Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Trading Places: How Did Mesa Manage To Stay Out-of-The-Spotlight For Office-Involved Excessive Use-of-Force??

Another incidence of SWAT Team training tactics for our misguided "Civilian Warriors". This time in Phoenix and three years later. What's the difference? Outrage from the public from civilian oversight recorded in real-time by "bystanders" who caught the cops on livestreaming cam days ago. What happened in Phoenix now didn't stay in Phoenix. Here's David Muir on a national news network. . . and it looks like the Phoenix Chief and new mayor Kate Gallego are taking a lot of heat and boo-ing from a capacity crowd last night packed into "a community meeting", to be followed by a meeting of the Phoenix City Council. . . .
Here in Mesa the story of the police culture "Command-and-Culture" paramilitary tactics won't go away - even more than 3 years after the brutal killing of Daniel Shaver. It took two years to release an edited video at trial. Claims against the City of Mesa in excess of $125M are still pending ... meanwhile incidents go on.  

“A government for your government.” You mean, like a federation? Like the US? Quote | Jonathan Pie @JonathanPieNews

  Jonathan Pie @JonathanPieNews · Mar 14 “A government for your government.” You mean, like a federation? Like the US? Quote Elon Musk @elo...