Friday, April 22, 2016

High Pollution > State Of The Air Report 2016: Maricopa County Gets an F

Here We Go Again - Hold your breath!
Arizona DEQ@ArizonaDEQ Apr 20
Ozone High Pollution Advisory (HPA) in effect for today, April 20 for Maricopa County.
PHOENIX April 20, 2016 - The American Lung Association’s 2016 “State of the Air” report found Phoenix/Mesa/Scottsdale the fifth-most polluted metro area in the nation for ozone. Compared to the 2015 report, Phoenix has cut ozone slightly. This is in keeping with a trend seen across the nation of lower ozone pollution levels. 
Increased heat, changes in weather patterns, drought and wildfires are all related to climate change, which has contributed to the extraordinarily high numbers of days with unhealthy particle pollution in some cities, including Phoenix. 
Learn more about Phoenix rankings, as well as air quality across Arizona and the nation in the 2016 “State of the Air” report at
For more information please contact:
What Can You Do to Help Reduce Dangerous Ozone Levels?
Valley residents are encouraged to:
  • Reduce their driving.
  • Limit engine idling.
  • Carpool, bus, telework.
  • Refuel after dark.
  • Refrain from using gasoline powered garden equipment or charcoal BBQs.
  • Schedule painting projects during the cooler months, and when painting, use water-based products.
Additionally, active adults, children, and individuals with respiratory problems should limit prolonged outdoor exposure.
Our pollution issues don't only exist in the summertime.

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