristics, can make their way into analyses as well. Even when the variables seem neutral, any model is susceptible to importing any biases reflected in the underlying data.
Biased policing is a problem everywhere. This has been the rule, rather than the exception, in the US, resulting in dozens of consent decrees with the DOJ meant to eliminate bias and restrict unnecessary use of force. Feeding a bunch of unjustified stops and arrests into a system wholly reliant on the data being fed to it turns supposedly-neutral software into a confirmation-bias generator.
Equally as troubling is the unavoidable outcome of predictive policing: the permission to punish people for things other people did.
There is also a fundamental question about what decisions should be based on historical, broad-based data rather than on individualized conduct. It would make little sense to deploy resources without an understanding of where they are most needed, and fewer concerns have been raised about the potential for misuse of data for these purposes (although, at a basic level, additional police deployment can mean additional law enforcement scrutiny for individuals who live in those areas).
In practical terms, living in the wrong zip code -- or even the wrong end of a block -- turns people into suspected criminals, even when there's no evidence they've committed any crimes. You can't mend a broken community relationship by flooding an area with cops just because crimes were committed there at some point in the past. Predictive policing allows cops to view everyone in certain areas as inherently suspicious, which isn't going to result in residents feeling better about the influx of officers flooding their neighborhoods.
Despite the DOJ's caveats, law enforcement agencies are still looking to predictive policing to solve their problems. As far as the limited data shows, it's at best a temporary fix. But those looking for a decline in crime numbers seem willing to ignore the long-term negative effects of focusing on areas where crime might be happening based on little more than where crime once was.
Filed Under: dojpredictive policing


Meeting details for the regular Mesa City Council meeting for 04.06.2020 is available now to access and review and to go over in detail - some BIG ITEMS have been pushed off to this meeting.
One is up for A PUBLIC HEARING These are on the public record > http://mesa.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Available here now are the Agenda + Meeting Details for the Regular Mesa City Council Meeting on 04.06.2020 - 47 Records 
File #:20-0389   
Type:Public HearingStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:4/6/2020
Title:Public Hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for annexation case ANX18-00788, located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road (319.4± acres). Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owners. (District 6)
Attachments:1. Council Report, 2. Annexation Map, 3. Annexation Petition
NameMeeting Date icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAgendaMinutesVideo
Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing4/22/2020Export to iCalendar4:00 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session4/22/2020Export to iCalendar3:00 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
City Council4/20/2020Export to iCalendar5:45 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
City Council Study Session4/9/2020Export to iCalendar7:30 AMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
Mesa Housing Services Governing Board4/9/2020Export to iCalendar7:30 AMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing4/8/2020Export to iCalendar4:00 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session4/8/2020Export to iCalendar3:00 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
City Council4/6/2020Export to iCalendar5:45 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsAgenda AgendaNot availableNot available
City Council Study Session4/6/2020Export to iCalendar5:15 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
City Council Study Session4/2/2020Export to iCalendar7:30 AMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsNot availableNot availableNot available
Board of Adjustment Public Hearing4/1/2020Export to iCalendar5:30 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsAgenda AgendaNot availableNot available
Board of Adjustment Study Session4/1/2020Export to iCalendar5:00 PMCouncil ChambersMeeting detailsAgenda Agenda
Meeting Name:City CouncilAgenda status:Tentative
Meeting date/time:4/6/2020 5:45 PMMinutes status:Draft 
Meeting location:Council Chambers
Published agenda:Agenda AgendaPublished minutes:Not available 
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
20-03982MinutesApproval of minutes of previous meetings as written.  Not available
20-03783-aLiquor License ApplicationPizza Hut #35852 A pizza delivery restaurant is requesting a new Series 10 Beer & Wine Store License for Hot Pizzas LLC, 2056 East Baseline Road - Theresa June Morse, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 3)  Not available
20-03793-bLiquor License ApplicationPizza Hut #35861 A pizza delivery restaurant is requesting a new Series 10 Beer & Wine Store License for Hot Pizzas LLC, 1901 West Main Street - Theresa June Morse, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 3)  Not available
20-03803-cLiquor License ApplicationPizza Hut #35864 A pizza delivery restaurant is requesting a new Series 10 Beer & Wine Store License for Hot Pizzas LLC, 6017 East McKellips Road, Suite 101 - Theresa June Morse, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 5)  Not available
20-03813-dLiquor License ApplicationPizza Hut #35872 A pizza delivery restaurant is requesting a new Series 10 Beer & Wine Store License for Hot Pizzas LLC, 2727 East McKellips Road, Suite 106 - Theresa June Morse, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 1)  Not available
