Monday, May 16, 2016

CNN Live UFO Sightings 2016 Broadcast! Mesa Arizona - ANALYSIS- Simply B...

UFO Captured by CNN Live Cam; NASA Knows…
Did CNN accidentally film two UFO spacecrafts? Footage from Mesa Arizona shows two odd flying objects skirting the edge of a massive dust storm covering the city. It all happened July 6, 2011 when CNN live feed from a dust storm captures what many think are alien UFO ships. NASA didn’t comment on the CNN footage. And it is difficult to really make out any details of the flying objects. The footage is from 2011. Maybe the footage was leaked by CNN, or NASA. If you believe in aliens, the lights and obscure shape of the possible UFO is interesting for sure. Too bad the video footage isn’t better. Can we all learn something from X-Files? Is the truth really out there?

UFO Captured by CNN

Could this be another hoax video placed on YouTube to simply get YouTubers interested in clicking? The footage was published by UFO Alien and has nearly 9,000 views. The bizarre fact that the video is from 2011 raises some hoax alarms. But stranger UFO footage that is much older has been recently circulating. It could be possible that the footage was finally leaked. Five years after it was shot. A disgruntle CNN employee could have taken the footage as a retirement gift. Or a NASA leak could be plausible as well. But not likely

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Published on May 13, 2016
CNN Live UFO Sightings 2016 Broadcast! Mesa Arizona - ANALYSIS- Simply Baffling!
GFdL -- Galaktische Föderation des Lichts
U.F.O. - UFO - Unidentified Flying Object, Unbekanntes Flug-Objekt, Unidentifiziertes Flug-Objekt, uidentificeret flyvende objekt, ûnbekend

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Time: 27:24

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