Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Deal of The Year

Phoenix Business Blog
The $120M acquisition of Mesa's Alpine Valley Bread Co. was ACG "Deal of the Year"

The $120 million purchase of Mesa-based Alpine Valley Bread Co. by Flowers Foods received the 2015 Deal of the Year Award by the Association for Corporate Growth-Arizona Chapter.
The award is meant "to recognize a company or private equity firm for their accomplishments regarding a merger, acquisition or capital market transaction" involving Arizona deals made between businesses that had between $10 million and $750 million in revenue that closed in the calendar year 2015.
Alpine has two bakeries in Mesa and 282 employees, and is projected to have $85 million in sales this year.
“We are pleased to be able to recognize this transaction and the positive impact it had on Arizona’s economy,” said John Prenzno, board president for ACG Arizona, in a statement. “

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