30 January 2018

Competing For Eye Balls: IT'S ABOUT TIME> Facebook + Google Try Local

That's one of the stories this morning from Axios. . . but Hey Folks! your MesaZona blogger isn't a dude who likes to shake his own Pom-Poms but who's been doing this for almost three years right here in Mesa?
Thank you, dear readers, for taking the time to read this blog to encourage meaningful interactions that build community.
Facebook announced Monday that it will begin prioritizing local news content in the News Feed. The news follows Google's confirmation last week that it's testing a hyper-local news app called Bulletin.
Why it matters: Local and national news outlets have for months been split on the way they view their publishing relationships with Google and Facebook.
  • National news outlets have generally been more critical of Facebook's efforts to fairly compensate publishers, provide them with data and elevate their brands.
  • Local news outlets share these concerns, but see Facebook and Google as important technology partners . . .
YES: That's what works here in Mesa
READ MORE > axios.com_________________________________________________________________________________

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