Thursday, November 30, 2017

The biggest risks facing cities -- and some solutions | Robert Muggah

Published on Nov 30, 2017
Views: 11,772
With fantastic new maps that show interactive, visual representations of urban fragility, Robert Muggah articulates an ancient but resurging idea: cities shouldn't just be the center of economics -- they should also be the foundation of our political lives. Looking around the world, from Syria to Singapore to Seoul and beyond, Muggah submits six principles for how we can build more resilient cities. "Cities are where the future happens first. They're open, creative, dynamic, democratic, cosmopolitan, sexy," Muggah says. "They're the perfect antidote to reactionary nationalism."

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U.S. Military Released Animation Of N.Korea's ICBM Launch

What did it really look like in real time? This is just an animation - if you want to take a look
Published on Nov 30, 2017 
Views: 692
The model shown in this video is notional, but represents a principal tool used to understand the capabilities of ballistic missile threat systems.
Modeling and simulation allows National Air and Space Intelligence Center to assess a ballistic missile system in a physically consistent way which best matches available information.

This product was created to help explain NASIC's ballistic missile analysis mission. It was first used by the CBS News Program 60 Minutes and has been subsequently provided to other external media outlets.

The animation demonstrate a test launch of a North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launching from a location in North Korea and flying to an open ocean location in the Pacific Ocean. The video opens showing a notional ICBM on a launch platform. The ICBM launches, showing the first and second stage boosters accelerating until the second stage booster releases the reentry vehicle containing the warhead, which continues through
ballistic flight. The video ends, showing the beginning of the atmospheric reentry, then the camera backs away to show the end of the flight.

WATCH THIS Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 30 Nov 2017

Data and analysis from Liz Morales, Director of Housing & Community Development here in Mesa, and two consultants for Phase 1
Views: only 9 to this upload date from YouTube
Please Note: D4 Councilmember Chris Glover once again absent, along with D5 Luna. Both not calling in or on-the-phone.
Please note additional comments from your MesaZona blogger to follow after review and research

10 Year Master Plan Housing Revoews

Super Volcano Concern, Deep Space Revelation | S0 News Nov.30.2017

Ready to rumble ??

"Politics Make Strange Bed-Fellows" : Who is Sean Bowie (Boo-Wee)

Appearing next week here on the same sound-stage here in Mesa on Mesa Morning Live, Swing-District LD18 Democratic Arizona State Senator Sean Bowie and LD ___ Republican Arizona State Senator Bob Worsley are part of the 'great line-up' scheduled live at 06:45 am. Are they an unlikely pair of politicians or what?
Or are they putting politics aside in a show of unity about something?
Now that might be unusual . . .
What could it be?
Is representing voters in LD18 Bowie's only job where he earns $24,000 a year with assignments on the Commerce & Public Safety and Finance Committees?
No - he also works in the ASU Provost Office 
According to this Info-graphic from Arizona Capital Times posted on Twitter, Bowie and Worsley have a voting pattern in common with three other Republicans in the AZ State Legislature: Surprise, huh? 

Bowie also posted this on his Twitter site 3 days ago

"Excited to be a guest on December's Mesa Morning Live alongside ! Join us Friday, December 8th"

Swing-district Dems use divergent vote tactics in Legislature
By Ben Giles 13 Oct 2017 02:17 am
The following story is the first of five to be published over the next two weeks based on voting data the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting pulled for the 2017 legislative session. The nonprofit group analyzed the number of floor votes that each lawmaker cast the same as every other lawmaker. The result is a first of its kind look at voting patterns between Arizona legislators, revealing alike votes and disparities – some known anecdotally, others not seen before – between lawmakers, at times regardless of party affiliation. . .

