05 March 2017

Final Meeting Agendas for City Council Study + Regular Sessions

Mesa City Council Study Session [1/2 hour allotted time]
Meeting Agenda - Final [1 page]
Mon 06 March 2017 @ 5:15 pm
Mayor John Giles
Vice Mayor David Luna District 5
Councilmember Mark Freeman District 1
Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker District 2
Councilmember Ryan Winkle District 3
Councilmember Chris Glover District 4
Councilmember Kevin Thompson District 6

Any citizen wishing to speak on an agenda item should complete and turn in a blue card to the City Clerk before that item is presented.

Roll Call (Members of the Mesa City Council will attend either in person or by telephone conference call)
1 Review items on the agenda for the March 6, 2017 regular Council meeting.
2 Hear reports on meetings and/or conferences attended.
3 Scheduling of meetings and general information.
4 Adjournment.

Mesa City Council Regular Meeting
Meeting Agenda - Final [8 pages]
Mon 06 March 2017 @ 5:45 pm

All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items including and preceding “Items from citizens present.”
If you are interested in speaking on such an agenda item, please fill out a blue card in the back of the room and give it to the City Clerk. 
When the Council considers the item, you will be called to the podium to provide your comments.
Invocation by Practitioner William Hewett of Christian Science.
Pledge of Allegiance
Awards, Recognitions and Announcements

1 Take action on all consent agenda items.

Items on the Consent Agenda

*2 17-0249 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written NO LINK PROVIDED

3 3 Take action on the following liquor license applications:
[not included in this post]

4 Take action on the following contracts: [not all included in this post]
*4-d 17-0235 $1,000,000
One-Year Renewal Contract for Emergency Vehicle Equipment and Installation Services for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide)
This contract provides specialized turnkey emergency vehicle equipment and installation services for the City’s Police Department and general vehicle fleet on an as-needed basis. 

The emergency equipment includes:  lights, sirens, push-bars, prisoner cages, consoles, wiring, etc.
The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing a one-year renewal with Kenco OR LLC, dba LSH Lights, at $1,000,000, based on estimated requirements.

*4-f  17-0237 $157,193.24.
Purchase of Computer Backup Disk Storage Appliances for the Information Technology Department (Citywide
This purchase will provide backup appliances that will integrate with the City’s data center infrastructure moving to the AT&T facility.  It is part of the IT lifecycle management program, replacing a large legacy storage array into a single unit at one-tenth of the size and power consumption and also upgrading an existing array to add capacity for future growth.  The solution will provide improved performance and lower operating costs in the new data center.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing purchase from the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, Custom Storage Inc., dba CStor, at $157,193.24.  This purchase is funded by the Information Technology Lifecycle Program budget.

*4-g 17-0231 $270,359.84
Purchase of Eight Replacement Ford Interceptor SUVs for the Police Department (Citywide
The vehicles that are being replaced have met established replacement criteria and will be either traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed to special uses as part of the ongoing City of Mesa vehicle replacement program.
The Fleet Services and Police Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the contract with PFVT Motors, Inc., dba Peoria Ford, at $270,359.84.  This purchase is funded by the Vehicle Replacement Fund.

*4-j 17-0248  $3,044,876.24 + $914,838.06 annually > TOTAL = $4,959,714.30
[increasing the contract amount on contract 2014122 from $2,804,677.59 to $3,044,876.24 and on contract 2015309 from $860,457.17 to $914,838.06 annually, based on estimated requirements.]
 One-Year Renewal and Contract Amendments to the Term Contracts for Landscape Maintenance Services for Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Parks, Retention Basins and Sports Fields for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6)
The vendor has offered to renew the contract with price increases for each zone due to the passage of Proposition 206, which increased the Arizona's minimum wage.
The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal and contract amendments with Mariposa Landscape Arizona, Inc., increasing the contract amount on contract 2014122 from $2,804,677.59 to $3,044,876.24 and on contract 2015309 from $860,457.17 to $914,838.06 annually, based on estimated requirements.
Link >

5 Take action on the following resolution:
* 5-a 17-0279 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with Phx-Mesa Gateway Airport 193, LLC relating to the construction of the Ray Road improvements between South Power Road and South Ellsworth Road. (District 6)
Link >

6 Introduction of the following ordinance and setting March 20, 2017 as the date of the public hearing on this ordinance:
*6-a 17-0262 Z17-002 (District 6) 
The 6400 through 6600 blocks of South Mountain Road (west side) and the 6400 through 6600 blocks of the South Signal Butte Road alignment (east side).  Located west of Mountain Road and north of Pecos Road (50.12± acres). 
Rezone from AG to HI-PAD AF (20± acres)
Rezone from GI-CUP AF to HI-PAD-AF (24.3± acres)
Rezone HI-AF to HI-PAD AF (5.82± acres)
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for the expansion of an existing industrial facility. 
Reese Anderson, Pew and Lake, applicant;
Signal Butte 20, LLC, owner.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions

P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)
7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinance:
*7-a  17-0246
Ordinance adopting modified wastewater terms, rates, fees and charges for City-owned utility services, Schedules SM3.1, 4.1, 7.1, 7.4, 9.1 and 9.2, which expands eligibility criteria. (Citywide)
Link > http://mesa.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?m=l&id=/matter.aspx?key=10373

8 Take action on the following subdivision plats:
*8-a 17-0206
"Final Plat Parcel A at PPGN” (District 6
The 9500 to the 9600 blocks of East Cadence Parkway.  Located south of Ray Road, between Ellsworth and Crismon Roads. 
81 PC single residence lots (14.57± acres). 
PPGN - Ray, LLLP, owner; Mary F. Kennedy, EPS Group, surveyor.

*8-b 17-0208
"Map of Dedication - Williams Field Road” (District 6
The 10100 - 10800 blocks of East Williams Field Road.  Located west of Signal Butte Road (1.53 ± acres). 
AVH EM, LLC, owner;
Raymond S. Munoz III, EPS Group, surveyor. 
*8-c 17-0209 "Map of Dedication - for Canyon Winds Senior Living” (District 5) 
The 7200 - 7300 blocks of East McDowell Road (north side).  Located east of Power Road on the north side of McDowell Road (50.71 ± acres). 
Canyon Winds Retirement, LLC, owner;
Jay Edward Mihalek, JMA Engineering Corporation, surveyor.

9 Items not on the Consent Agenda
Items from citizens present.  (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).

Source: http://mesa.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx

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