Friday, October 23, 2020

CALIBER WEALTH CREATION FUND Stages A Downtown Scavenger Hunt: "Strange Encounters" To Showcase Empty Commercial Spaces

How low can Caliber go to stage a marketing trick for their Downtown Portfolio of more than 10 vacant and/or under-used storefronts in an "Opportunity Zone" for rampant real estate speculation?? "Family-Fun" and "art installations in store windows" --- MAKE THAT EMPTY AND VACANT STORE WINDOWS

This clip from a press release says it all: "Special thanks: We want to express enormous gratitude to CALIBER for the generous use of their spaces, and especially for a workshop space for staging the exhibition . . ."

Strange Encounters

A Halloween Scavenger Hunt in Downtown Mesa

Extraordinary Halloween carvings, humorous vignettes and creepy characters in 15 installations outdoors and in store windows throughout downtown Mesa, all visible out of doors for safe, distanced family fun.

The Strange Encounters Map, which will be available online and at locations throughout downtown, will include a fun scavenger hunt with clues for identifying items in the displays. Find them all and enter to win prizes!
PLUS an online instructional video will be created by Ray Villafane and provided FREE to the public, sharing carving tips for elevating your Jack-o-Lantern to a work of art and how to use natural & recycled materials to create fun Halloween yard installations.

The Ray Villafane Strange Encounters exhibition is presented and generously supported by Downtown Mesa Association in partnership with the Mesa Department of Arts and Culture. . . 



26 March 2018

Opportunity Funds > Opportunity Zones for Who?

INFORMATION PLEASE: To qualify and be eligible as 'Opportunity Zones' OZ certain criteria are required. They sound nothing like the words vibrant and exciting used by city officials to describe what used-to-be the Central Business District before the 1970's: low income, chronically poor, blighted, neglected and under-developed
Caliber and Habitat Metro buy eight Arizona buildings for $7.5M
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Caliber – The Wealth Development Company, a real estate investment, development and management firm, and project partner, Habitat Metro, have purchased eight downtown buildings for $7.5 million on Main Street in Mesa, Arizona.
(See other posts on this blog for more details)

Caliber’s $7.625 million purchase consists of eight historic buildings along Main Street between Country Club Drive and Center Street.

The eight-building acquisition was purchased with the Caliber Diversified Opportunity Fund II, LP (the “Fund”). The Fund offers accredited investors and registered investment advisors (RIAs) direct access to invest in “middle market” U.S. commercial real estate assets that can deliver attractive risk-adjusted return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation. . .

“By luck and by chance and a lot of hard work, this Downtown Mesa is what people want,” Giles says.

Michael Maddox on 03/14/2018                                            

Revitalization efforts in downtown Mesa
A real-estate investment firm has bought eight historic buildings in downtown Mesa along Main Street with plans to redevelop nearly 100,000 square feet. Caliber: The Wealth Development Company, along with developer Habitat Metro, purchased the eight buildings between Center Street and Country Club Road for $7.5 million, according to a press release. State Sen. Bob Worsley is also involved, his office confirmed. The firm is considering redeveloping the buildings into a mix of restaurants, office space and entertainment venues. 


“My wife and I have been meeting with people all over the Valley,” said Worsley. “Just today my wife met two people who want to invest in Mesa. Last week, we met with wealthy people from Paradise Valley who want to invest in downtown Mesa based on what they hear is happening. Speaking of dollars – hard dollars, we – the group I am invested with – we have invested over $20 million already on a bet that downtown Mesa is ready for what’s next.”
Worsley concluded, “I just wanted to say one thing; we need this investment in ASU. We need this center in downtown Mesa.”
CH Mesa Holdings was registered on June 27, 2017 in Delaware.
Maricopa County Recorder documents shows that CH Mesa Holdings, LLC, a registered limited liability corporation (File Number: 6458344) filed deeds for the following properties:

APNAddressLast Deed Date
138-35-015114 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520110/03/2017
138-35-016 120120 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520110/03/2017
138-36-008A18 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520110/30/2017
138-36-012 4848 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520107/19/2017
138-42-022 155155 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520107/07/2017
138-42-030137 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520112/12/2017
138-55-004202 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520110/03/2017
138-55-009206 W MAIN ST MESA, AZ 8520110/03/2017

All of the above properties show a mailing address of 4320 E Brown Road, STE 110, Mesa, AZ 85205.
Lyons Development LLC shares the Brown Road address with CH Mesa Holdings, LLC.

According to the Arizona Corporation Commission, as of 2017, Worsley has been registered as a member of Lyons Development LLC.

14 May 2020

Opportunistic OZone > Caliber Wealth Creation Fund Still Struggling To Fill A Void In Its Downtown Mesa Portfolio

Way back when nothing was known to the public about the behind-the-scenes real estate grab on Main Street that took over eight somewhat shabby commercial properties on Main Street, Hizzoner John Giles and then AZ State Senator Bob Worsley were making plans.
Apparently with some "insider information"
Will $600K do it?
"Despite the economic turbulence swirling around Coronavirus chaos, Arizona- based real estate investment firmCaliber is forging a path forward and opens investing to the public for the first time in its 12-year history, which in short order has already attracted more than $600,000 in new capital. . . "
Opening image above:
“It may seem counter-intuitive to continue with the offering with all the unrelated events happening in our community, but that is exactly when smart investors move forward,” Caliber CEO Chris Loeffler says. “Remember that Caliber was born out of the uncertainty and calamity of the 2008-09 crash, and as painful as it was, we are also proud that we were able to build wealth for our customers while saving properties and helping rebuild neighborhoods along the way. . . ."


We set this stage now, for creating this environment people want.”

Blogger Note: Right...huh? Just like he 'set the stage' for this bogus charade and privately-funded $500,000++ bogus Public Relations campaign that turned into a major screw-up radically transforming Downtown Mesa into a satellite ASU campus???

Giles says it’s great to see private investment from Caliber that will help further transform the Downtown Mesa area, making it more attractive for future employers and private investment.
Here's the Punchine: Caliber’s developments could also bolster Mesa’s efforts of bringing ASU into Downtown Mesa as well, Giles says.
He says economic developers have to make areas around universities attractive for students, and public investment on things like the light rail and the Mesa Arts Center are one part of that.


Caliber is currently working on getting six to eight tenants to move into the buildings, and then another three to six months would be needed for tenant improvements.

“Our goal here is for people to want to stay in downtown,” Bade says. “They don’t want to come here for breakfast or lunch. They want to stay here, live here, make it their home in downtown, versus a place to visit.”

An aerial view shows the buildings that Caliber, The Wealth Development Company purchased and will redevelop in Mesa. They are outlined in red.

Mar 1, 2018 - Bob Worsley pleaded with the Council to protect the speculative investments he made in the area based on the ASU scheme. .... On the same day as the Council meeting, Caliber Wealth Development Company, “a real estate investment, development and management firm, and project partner, Habitat ...

Mesa’s ASU Project Needed To Make Good On Worsley’s “Bet”
Prior to the vote, with former congressman and ASU lobbyist Matt Salmon sitting behind him, Sen. Bob Worsley pleaded with the Council to protect the speculative investments he made in the area based on the ASU scheme.

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Arizona Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial housing bill

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