Monday, May 09, 2016

Affordabe Housing Advocate Elected Mayor of London

Sadiq Khan,British politician son of Pakistani immigrants who lived in council public housing, a Human Rights attorney, and an activist and advocate for affordable housing and public transit, won an historic victory in the London mayoral race, defeating Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative candidate and wealthy scion of a billionaire banker, to become the first Muslim mayor of a major European city.
It's a milestone achievement for equal and fair rights to overcome discrimination, bias and prejudice.

The congratulatory messages had begun long before the official results were declared, coming from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, French Prime Minister Manuel Vales with Spanish origins, and others.

Jeremy Corbin, head of the Labor tweeted "Congtaulations @SadiqKhan. Can't wait to work with you to create a London that is fair for all. #YesWeKhan"  
The New York Times had this to say, The world of the 21st century is going to be shaped by such elided, many-faceted identities and by the booming cities that celebrate diversity, not by some bullying, brash, bigoted white dude who wants to build walls.

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