Sunday, June 18, 2017

Update to Post On June 16: PSPRS Pension Watch Action > Next Meeting

31 May 2017
Board of Trustees takes action on Hall-Parker payments
PSPRS to pay PBIs and provide refund amounts
The PSPRS Board of Trustees today voted to recommend that employers begin refunding employee contributions related to the Hall and Parker lawsuits. The decision impacts certain active and retired members of EORP and PSPRS, but does not settle what interest will be owed to members of either plan.
BLOGGER NOTE: Next meeting on this is scheduled for 30 June 2017
Per federal regulations, the refunds cannot be paid back by PSPRS to members, but instead must be done by the employers.
However, PSPRS will allow for employer contribution credits in the amount to be paid back to help employers who need to use that method to free up funds. PSPRS will soon provide employers with the names of impacted employees and retirees, as well as itemized lists of contribution amounts owed to each individual. When determined, pre-judgment interest will be allowed in the employer contribution credits, but post-judgment interest will not.
In the interim until individual contribution amounts are provided, the PSPRS Board of Trustees also strongly recommended that employers work closely with their Local Boards to decide on the method and manner of repayment that is in the best interest of the employees and employers.
Additionally, all contributions being returned are considered wages and must be taxed as such. However, the forthcoming interest payments are not considered wages and do not need to be taxed by the employer, provided the employer receives a Form W-9 for each affected employee. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that employees be given the opportunity to adjust their tax withholdings and deferred compensation arrangements.
Furthermore, the Board directed staff to pay out the retroactive permanent benefit increases for those PSPRS, CORP and EORP retirees entitled to increased benefits before the end of June. Again, these retroactive increases will not include any interest at this time.
PSPRS will continue to provide pertinent updates to members, employers and local boards. Interest rates to be applied to Hall-Parker lawsuit contribution refunds and retroactive permanent benefit increase may or may not be settled through a June 6 Maricopa County Superior Court hearing.
Please see the following document for the in-depth report provided to the PSPRS Board of Trustees on this issue.

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