20-03823-eLiquor License ApplicationFamily Dollar Store #30219 A general retail store is requesting a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store License for Family Dollar Inc., 550 North Country Club Drive - Michael Jackson Gohn, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 1)  Not available
20-03833-fLiquor License ApplicationHilton Mesa A hotel is requesting a new Series 11 Hotel/Motel License for LCOF Phoenix Mesa Operating LLC, 1011 West Holmes Avenue - Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz, agent. The previous license held by Pavilion Management Co will revert to the State. (District 3)  Not available
20-03843-gLiquor License ApplicationDaruma A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for CKP Motives Inc., 1116 South Dobson Road, Suite 113 - Eun Joo Cho, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 3)  Not available
20-03853-hLiquor License ApplicationD’vine Wine Bar & Bistro A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for D‘vine Wine Bar & Bistro LLC, 2837 North Power Road, Suite 101 - Amy S. Nations, agent. The existing license held by Arizona for Better Business Association LLC will revert to the State. (District 5)  Not available
20-03863-iLiquor License ApplicationQue Chevere A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for Que Sabroso LLC, 142 West Main Street - Maria Fernanda Cutler, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 4)  Not available
20-03684-aContract10-Month Term Contract with Four, One-Year Renewal Options for Sewer Truck Parts and Service for the Fleet Service Department (Citywide) This contract will provide OEM parts and repair to be used for the repair/maintenance of the City’s five sewer trucks. The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Pima County cooperative contract with AZ Wastewater Industries, Inc., at $75,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.  Not available
20-03654-bContractOne-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Mechanical Fittings for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Energy Resources Department) (Citywide) This contract provides Lycofit mechanical fittings, couplings, tees, elbows, caps, and tapping tees for new construction projects and the maintenance and repair of existing gas utilities. The Business Services and Energy Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Border States, at $188,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index.  Not available
20-03614-cContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Anodeless Service Risers for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Energy Resources Department) (Citywide) Anodeless service risers are the portion of the natural gas service line required to transition from the underground service piping to the customer’s above ground meter. They isolate the customer’s meter from the rest of the natural gas system for purposes of corrosion protection and to provide a protective casing for the internal polyethylene piping. The Business Services and Energy Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Hubbell, dba Lyall, at $372,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index.  Not available
20-03724-dContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Traffic Signal Meter Pedestals for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Transportation Department) (Citywide) The traffic signal meter pedestals will be used to maintain and replace existing meter pedestals in the field as well as supply new meter pedestals for the Transportation Department. The Business Services and Transportation Departments and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders: JTB Supply Co. (Primary); and Consolidated Electrical Distributors, dba Arizona Electric Supply (a Mesa business) (Secondary); at $60,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index.  Not available
20-03704-eContractOne-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Heavy Duty Ballistic Body Armor for the Police Department (Citywide) This contract provides ballistic body armor for the Police Department’s SWAT Team. SWAT Team members require specialty body armor systems that must provide extra coverage protection from small weapons fire and the ability to carry extra equipment for these situations. The SWAT Team uses this contract to replace vests that have exceeded their warrantied service life of five years and purchase additional vests, as necessary. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Tyr Tactical, LLC, at $80,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.  Not available
20-03664-fContractPurchase of a M-Vac System and Related Validation Supplies for DNA Processing for the Police Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) The Biology Unit analyzed over 1,300 samples for DNA profiles in 2019. Robust collection methods are required to obtain DNA profiles for comparisons and for Combined DNA Index System entries. The M-Vac System is a wet-vacuum based surface sampling system that can collect DNA from porous and rough objects or surfaces expanding the potential for evidence collection and processing. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the sole source vendor, M-Vac Systems, Inc., at $45,002.11, based on estimated requirements. This purchase is grant funded by the U.S. Department of Justice - DNA Backlog Reduction Funds.  Not available
20-03644-gContractOne-Year Term Contract with Four Years of Renewal Options for Industrial, Building, Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC Materials for Citywide Departments (Citywide) Multiple departments use this Citywide contract. Materials and Supply, Water Resources, and Energy Resources purchase their miscellaneous electrical equipment and supplies. The contract offers a discount off list price ranging from 10% to 70% plus free freight. Users can order online for desktop delivery or go to their location in Mesa for pick-up orders. The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Border States Industries, Inc., at $300,000 annually, based on estimated usage.  Not available
