04 July 2021

The Trump Circus Road Show + New Sideshows Arriving Soon In A City Near You

Ready for Season 6 Sarasota, Florida ". . .On the eve of Independence Day. Trump’s second post-presidential “Save America!” rally was held at fairgrounds in Sarasota, perhaps fitting for a man often described as a carnival barker or clown.
Political cartoon.For more than 60 years Sarasota was the winter quarters of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus.
But John Ringling, “king of the sawdust ring”, lost his fortune and fell on hard times. . ."

The new circus comes to town: fiery support for Donald Trump at rain-soaked Florida rally

Fireworks, a Trump impersonator and undying belief in the former president at his second rally after leaving office

in Sarasota, Florida

Last modified on Sun 4 Jul 2021 09.47 EDT

Supporters of former president Donald Trump attend a rally held at the Sarasota Fairgrounds, the winter quarters of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus.

Supporters of Donald Trump, the former US president, gathered in their thousands at a rain-soaked rally in Florida on Saturday unmoved by criminal charges against his business. . .
The new circus came to town with a man playing guitar and singing “You can stick your poisoned vaccine up your ass”; a Trump impersonator in baggy suit, red tie, blond wig and orange makeup prancing across the field; a 10ft-plus Trump statue with giant hands outstretched; a man in a “Trump 2024” cap and Confederate vest; an eight-year-old Black boy wearing a t-shirt that said: “Trump won.”

But it only became the greatest show on earth when a small plane, presumably belonging to a Biden voter, circled overhead with the words “Loser-Palooza’ scrolling in lights underneath its wings. . .

Super Spreader | The NibThere was food, fireworks and flags that snarled: “Fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him!” Warm-up acts including Matt Gaetz, a Florida congressman under investigation over alleged sex trafficking, and Trump’s son Don Jr who said of the Manhattan DA’s case: “The political persecution will continue because we are no different from Russia, we are no different from the mullahs in Iran.”

Trump himself launched a tirade against the charges, insisting that they were part of a five-year campaign against him that included the Russia investigation which, he claimed, cleared him of collusion. He accused Democratic prosecutors of “corrupting and weaponising the law” against opponents while allowing violent crime to skyrocket.

“This is the kind of persecution they’re doing, as an example in New York, that you would see in Third World nations,” he said. “It’s reminiscent of a communist dictatorship targeting its political opponents... There’s no depth to which the radical left will not sink to stop our Make America Great Again movement.”

. . .The views were shared across age, gender and race. Liz Ulibarri, 57, who works in a metal shop, said: “I think the charges are trumped up and the Democrats are desperate to pin something on him. They’ve decided to try and bring him down but everything they’ve tried has failed. Over five years, how many things has he been accused of and how many have turned out to be trumped up?”

. . .And if Trump ends up in handcuffs? “The people will support him without question,” she said, gesturing to the crowd. “We are there. We’ve seen him go through so much. I think the Democrats have hurt themselves more than they’ve helped themselves. Trump might be a talker and antagonist but he loves the American people.”



15 October 2017

Messiah Mash-Up : Tongue-In-Cheek New Testament "He Is Risen"

Image from politico.com
In another strange twist of what is now the dysfunctional and chaotic, corrupt, confused Trumpian Dystopia, the current tenant in The White House, who is temporarily occupying the Office of the President of the United States has turned history on its head by declaring that the nation-state we live in now worships God, not government . Is this mebbe Middle Age onslaught of Dementia for real estate tycoon Trump?
Has the Age of Enlightenment and separation of Church & State taken a dark turn under the tutelage of Trump? 
The whacky statements were made at a Value Voters Summit, organized and supported by The Family Research Council that every other president has avoided like the plague.
Most pundits and commentary acknowledge that the Prez is catering to "his base" to hold onto religious zealots and whose high regard for the institution of marriage has made him enter into this holy sacrament three times in succession.
The PT Barnum of American Politics is headmaster who training all the GOP elephants to stand on their heads to perform to his control - either that or out they go!

20 January 2017

Let's Get Politico About Lies [ Thanks to Reporter Maria Konnikova ]

Your MesaZona blogger, admittedly, never really warmed-up to "The Donald" during 22+ years living in New York City. He was one of "the Bridge-and-Tunnel people" somehow grabbing a toe-hold on real estate while smearing his name on things he called "towers". He was outdone and out-classed by Michael Bloomberg in The Big Apple, and by hook-or-by-crook or playing media tricks has staged the biggest take-over in the heist of the highest office in America in a scale and strategy not seen ever on the political stage - definitely "a show-man" like PT Barnum for those that like it when the circus arrives in town. If that's not your choice for entertainment purposes only then we have some information for you
This is out from Politico
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
Unfortunately, it’s no contest. Here’s what psychology tells us about life under a leader totally indifferent to the truth.
All presidents lie. Richard Nixon said he was not a crook, yet he orchestrated the most shamelessly crooked act in the modern presidency. Ronald Reagan said he wasn’t aware of the Iran-Contra deal; there’s evidence he was. Bill Clinton said he did not have sex with that woman; he did, or close enough. Lying in politics transcends political party and era. It is, in some ways, an inherent part of the profession of politicking.
But Donald Trump is in a different category. The sheer frequency, spontaneity and seeming irrelevance of his lies have no precedent. Nixon, Reagan and Clinton were protecting their reputations; Trump seems to lie for the pure joy of it. A whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true. (Compare that to the politician Trump dubbed “crooked,” Hillary Clinton: Just 26 percent of her statements were deemed false.)
What does this mean for the country—and for the Americans on the receiving end of Trump’s constantly twisting version of reality?




14 October 2018

We Are So Blessed: Look Who's Coming Here Friday Oct 19th

MAGA!  MAGA!  MAGA! . . .
Can't U just IMAGINE thousands in staged imported crowds shouting-out for The P.T. Barnum of American Politics: 
Right here in vibrant and exciting Mesa 
The Donald himself has chosen 'the most conservative city' in the entire not-so-United States to use our city as the stage for his Freak-Show!
Good thing Friday is not a business-day for City Hall . . .
To register and get tickets >  https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Image result for international air response mesa az 
Event Schedule Fri, October 19, 2018
Mesa, AZ
07:00 pm (MST)
International Air Response
6250 S Taxiway Circle
Mesa, AZ 85212


> The Circus Moves To The U.S.Senate

So far DJT, The P.T. Barnum of American Politics, has managed to fool some of the people most of the time.
Most New Yorkers have seen through all the side-shows that usually end up on the back-pages of pulp fiction to turn into tabloid trash in the end.
Now "The Big Fat Hoax" occupying The White House is the ring-leader in a take-over of The Republican Party who cower under his power whipped to perform in what could be his final act as charges of impeachment move to the Senate.
It's a dump on democracy when he high-wire rigs our three-branch system of checks-and-balances ahead of an impending trial in The Senate tampering with jurisprudence.
According to reports in the Washington Post and other media reports, it's already a foregone conclusion.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed "total coordination" with the White House on impeachment plans, the Washington Post reports.



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