Marcia Fudge, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, announces the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant recipients in Birmingham, Alabama.
Jennifer Miller/Department of Housing and Urban Development
Marcia Fudge, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, announces
the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant recipients in Birmingham, Alabama.

Eight communities have been chosen to receive a total of $370 million in Choice Neighborhoods lmplementation (CNI) grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) this year.

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge made the announcement in Birmingham, Alabama, which is receiving a $50 million grant.

“This investment represents HUD’s commitment to creating new housing for Birmingham residents and communities across the country,” Fudge said. “When we envision the future of public housing investment, we think of programs like Choice Neighborhoods. These awards promote the innovative collaboration needed to tackle the affordable housing crisis. A community-driven, whole-of-government approach to neighborhood revitalization is what leads to impactful changes in the neighborhoods that need it the most.”

The financing will help revitalize and transform the distressed public and/or assisted housing and neighborhoods across the country while also providing residents with services focused on income, health, and education.

The grants fund the creation of new mixed-income housing communities, improve economic development opportunities, and support wide-scale community revitalization efforts that focus on the three areas of housing, people, and neighborhood.

These awards support communities that have undergone a comprehensive local planning process and are ready to implement their “Transformation Plan” to redevelop select neighborhoods. HUD noted that the eight awards have leveraged an additional $3 billion in public and private commitments to make the larger Transformation Plans a reality.

This year’s grant recipients are:

Lead Recipient / Co-Recipient (if applicable)
City of Tucson, Arizona
$50 million
Housing Authority of the Birmingham District / City of Birmingham, Alabama
$50 million
Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta / City of Atlanta
$40 million
Lake Charles Housing Authority / City of Lake Charles, Louisiana
$40 million
Housing Authority of the City Pittsburgh / City of Pittsburgh
$50 million
Miami-Dade County, Florida
$40 million
Philadelphia Housing Authority / City of Philadelphia
$50 million
Wilmington Housing Authority / City of Wilmington, Delaware
$50 million
Total Award Amount
$370 million

Click here to read a summary on each community’s award.