20-03624-hContractPurchase of an Automatic Call Distribution/Interactive Voice Response (ACD/IVR) System (Replacement/Lifecycle Upgrade) for various City Departments as requested by the Innovation and Technology Department (Citywide) The current Automatic Call Distribution and Interactive Voice Response software version/hardware/operating system is at end of life. This system is used to automatically route calls that come into the City during and after business hours for multiple department service areas. The system also provides 24/7 automated payment, scheduling and information options for Utilities, Municipal Court, and Development and Sustainability. The Innovation and Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase with the sole source vendor, Aspect Software, Inc.; and using State of Arizona cooperative agreements with CDWG; and iT1 Source; at $346,000.  Not available
20-03634-iContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Scheduled and Emergency Response Electric Line Crew Services for the Energy Resources Department (Citywide) This contract will provide scheduled and as-needed electric line crew services for scheduled construction and maintenance work and emergency response electric line crew services for standby/on-call repair and maintenance services, including labor and equipment on the City of Mesa’s electric distribution circuits and transmission facilities within the City’s electric service area. The Energy Resources Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders, NPL Construction Co., dba, National Powerline Construction Co.; and Wilson Utility Construction, Co.; at $791,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.  Not available
20-03734-jContractFive-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Water/Wastewater Inspection and Assessment Services for the Water Resources Department (Citywide) Services provided under this contract include: inspection and condition assessment of water/wastewater pipelines; pipeline video inspections; sewer manhole manned inspections; valve and vault inspection; air release valve inspections, assessments, repairs and replacements; valve exercising; inspection and assessment of raw water irrigation lines and appurtenances; reservoir inspections and assessments; bulk chemical storage tank and pressure vessel inspection and assessments; water/wastewater facility inspection; incidental corrosion services; maintenance related support services; and other services as-needed. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored proposals for each area of work to: Construction Product Marketing, LLC (Primary); Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. (Secondary); Statewide Disinfection, Inc. (Primary) (a Mesa business); and WaCo, LLC (Secondary); at $980,000 annually, with an an  Not available
20-03694-kContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Storm Drain Grates and Manhole Covers for the Transportation Department (Citywide) The Transportation Department maintains approximately 9,000 catch basins that convey storm water, irrigation tail water, and water from storm events. This contract will provide a variety of storm drain grates to replace aging and damaged storm drain grates, trash racks, and manhole covers. The Transportation and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders: Grate Solutions Co, Inc.; Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., dba Ferguson Waterworks; and Neenah Foundry Company; at $237,500 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. This purchase is funded by the Environmental Compliance Fee.  Not available
20-03714-lContractThree-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Traffic Signal Controller Cabinets for the Transportation Department (Citywide) This contract will supply traffic signal cabinets for operation of signalized intersections. A traffic signal controller cabinet is an outdoor enclosure that contains the equipment necessary to provide safe and efficient traffic signal operation. The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders: Sierra Transportation & Technologies, LLC; and Econolite (a Mesa business); at $225,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. This purchase is funded by the Local Streets Fund.  Not available
20-03324-mContractWater Line and Gas Line Replacement Project - Phase 1 (Water Line - Main Street and Crismon Road), Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), First (of two) Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (District 6) A total of five separate locations throughout the City are part of the overall Water Line and Gas Line Replacement CMAR Project. This GMP for the water line replacement in the vicinity of Main Street and Crismon Road, is the first of the five locations; the remaining four locations will be presented together as the second GMP for Council consideration at a later date. The four remaining locations are: 1) Main Street and Alma School Road, 2) Pueblo Avenue, from Longmore to Alma School Road, 3) Sycamore Road, from Emelita to 7th Avenue, and 4) 8th Avenue, from Dobson Road to Sycamore Road. The scope of work for GMP No. 1 of the project is to replace the existing 4-inch cement pipe water lines with 8-inch ductile iron pipe within the vicinity of Main Street and Crismon Road. The existing water lines were constructed in 1958 and are nearing the end of their service life. Also included in  Not available
