About what you might ask?
Most recent case in point: Why was there no local reporting from so called "news reporters" at The Arizona Republic or East Valley Tribune or Phoenix New Times or The Mesa Independent with assignments to cover Mesa on an item that's been the subject of interest in national and international news reporting on First Amendment rights, fair use, freedom of expression, and favoritism by incumbents to control politics? . . . .Maybe because "outside interests don't get it "spoon-fed" to them by sources inside city government?
Bubbles are wonders of nature beautiful to behold, but when it comes to closed systems like local politics that get over-inflated and over-bloated, they exceed their own capacity to contain the hot air and pressure to expand, and burst.
What is your MesaZona blogger talkin' about?
An attempt to restrict political speech using intellectual property laws - featured in a post here two days ago based on reporting by Ars Technica - "A well-known First Amendment lawyer has formally responded on behalf of a city council candidate in Mesa, Arizona, who is accused of abusing the city’s trademarked logo in his campaign literature. . . "
Paul Levy, the lawyer referred to, has specialized in free speech issues arising on the Internet.
More information here >> http://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=337
Another report on May 25, 2016 appeared in The Washington Post
Mesa, Arizona city threatening city council candidate with lawsuit
for using Mesa logo
It opens with this statement [words underlined to emphasize a point]
Paul Alan Levy of Public Citizen — who is representing the candidate — has the details; I’ve looked into the case, and I agree with his analysis:The city of Mesa, Arizona, has threatened suit against a local businessman, Jeremy Whittaker, who is running for city council in opposition to a longtime city employee who enjoys endorsements from several current elected city officials. His offense? . . . Read more >> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/05/25/mesa-arizona-city-threatening-city-council-candidate-with-lawsuit-for-using-mesa-logo/

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