15 June 2021

IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Brutal Killing of Daniel Shaver More Than 5 Years Ago Here in Mesa, Arizona

Reports of a recent conference held in front of a city magistrate over long dragged-out lawsuits against the City of Mesa cannot mitigate the MIS-CARRIAGE OF JUSTICE over the patterns-and-practices of excessive use-of-force by the Mesa Police Department.
Please take the time to watch the real-time slaughter of Daniel Shaver - who was crawling on the carpet and begging for his life in the response of six uniformed officers
National and international reactions and coverage worldwide from news sources are reacting: Mesa Police Department has released the full body camera video showing ex-Officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford fatally shooting 26-year-old Daniel Shaver
at an Arizona motel in January 2016. It was posted online by the attorney for Shaver’s wife, Laney Sweet, who is suing the Mesa Police Department for $75 million and had been fighting for the release of the video

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