20-03544-nContractOne-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Two Master Job Order Contracts for Mechanical and Plumbing Construction Services (Citywide) Job Order Master Contracts for mechanical and plumbing construction services includes new construction, renovations and repairs, additions, demolition, and facility upgrades for City buildings and facilities. Staff recommends the selections of HACI Service LLC, and Pueblo Mechanical and Controls LLC, for mechanical and plumbing construction services. These contracts allow for the issuance of multiple individual job orders with a not-to-exceed limit of $1,500,000 per job order, and a total contract value not-to-exceed $3,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.  Not available
20-03554-oContractOne-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Three Master Job Order Contracts for Small Tenant Improvement Services (Citywide) Job Order Master Contracts for small tenant improvement services includes renovations and repairs, additions, demolition, and facility upgrades for City buildings and facilities. Staff recommends the selections of Builders Guild Inc., Integrity Building Corp., and SD Crane Builders, Inc., for small tenant improvement services. These contracts allow for the issuance of multiple individual job orders with a not-to-exceed limit of $250,000 per job order, and a total contract value not-to-exceed $1,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.  Not available
20-03564-pContractOne-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Two Master Job Order Contracts for Park and Playground Supply and Installation Services (Citywide) Job Order Master Contracts for parks and playground supply and installation services includes new construction, renovations and repairs, additions, demolition, and facility upgrades for City park facilities. Staff recommends the selections of Exerplay, and Hesscor Inc., for park and playground supply and installation services. These contracts allow for the issuance of multiple individual job orders with a not-to-exceed limit of $1,500,000 per job order, and a total contract value not-to-exceed $2,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.  Not available
20-03574-qContractOne-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Two Master Job Order Contracts for Electrical Construction Services (Citywide) Job Order Master Contracts for electrical construction services includes renovations and repairs, additions, demolition, and facility upgrades for City buildings and facilities. Staff recommends the selections of Hawkeye Electric, Inc., and Rosendin Electric for electrical construction services. These contracts allow for the issuance of multiple individual job orders with a not-to-exceed limit of $1,500,000 per job order, and a total contract value not-to-exceed $3,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.  Not available
20-03455-aResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Grant Agreement with the City of Tucson to accept $25,000 in grant funds under the East Valley Drug Enforcement Task Force Program to be used for overtime for the Police Department’s Organized Crime Section. (Citywide)  Not available
20-03525-bResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement for City Share Reimbursement between NexMetro Enclave, LLC, and the City of Mesa for the reimbursement of $112,000 for street improvements that are being required by the City in conjunction with a proposed residential development known as Avilla Enclave, located at 8433 East Guadalupe Road. (District 6)  Not available
20-03535-cResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement for City Share Reimbursement between PPGN-Ray, LLLP and the City of Mesa for the reimbursement of $166,061.50 for street lighting and street improvements that are being required by the City in conjunction with a proposed residential development known as Cadence at Gateway - Crismon Road Phase 3, located at 5931 South Crismon Road. (District 6)  Not available
20-04005-dResolutionApproving the renewal of Mesa's existing Central Business District (CBD) in compliance with state statutes. (Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)  Not available
20-03585-eResolutionApproving the purchase of, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into contracts for the purchase of (i) up to 15 Megawatts (“MW") of base load electric power and associated energy, for a term of up to 3 years, and (ii) up to 10 MW of peak load electric power and associated energy, for a period of up to 2 years. (Districts 1 and 4)  Not available
20-03875-fResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into three separate Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for the construction, construction management, operation and maintenance of drainage improvements. (Districts 2 and 5) The three proposed IGAs are for the following projects: 1) Palo Verde Drainage Project - south of Brown Road and east of Power Road (District 5); 2) Val Vista at the Eastern Canal Drainage Project - north of Main Street and east of the SRP Eastern Canal (District 2); and 3) Somerset Circle Drainage Project - north of US 60 and east of Higley Road (District 2). The Flood Control District of Maricopa County will fund 75% of the project construction costs incurred for each project up to a maximum contribution of $500,000 per project. The City will be responsible for funding the remaining costs.  Not available
20-03276-aOrdinanceZON19-00935 (District 3) 20.68 ± acres of the property is located within the 1800 to 2000 blocks of South Hobson (east side); the 600 to 800 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side); and the 1900 to 2000 blocks of South Horne (west side), and 4.5 ± acres of the property is located within the 500 block of East Auto Center Drive (south side); and within the 1700 to 1900 blocks of South Hobson (west side). Rezoning from LI and LI-PAD to LI-PAD; and Site Plan Review (overall 25.18± acres). This request will establish the Metro East Valley PAD and allow for an industrial development. Jeff McCall, McCall & Associates, applicant; Puppyfeathers, LLLP, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)  Not available
