22 May 2023

MASSIVE WEAPONRY IS THE BEST DETERRENT TO WAR???? The Real Top Gun: US Military in Heated Stand-Off with China | 60 Minutes Australia...| 359,175 views May 21, 2023

It might sound like twisted logic, but military forces everywhere argue that the greater the firepower they possess, the greater the chance of maintaining peace.
In other words, massive weaponry is the best deterrent to war.
Right now the theory is being tested like never before, and much of it is happening in Australia’s backyard, the Indo-Pacific region.
The United States wants the world, and more particularly China, to know of its increasing presence there, and to do that it’s putting on a spectacular show.

Reporting from the hotly contested South China Sea, Amelia Adams reveals the U.S. military in full-flight is an extraordinary sight to behold.

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