02 October 2021

Newsletter: The Biggs Idea ...Fighting Battles on Capitol, on The Del Rio Border, and Hosting A Senior Citizen Resource Fair at the Love of Christ Lutheran Church in the city of Mesa

Let's keep track on what Arizona's 5th Congressional District representative is doing in Congress last week - or what he says he is doing
- Fighting on Behalf of Lt. Col. Scheller joined by Louis Gohmert and 31 of his House Freedom Caucus colleagues
- Del Rio Border Trip
- Senior Citizen Resource Fair (in Mesa October 6th)
- Letter to AG Garland on Dismissal of Charges Against Suspected Chinese Spies
- He voted NO to Suspending the Debt Limit & the Continuing Resolution
- Remove Secretary Mayorkas (Freedom for American Immigration Reform) demanding his impeachment
- Interview with Fox Business (Freedom from Mandates Act) on Varney & Co.
-Interview with Kara McKinney on OANN Tipping Point
-Tele-Town Hall (one of the topics was "Election Integrity")
-What's the Biggs Idea? Podcast

Happy Friday!

This week, I was in Washington, D.C. fighting important battles to protect our nation from federal overreach and irresponsible spending. Read below to learn about the important happenings on Capitol Hill:

-Fighting on Behalf of Lt. Col. Scheller

On Wednesday, I joined Congressman Louie Gohmert and 31 of my House colleagues in sending a letter to Marine Corps Commandant David Berger regarding the confinement of Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller. I sent a second letter on Friday demanding his release. Lt. Col. Scheller was relieved of his command after posting several videos demanding accountability from military leaders for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Lt. Col. Scheller offered to resign but his resignation was rejected and he is currently being confined at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Given his excellent record and more than 15 years of dedicated service, we do not believe and have seen no evidence that LTC Scheller poses a grave risk of criminal misconduct. LTC Scheller was asking for the same accountability from his leaders that they expected of him. Click here to read Congressman Gohmert’s letter and below to read mine:



-Del Rio Border Trip

Last weekend, I traveled to Del Rio, Texas, with my friend and colleague Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), where thousands of Haitians illegally attempted entry into the United States. We inspected the current conditions and heard about the challenges of the situation from Border Patrol agents. Unfortunately, the great men and women of the Border Patrol, who worked so assiduously to contain the flood of people into Del Rio, are now making additional preparations under the infamous Del Rio bridge and the surrounding areas for another potential mass migration event. The surge of illegal aliens into the United States is happening  because  the Biden administration will not act to protect the homeland. Click on the picture below to see our interview on Fox News from Del Rio:


-Senior Citizen Resource Fair

This Wednesday, October 6th, my office will be hosting a Senior Citizen Resource Fair at the Love of Christ Lutheran Church in the city of Mesa. This district-wide event will provide services that aid our community’s seniors and will feature information booths from the Taxpayer Advocate Service, Alzheimer’s Association, and Area Agency on Aging, along with representatives from the Gilbert Fire Department, Senior Advisors East Valley, and more . For further information and to RSVP, please check out our Facebook Event page here or our website page here.


-Letter to AG Garland on Dismissal of Charges 
Against Suspected Chinese Spies

On Monday, I sent a letter along with my colleague Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding answers as to why the Department of Justice dismissed charges against six suspected Chinese spies, including some who openly admitted to conducting espionage for the Chinese military. China is not our friend and is actively working to undermine the United States. The American people are entitled to answers regarding  the administration’s actions. Click on the picture below to read the letter:



-I voted NO to Suspending the Debt Limit & the Continuing Resolution

This week, I voted against suspending the debt limit to slow down the Democrats' effort to pass their radical $5 trillion spending plan. The Democrats continue to focus on cramming a radical, socialist agenda down the throats of Americans instead of restoring fiscal sanity.  With our national debt at nearly $30 trillion, we should not be spending more money. 

I also voted against the continuing resolution (CR), which provides funding for the federal government at the current, bloated spending levels. Congress has repeatedly used the CR as a way to fund the government rather than negotiating fiscally-responsible appropriations bills. We cannot continue to condone this way of governing. It’s time for Congress to get serious about the fiscal cliff we currently face and push back on the Democrats’ radical agenda that will spend us into oblivion. 

-Remove Secretary Mayorkas

On Tuesday, I joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) for an event to urge the removal of DHS Secretary Mayorkas for his failure to faithfully uphold his oath to execute the laws passed by Congress.  His actions and policies have created the current border crisis and he must be held accountable.  In August, I introduced articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas, and I will continue demanding his impeachment be considered by the House of Representatives. He is a disgrace and must be removed from his position. Check out the pictures from the FAIR event below:




-Interview with Fox Business on Varney & Co.

I joined Varney & Co. to discuss the Freedom from Mandates Act that I recently introduced to block President Biden’s vaccine mandates. President Biden has not followed the science throughout this pandemic and continues to use fear  to pit Americans against each other.. I believe Americans should be free to choose whether they receive a vaccine, and  should not have to choose between their jobs and the vaccine. It is the right of every American  to make their own health care decisions. And it is my duty, as your Congressman, to defend it. Click on the picture below to watch my interview:


-Interview with OANN on Tipping Point

I joined Kara McKinney on Tipping Point to discuss the Biden administration’s refusal to call the situation at the border a “crisis”. Instead, Biden and the Far Left continue to gaslight Republican members of Congress who visit the border to highlight the failure of Biden’s inhumane border policies.  Click on the photo below to watch my interview:



-Tele-Town Hall

On Thursday, I held a tele-town hall where I provided an update on all that is happening in Congress and took questions from constituents. Some of the most popular topics asked about were LTC Scheller’s imprisonment, Biden’s vaccine mandates, the crisis at the southern border, and election integrity. It’s always a pleasure getting to connect with you directly to hear your thoughts and share what is going on in Congress. Thank you to all who participated and please follow my social media accounts to stay updated on when the next one will be! 

-What's the Biggs Idea? Podcast

In this episode, I'm joined by my friend and colleague Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana to hear his insight on our trip to the border in Del Rio, Texas. As you may know, thousands of Haitian individuals illegally crossed our border and built encampments until they were largely released into the United States by this disgraceful administration. Click on the graphic below to listen!



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Letters Co-signed:

Letter to General Berger and General Bligh Regarding Removal of LTC Scheller from Pretrial Confinement

Bills Co-Sponsored:

H.R. 5398, Defending Students' Civil Rights Act (Good, R-VA)


Washington, DC
S171 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2635
 District Office
2509 S Power Rd, Suite 204
Mesa, AZ 85209
Phone: (480) 699-8239
 "Happy Friday!
This week, I was in Washington, D.C. fighting important battles to protect our nation from federal overreach and irresponsible spending. Read below to learn about the important happenings on Capitol Hill


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