28 November 2017

Without You, Stories Don't Just Go UnRead - They Get UnTold

Donate today to help reach our #GivingNewsDay goal

Dear Tim,
Today is #GivingTuesday — or as we like to call it around here, #GivingNewsDay — a day to celebrate and champion the causes that matter most.

This #GivingNewsDay is a rare chance to take your support for AZCIR three times as far. News Match, the largest grassroots fundraising campaign to support nonprofit news organizations, has generously offered to double any donations made today, up to $1,000 per donation. And the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation is matching every dollar raised, up to a total of $50,000. That means every donation we receive gets tripled!

To maximize this match, we’ve set a goal to raise $7,000 in one day! Give by midnight to invest three times as much in the news you need.
Support Quality Journalism
As an independent, nonprofit news organization, we’ve always put our mission before profits. And, frankly, it’s amazing what our reporters do with the limited resources we have, working around the clock with the utmost professionalism and integrity. Your support today will go so far in expanding our resources and our investigations into issues that matter to Arizonans.

Quality journalism makes a difference, and your support makes what we do each day at AZCIR possible. Without you, stories don’t just go unread — they go untold.

Donate by midnight to double your investment in our journalists’ work: informative, engaging stories that we are all better for having read.
With gratitude,

Jim Small
Executive Director and Editor, AZCIR

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