What do we know about Sean Bowie? He's a 'newbie' for sure, but you can't hold that against him with no prior experience in government. That could be a good thing mebbe, but take the time to hit this link to an article about him published 02 May 2017
The long shot: Freshman Democrat Sean Bowie learns the tough lessons of serving in a GOP Senate
, The Republic | Published 6:00 a.m. MT May 2, 2017 Updated 6:27 p.m. MT May 9, 2017
Tough Lessons
Related Content:

Campaign themes 2016
Bowie's campaign website highlighted the following issues:[1]
  • Education:
    • Make education my number one budgetary priority.
    • Restore cuts to higher education.
  • Economy:
    • Stopping the giveaways to special interests and corporations.
    • Promoting a culture of inclusiveness and hospitality.
  • Immigration: We must secure the border. I support giving our border patrol agents the resources they need to protect our state and our border.
  • 2nd Amendment: I am a strong supporter of the second amendment, and I will protect the rights of gun owners already in place at the state level.[2]

Sean Bowie defeated Frank Schmuck in the Arizona State Senate District 18 general election by just 3,000 votes, 51.44% to 48.56%

Bowie won election to the Arizona State Senate in 2016. During that election cycle, Bowie raised a total of $115,164.
[hide]Arizona State Senate 2016 election - Campaign Contributions
Top contributors to Sean Bowie's campaign in 2016
Roe, William G$5,000
Higgins, David L$5,000
Fisher, Darin$5,000
Ld18 Democrats$5,000
Bowie, Sean$3,343
Total Raised in 2016$115,164
Source: Follow the Money


Another post about on this blog about the Dec 8th show:
Click this underlined here

OK >> Go > Obsession // Official Video

Yes it is UH Huh :)
Published on Nov 23, 2017
This video has a lot of flashing colors. If you're susceptible to seizures, be careful, please. Your viewing experience will look significantly better if you manually set your YouTube resolution settings to 1440p or 2160p (for desktop, click the gear icon in the lower right). Just leaving it on “Auto HD” results in some pretty intense distortion during a few sections, because when the the colors and patterns get crazy, there’s actually just too much information flying by for YouTube’s normal HD compression. We broke the matrix. The good people of YouTube have been working with us to solve this (it’s a bit rate limitation issue) over the last 24 hours, but there’s no quick fix, and now it’s Thanksgiving in the US, and we’re all with our families.

We hope you like it! Many, many thanks to our collaborators at Double A (

From the album Hungry Ghosts, out now everywhere:

Preorder our new box set on vinyl:


Damian Kulash, Jr.
Timothy Nordwind
Andy Ross
Dan Konopka

Directed by Damian Kulash, Jr. & Yusuke Tanaka
Technical Team: Daito Manabe & Rhizomatiks Research
Choreography: MIKIKO & Elevenplay
Creative Agency: SIX
Agency Executive Creative Director : Takeshi Nozoe
Agency Creative Director: Jin Saito
Brand Agency: SPA-HAKUHODO
Produced by AOI Pro.
Full Credits:

Why is Mesa Channel 11 UpLoading This Now?? State of the City 2009

Dialogue with the mayor?
Published on Nov 22, 2017
Mayor Scott Smith delivers the 2009 State of the City address for Mesa, Arizona at the Mayor's Breakfast 2009.

David Byrne > Loco de Amor (Salsa-Reggae) (HQ)

Yo recuerdo mug bien
From his 1989 album Rei Momo. Was previously recorded in 1986 for the film "Something Wild"

This is NOT A Light Distraction > Got 16 Minutes To Watch / Listen

Published on Nov 29, 2017
This Shocking Footage Should Worry You 2017-2018 EVENTS WORLD NEWS
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bitcoin Passes $10,000 | Crunch Report

Published on Nov 29, 2017
Bitcoin passes the $10,000 threshold, Apple fixes its huge security flaw and Facebook drops its fees on donations. All this on Crunch Report.

Most Expensive Things in the World

Published on Nov 29, 2017
Views: 115,202

What are the most expensive things in the world that you can or can't buy?

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The Tallest Building Here In DTMesa?