20-03096-bOrdinanceZON19-00919 (District 5) Within the 7600 block of East University Drive (south side) and within the 300 block of North Sossaman Road (east side). Located on the southeast corner of University Drive and Sossaman Road (1.7± acres). Rezone from RS-9 to RSL-3.0-BIZ. This request will allow for the development of a small-lot single-residence subdivision. Jared Malone, Associated Architects, applicant; Lavigna Investments Corporation, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)  Not available
20-03406-cOrdinanceAmending Section 10-4-6 of the Mesa City Code to establish a speed limit of 30 mph on Everton Terrace from Elliot Road to a point 2,290 feet south of Elliot Road, as recommended by the Transportation Advisory Board. (District 6)  Not available
20-03906-dOrdinanceANX18-00788 (District 6) Annexing property located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road and adopting comparable zoning (319.4± acres). Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owners.  Not available
20-03916-eOrdinanceANX19-00420 (District 6) Annexing property located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road and adopting comparable zoning (659.4± acres). Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owner, State of Arizona.  Not available
20-03926-fOrdinanceZON17-00606 (District 6) Within the 3200 through 4000 blocks of South Hawes Road (west side), the 3200 through 3600 blocks of South 80th street (east side), the 3600 through 4000 blocks of the South 80th Street alignment (east and west sides), the 7700 through 8400 blocks East Elliot road (south side), the 8100 through 8400 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side), the 8400 through 8800 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), and the 8100 through 8600 blocks of East Warner Road (south side). (514± acres). Rezone from AG and LI to RS-6, RSL-4.0, RSL-2.5, RM-5, GC, and MX with a PAD Overlay. This request will establish the “Hawes Crossing” PAD to guide the future review of specific plans of development. Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; multiple property owners. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with condition (Vote: 3-2)  Not available
20-03936-gOrdinanceZON17-00607 (District 6) Within the 8000 through 8400 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), the 4000 through 4400 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (west side), the 8400 through 8800 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), the 3600 through 4000 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (east side), the 8800 through 9200 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), the 8800 through 9200 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), and the 3600 through 4400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side) (595± acres). Rezone from AG to RSL-4.0, RSL-2.5, RM-5, OC, LC, GC, LI, and MX with a PAD Overlay. This request will establish the “Hawes Crossing” PAD to guide the future review of specific plans of development. Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; State of Arizona, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 3-2)  Not available
20-02797-aOrdinanceZON19-00651 (District 5) Within the 1300 block of North 46th Street (west side). Located north of Brown Road and east of Greenfield Road (4.85 acres). Rezone from RS-43 to RSL-2.5-PAD. This request will allow for the development of a single-residence subdivision. Adam Baugh, Withey & Morris, PLC, applicant; Spring Sun RE, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)  Not available
20-03508-aSubdivision Plat“The Point II” (District 6) Located within the 4200 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side). Located north of Point Twenty-Two Blvd. on the west side of Signal Butte Road (±2.7 acres). Evergreen - Point 22 & Signal Butte, LLC, developer; Eric L. Sostrom, Survey Innovation Group Inc., surveyor.  Not available
20-03899-aPublic HearingPublic Hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for annexation case ANX18-00788, located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road (319.4± acres). Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owners. (District 6)  Not available
20-017610-aPublic HearingConduct a public hearing on minor General Plan amendment case ZON19-00954.  Not available
20-014410-bResolutionZON19-00954 (District 5) Within the 5600 to 6000 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side) and within the 3600 to 4000 blocks of North Recker Road (west side). Located north of Thomas Road and west of Recker Road (109.8± acres). Minor General Plan amendment to change the Character Type from Parks to Neighborhood. This request will allow for the development of a single-residence subdivision. Desert Vista 100, LLC, applicant; City of Mesa, owner. Staff Recommendation: Adoption P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption  Not available
20-014310-cOrdinanceZON19-00806 (District 5) Within the 5600 to 6000 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side) and within the 3600 to 4000 blocks of North Recker Road (west side). Located north of Thomas Road and west of Recker Road (109.8± acres). Rezone from PS to RS-6-PAD and RS-7-PAD. This request will allow for the development of a single-residence subdivision. Desert Vista 100, LLC, applicant; City of Mesa, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
20-038810-dResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with Desert Vista 101, LLC, relating to approximately 115 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Thomas Road and Recker Road, for the purpose of developing a single-family residential subdivision and associated improvements. (District 5)  Not available

HYBRID-TRANSFORMER-MAMBA: Tencent’s New AI "T1" Just Proved China Is the New AI Superpower #AI #Tencent #OpenAI

  Mar 23, 2025     Tencent’s new AI model, T1, is challenging OpenAI’s O1 and DeepSeek’s R1 with faster responses, improved reasoning, and i...