21 September 2021

Steve Chucri Resigns Effective November 5, 2021: This is His Statement....It was Time To Go

Carefully crafted to create proactive avoidance for consequences. Shifting the blame to politics


It’s hard to believe I have been involved in Arizona politics now for 28 years.  When I first ran for Maricopa County Supervisor in 2012, I campaigned to bring civility, innovation and most importantly, a business mindset to government making it “Best in Class”.  We got off to a wonderful start and have had many successes.  Successes that I will always be proud to have played a role in.

Unfortunately, the political landscape changed for the worst this year.  The environment is wrought with toxicity - and all civility and decorum no longer seem to have a place.  The fixation with the 2020 election results and aftermath have gotten out of control.  In recent days it has come to light that I was secretly recorded in conversations regarding differences with some of my colleagues about an audit of the 2020 election. The comments I made were during a very turbulent time. My colleagues have every right to be both angry and disappointed with me.  I should not have made such statements and offer my colleagues heartfelt apologies.

I do not want to perpetuate the very problem I ran to eliminate several years ago.  While I have had my differences with my colleagues, I have known them to be good, honorable and ethical men.  The picture some individuals are trying to paint about a cover-up, scam and other nonsense about my colleagues and myself is simply false.  There was no cover-up, the election was not stolen. Biden won. 

While my comments were critical, it doesn’t change the fact I have had the pleasure and honor to serve with these fine men and the dedicated employees of Maricopa County.  It has also been my honor to represent my District 2 constituents for 9 years. It is time for me to step aside and let the County and my colleagues meet the true potential of being the 4th largest and fastest growing County in America.

Effective November 5, 2021 I will resign my office.


Steve Chucri, District 2
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

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