Mebbe you don't walk around or look up at the NEC intersection above Country Club Drive/Main Street - this 15-story building has been visible in the streetscape for years. The ground under it is owned by Susan Tibschraeney. Everything above is under management in the mid-rise on N Robson.  
The business: assisted senior living
The name: Courtyard Towers
No other details available at this time, except to say that just a few years ago it sold for $21 Million Dollar$.
...Not too outstanding architecturally for sure
Now what could have possibly piqued the interest of your MesaZona blogger to publish a post about the tallest building here in The New Urban DTMesa?
#1 THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT A 15-STORY BUILDING LOOKS LIKE ....and that's important when some very questionable, but 'pretty pictures' are wrongly used here.
What is your blogger talking about?
Some people appear to think that DTMesa is 'ripe' for development 12 years after the Mesa Arts Center was built in 2005 and Valley Metro Light Rail extended into the Central Business District in August 2015, but this is just another Pie-In-The-Sky plan way before its time and in the wrong place.
This 'pretty picture' to the right of what is supposed to be a 15-story tower with 75 boutique hotel rooms and 75 upscale above-make rate apartments squeezed into a less-than-one-acre parking lot right behind a public charter school with over 700 students located between it and the Mesa Arts Center.
What's the problem?
1. It's WAY OUT-OF-SCALE to any of the two-story buildings in this historic district
2. The architectural rendering itself an intended deception - it is out-of-proportion - it looks more like six stories when you consider that The Drew Building (with the white roof at left center) is two stories high.
An intended deception to start with????? Not a good way to start off.
Any potential developer with mid-rise plans might find it more fitting to consider the other side of the Mesa Arts Center where this 10-story has held place in the city scale - and it's not in the historic district.
There's already an existing three-story parking garage on the north side of 100-200 W Main Street.
Sunbelt Holdings has the title to the entire prime piece of land here in DTMesa.
What are they waiting for?


Word Power

Hmmm.. Your MesaZona blogger really had to think about this one: It's 'Arizona News' and it's from KTAR yesterday 27 Nov reveals word of the year, and it’s not ‘covfefe’
PHOENIX — Despite what the beginning of a tweet from said, the online dictionary’s word of the year is not covfefe. No, the made-up word tweeted by President Donald Trump earlier this year was not selected as the “symbol of the year’s most meaningful events and lookup trends,” as put it.
Blogger Note: This 'story' is so thrilling and so exciting that you might want to not read more here and get right to the original story > 

