Tuesday, May 31, 2016

City of Mesa Fiscal Year 2016/17 Budget Wrap-up ]updated June 1]

Blogger's Note: Nothing is "wrapped-up" about the FY2016/17 Budget.
Nice pretty packaging with tricky out-of-scale and over-blown spatial renderings over-hype for sure, with the City Manager "scrubbing the numbers" to sell millions of dollars in spending to taxpayers. Better un-pack it AND ASK QUESTIONS NOW
FOR YOUR INFORMATION > get informed + engaged.
Here's the way it's supposed to work: "the city's budget is developed in conjunction with residents, the Mayor and City Council, City Manager and City Employees.
The result is a budget that closely matches the community's highest priorities each fiscal year." Huh???

Presented by the Office of Management and Budget
May 5, 2016

The Status
• FY 16/17 was intended as the second year of a two-year process to better align on-going expenditures with on-going revenues
• Realized operational savings in FY 14/15 has allowed for a temporary reprieve
• Annual budgets are reliant on savings to sustain services
• Departments are asked to review operations in pursuit of innovations that result in savings.  Operational savings of 2% is targeted
Expense pressure continues regarding current services in the public safety areas while demand for services also continues to grow

Changes to the Proposed Budget

1. Light Rail Bike Patrol
Increased security in the light rail corridor through the expansion of the current light rail bike patrol $799,000 
Addition of a park ranger to assist in Pioneer Park $102,000
 2. The proposed budget included two additional Code Compliance Officers. 
The revised budget converts two existing CDBG funded code compliance officers to the general fund (allowing use of the CDBG funding for a pilot outreach program)
Enforcement/Outreach and Education
FY 15/16:  7 general fund officers, 3 CDBG officers (2 positions + 1 temp)
FY 16/17 : 10 general fund officers (9 positions +1 temp), reallocation of CDBG funding to community outreach [revised proposal]

3. Increase funding available for Historic Preservation Services  $50,000
Proposed budget included $15,000 of the $50,000

4. Increase in Human Services Funding $50,000
• Additional funding brings total to $876,000 for services and administration and $50,000 for utility assistance

May 16: Capital Improvement Program, Public Hearing and  Adoption,
               Utility Rate Adjustments, Public Hearing and Adoption

June 6: Annual Budget, Tentative Adoption

June 20: Annual Budget and Secondary Property Tax Levy, Public Hearing
               Annual Budget, Final Adoption

July 5: Secondary Property Tax Levy Adoption

City Hall » Office of Management & Budget
Presentations & Reports
Each year, the city's budget is developed in conjunction with residents, the Mayor and City Council, City Manager and City Employees.
The result is a budget that closely matches the community's highest priorities each fiscal year.
Here you'll find the information on the city's budget, financial reports and other city reports.

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