20 September 2021

True it was "A Small Emolument' Disclosed by Sly Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, but What A Fragrant Story by Tom Gogola!

NO WINE BEFORE ITS TIME: A Personal Note: Once upon a time long ago, your MesaZona blogger and a friend were taking an economical trans-continental trip driving (and sleeping) in a Porsche 912 east-to-west from Prince Edward Island all the way to Vancouver and points-in-between across Canada to scout the potential for investments by an unknown-party in Avocado farming in the Great State of California. Before we got there in a certain conservative county, it was time to go on vineyard tours in California's Wine Country - Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino
Flash-Forward ! It's worth a Whiff ...Let's Pop-the-Cork and Inhale
  • Political Figures
  • Congress
  • Corruption
  • Kyrsten Sinema’s Grapes of Wealth

    The Arizona senator’s wine-soaked politics offer a bold and colorful bouquet of disparate notes, with a hint of corruption.

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