Monday, May 23, 2016

"Queen Was Bored Out of Her Skull" - Jonathan Pie

Published on May 20, 2016
Views: 318,426
Jonathan Pie covers all the right wing points the Queen expressed in 'the queens speech' -
fantastic rant once again

Comedy news reporter Jonathan Pie couldn’t resist having a pop at the Queen’s Speech in his latest “on-air” outburst this week, dissecting every aspect of what was announced in Her Majesty’s state opening of parliament (all while educating the cameraman in pop culture references).
“The deficit continues to grow,” he says, “homelessness continues to grow, food bank usage continues to grow, child poverty continues to grow, let’s build a space port!
“It’s like fucking Dickens meets the fucking Jetsons!”

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"Let's see what sh*t the poor cow had to say" says Jonathan Pie on #QueensSpeech.

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