360-acre Gateway AeroSpace Park Gets New Master Developer

This yesterday from Area Development News Desk 27 Nov 2017 
Sky Bridge Arizona:
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Plans Aerospace Park in Mesa, Arizona
Link > 
The Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority selected Mesa SkyBridge as Master Developer of 360-acres of vacant airport property for Gateway Aerospace Park in Mesa, Arizona.
According to airport officials, the project renamed SkyBridge Arizona is expected to create thousands of jobs and represent hundreds of millions of dollars in regional economic benefit.
SkyBridge committed to invest between $20 and $25 million in infrastructure and will aggressively promote and market the many strengths and benefits of Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport.
The project will include:
  • three 10,000 foot runways
  • direct access to Arizona State Routes 202 and 24
  • a highly-educated and skilled workforce
  • Arizona’s close proximity to Mexico.
It is anticipated that SkyBridge Arizona will serve as an air logistics hub focused on shipping high-value goods and expediting the movement of air cargo between Mexico, Latin America and the United States.
At full build-out, the park could encompass between 3.5 - 5 million square feet of office, warehouse, logistics/cargo, hospitality, and retail space. . .
“We are pleased to partner with PMGAA to execute the unique vision we’ve developed for SkyBridge Arizona,” said Ariel Picker, CEO of Mesa SkyBridge, LLC. “Gateway Airport offers tremendous potential and SkyBridge Arizona is poised to be an industry leader in global logistics and international air cargo.” 
Mesa Mayor John Giles, who recently resigned as Chair of the PMGAA Board of Directors. made this remark: ". . . Today’s signing of the Master Development Agreement clears the next hurdle and moves us closer to bringing thousands of high-wage jobs to the Phoenix East Valley. . . "
The project will offer amenities such as Mexican customs officials stationed at Gateway Airport to pre-clear goods headed to Mexico. Currently, products headed into Mexico are routed to a select few airports in the country and sometimes have to wait weeks before being cleared by customs officials. With this program, customs officials from both countries work together to pre-clear cargo in the U.S. so it can go to hundreds of airport in Mexico as domestic product.
The development will include 3.5 million to 5 million square feet mix of warehouse, light industrial, and office, with some retail and a hospitality. The project sits within a Foreign Trade Zone and a Military Reuse Zone, which both provide significant tariff benefits and property tax savings to qualifying companies.
27 November 2017
PMGAA selects SkyBridge
for new Gateway aerospace park in US
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority’s (PMGAA) board of directors has voted unanimously to select Mesa SkyBridge as master developer for the construction of the Gateway Aerospace Park.
The development will help generate several new job opportunities and add hundreds of millions of dollars in Arizona’s regional economy.
To be named SkyBridge Arizona, the new aerospace park will be built on a piece of 360-acre vacant land at the airport.
PMGAA board of directors chair Gilbert Mayor Jenn Daniels said: “We are excited to partner with an experienced master developer that brings a unique vision and private resources to help broaden Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport’s role as a major economic catalyst for the region. . . This development project will enable the airport to become an even greater asset for the entire Phoenix East Valley.”
Under the terms of the deal, SkyBridge will be responsible for investing between $20m and $25m in infrastructure, as well as help promote and market the several strengths and benefits of the US hub.

Let's go back :
Related imagePhoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Aims To Be Epicenter for Aerospace Operations
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport has been having a pretty good go of it for the past year or so: the PHX East Valley regional airport got its first international flight, has been breaking passenger records and was recently cleared by the Federal Aviation Administration to have around 700 acres next to the airport open for development.
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway just landed Constant Aviation last week as well, which will establish a new operation in a 74,486-square-foot space, with 50,000 square feet of hangar space for maintenance, repair and overhaul operations. Approximately 200 jobs will be created at the facility with an average wage of $60,000 a year, and Constant Aviation will be investing roughly $12.5 million in the facility over the next three years.
Shea Joachim
It’s been the latest grab for Shea Joachim, the airport’s director of business development, who is working to make Phoenix-Mesa Gateway the “epicenter of MRO operations in the West Coast.”
“What we’re trying to be is the mecca for these operations on the West Coast,” he said.
That began about 10 years ago, when aerospace companies Embraer and Cessna opened facilities at the airport, which made up around 150,000 square feet of operations in total.
Because both companies are some of largest manufacturers of jets, Joachim said, that helped to attract other MRO operations.
“Those were certainly a big win. They play a big role in recruitments,” he said. “Other companies see those big names and it provides a little bit of comfort for them.”
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway then added Able Engineering, now known as Able Aerospace, as well as International Air Response, to their aerospace MRO portfolio.
Around that same time, the airport lost Hawker Beechcraft, who built and operated a facility there, due to the company’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2012 — but that ended up working out for Phoenix-Mesa Gateway in the long run, since Constant Aviation will soon be operating in that space.
“The combination of facility availability and this space being competitive for MRO operations was part of what made this deal attractive to Constant,” Joachim said.

