The key to unlock the door? Imagination
You'll need a lot of here today just after High Noon with a perspective from the Valley Metro Light Rail station platform at Center/Main Street - Mesa Arts Center // No People Anywhere.
Typical hot Sunday afternoon in May, maybe people in other places of worship or chilling' out in the suburban backyard by a pool?
Let's try a Saturday night instead - say this coming Saturday, May 21 and make it after dark
Here's what there's a plan for: spark! AFTER DARK 8-11 PM
Mesa Arts Center is piloting a free night out on the campus on the third Saturday of May 2016.
Join us 8-11pm, after the sun goes down as we roll out spark! AFTER DARK, the grown-up’s playground, complete with live art, live music, great eats, tasty adult drinks and all in the shadow of our stunning campus. Did we mention it’s free?
May 21st
In May #sparkafterdark brings a Mural/Music Mashup. Settle into the next level of chill at Mesa Arts Center’s North patio, which for one night only, will be transformed into an outdoor lounge with beverages to quench the thirst and food trucks serving up delicious goodness. Watch as eight local legends (Champ Styles, Adam Dumper, House, Dwayno Insano, Lalo Cota, Mando Rascon, Snafu and Such Styles) paint to jams skillfully mixed by DJs Pickster and Melo.
by Kyllan Maney
Participants can use window makers to color in pattern designs, turning the windows of the theater into an active coloring/tagging book.
Participants can use window makers to color in pattern designs, turning the windows of the theater into an active coloring/tagging book.
Eats by:
Paletas Betty
Waffle Love
Kruzin Cuisine
Event sponsored in part by:

Event sponsored in part by:

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