20 August 2016

The Costs of Suburban Sprawl and Commuting | Jobs-Close-to-Home or Homes Close-to-Jobs?

We all know that driving to and from work every day is costly, but exactly how much of a toll does each mile of commuting take on your finances?
This True Cost of Commuting graphic breaks it down.
Taking stats and calculations previously mentioned by Mr. Money Mustache, the infographic illustrates just how expensive commuting is.

If you don't want to calculate in the time-is-money factor, each mile (one way) of commuting will cost you $170 a year. It's a compelling reason to move as close to work if you can (or bike to work or telecommute).
The numbers are even scarier if you look at dual-commuting households, use the IRS 51 cents per mile estimate, and multiply over 10 years. Take a look (click to expand):

Source: http://lifehacker.com/5855550/the-true-cost-of-commuting-you-could-buy-a-house-priced-15900-more-for-each-mile-you-move-closer-to-work

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