Firma mexicana construirá centro logístico en aeropuerto de Arizona
27 de Noviembre de 2017 16:04
Related imagePhoenix (AZ), 27 nov (EFEUSA).- Una firma mexicana se encargará de desarrollar un multimillonario plan para crear en el Aeropuerto Phoenix-Mesa Gateway un centro de logística aérea "enfocado al envío de productos de alto valor y en agilizar el movimiento de carga aérea entre México, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos". 
La Junta de Directores de la Autoridad del Aeropuerto Phoenix-Mesa Gateway aprobó con ese fin una asociación con Mesa SkyBridge, propiedad del empresario mexicano Ariel Picke y registrada en el condado Maricopa como una compañía de responsabilidad limitada, señala un comunicado official.
La empresa de capital mexicano se ha comprometido a invertir entre 20 y 25 millones de dólares en infraestructura para desarrollar aduanas, oficinas, hoteles y restaurantes en un espacio de 140 hectáreas (15 millones de pies cuadrados) que se conocerá como el Parque Aeroespacial SkyBridge Arizona.
El proyecto contempla la construcción de instalaciones para facilitar el procesamiento de la carga aérea destinada a México, albergando en el sitio a inspectores aduaneros de México y Estados Unidos bajo el Programa Unificado de Procesamiento de Carga.
Una instalación similar de aduanas se instaló el año pasado en el puerto fronterizo de Nogales, Arizona, como un programa piloto. Con esta nueva inversión aeroportuaria, Mesa sería la primera ciudad con operaciones extranjeras en el interior.
"Tiene el potencial de ser la fuente de comercio más importante con México", dijo John Giles, alcalde de Mesa, quien también es presidente de la junta directiva de la autoridad aeroportuaria.
"No será una exageración decir que Mesa será el centro del comercio electrónico entre Estados Unidos y México", dijo Giles.
More Related Content: 

The PMGAA Board voted to name Mesa SkyBridge, LLC as the Master Developer of a 360-acre park at Gateway - SkyBridge Arizona.
9:35 AM - 21 Nov 2017

Story image for SkyBridge Arizona from International Airport Review
International Airport Review-Nov 9, 2017
AZ Central said that its reporters had seen an email sent by Brian O'Niell to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Director of Field Operations William Brooks in July. The communication stated the development agreement between the airport and Mesa Skybridge is scheduled to be presented to the airport authority board Nov ...

Story image for SkyBridge Arizona from Phoenix Business Journal
Phoenix Business Journal-Nov 22, 2017
The 360-acre park will be named SkyBridge Arizona. At potential build-out, the SkyBridge development could total 5 million square feet. “We are pleased to partner with PMGAA to execute the unique vision we've developed for SkyBridge Arizona,” said Ariel Picker, CEO of Mesa SkyBridge LLC. “Gateway Airport offers ... 22, 2017
SkyBridge has committed to invest between $20 and $25 million in infrastructure and will aggressively promote and market the many strengths and benefits of Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (Gateway Airport) – three 10,000 foot runways; direct access to Arizona State Routes 202 and 24; a highly-educated and skilled ... 
Shea Joachim, CEcDShea Joachim, CEcD
Business Development Director
– Present (1 year 10 months)
Positive, inclusive, and enthusiastic leader that specializes in engaging with clients and coworkers to maximize their greatest strengths. Results-driven facilitator supported by a blend of strong analytical and communication skills. Highly adaptable, quick learner with ability to think strategically to tackle complex and difficult projects.
  • Starting
    LaunchPoint, Mesa Technology Accelerator was created in collaboration with Arizona State University (ASU) to drive the growth of innovative technology companies. We’re interested in cultivating the latest innovations and technologies. From consumer web and mobile applications to bio tech and green energy—and everything in between—your idea will grow at the Mesa Technology Accelerator.
  • Starting
    AZLabs is an exceptionally large, capable, and fully reconfigurable laboratory facility designed to support up to 250 researchers and engineers. Short or long term lease options are available, scalable to specific project's needs.
  • Starting
    The Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Program is a federal program administered by the U.S. Foreign Trades Zones Board, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce. FTZs are secured areas and merchandise in a zone is considered outside the customs territory of the U.S. for formal entry procedures only. Foreign merchandise admitted to a zone is within the territory and jurisdiction of the U.S. and is considered imported. FTZ sites remain within the jurisdiction of local, state and federal governments or agencies. The FTZ program helps encourage activity and value-added at U.S. facilities in competition with foreign alternatives by allowing delayed or reduced duty payments on foreign merchandise, as well as other savings.

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