Thursday, May 12, 2016

Meet Another Performance Artist [and You Thought The Guys In AZ Government Are So Much Fun]

Alabama is now sharing the political stage with the cast of characters now including a natural-born guy, male-by-gender Nyle DiMarco who's grabbing the spotlight as Drag Queen Ambrosia Starlight, holding a press conference just the other day.
Suspended Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, temporarily removed from that high office for his opposition to marriage equality, is pushing back about the state's transgender bathroom law calling Ms. Starlight a 'transvestite' or cross-dresser [which a lot of men like to do].
Moore cited the cross-dressing entertainer as a reason he's at risk of losing his job for the second time since 2003.
Read more:
" . . . That's fine with Starling, who helped lead an anti-Moore rally on the steps of the Alabama Supreme Court building in January. Opponents that day filled out more than 40 complaints against Moore, who already was the subject of other complaints and now faces removal from office if convicted of violating judicial ethics.
"If it takes a drag queen to remind you that liberty and justice is for all, here I am," Starling said Tuesday between sips of coffee.
Moore contends the effort to oust him is unfounded and politically motivated . . ."
Starling. May 11, 2016. Nyle DiMarco Serves Sexy Same-Sex Tango In ...
15 hours ago - Homophobic Judge Roy Moore Is No Match For Alabama Drag Queen Ambrosia Starling. May 11, 2016. Nyle DiMarco Serves Sexy Same-Sex Tango In 
Alabama, like Arizona a staunch conservative Republican-ruled stronghold, appears to be in some kind of upheaval with all three branches of government - judicial, legislative and executive - being investigated or indicted for wrongdoings.
Watch The Rachel Maddox Show on MSNBC for details in a 2:52 episode on May 11

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