Sunday, May 08, 2016

Announcement @ Tue May 2 Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting: Gateway Exec Director Resigns

What was an off-the-cuff , low-key "update" by City of Mesa Economic Development Director by Bill Jabjiniak at Tuesday's meeting  that hardly raised an eyebrow with the other members present at that time, has attracted the attention of Arizona Republic reporter Maria Polletta  who picked up on the story yesterday [20 hours ago], adding some well-researched and information-rich context and background details - except for the reason why [apart from the usual  "family reasons", praise and wish you well].
There's always more to a story . . . take a look
There's always something about these all-too-familiar statements accompanying unexpected "sudden announcements catching officials off guard" that make your MesaZona blogger more curious about what's going on behind-the-scenes, when the published articles
created by mainstream media reporters oftentimes don't want to go there.
[ For example, the FAA [Federal Aviation Authority] has been at PHX Mesa Gateway Airport getting into a "sooner-than-expected" investigation into reports about Allegiant Airways ]
As mentioned by Ms. Polletta, current Deputy Director Brian O'Neill is "a probable candidate" to replace Jane Morris . . . Who told her that?
Mr. O'Neill, [seen in the image to the left from the source article below] used to work in the City of Mesa OED, going to PMGA just seven months ago.
His appointment brought this published remark by Jane Morris, executive director of the airport authority, "O’Neill’s management experience is a good fit for Gateway."
East Valley Tribune reporter Shelley Ridenour also noted in the same published article that ". . Allegiant Air is currently the lone commercial carrier at the airport, flying nonstop to 38 cities. However, in recent months, company officials have voiced concern about the airport’s management and said they would relocate to Sky Harbor if possible."
Source: Shelley Ridenour/EVT 01 Oct 2015
 ....mebbe some shake-ups on the runways that hit higher-ups?? And it looks like the so-called "concerns" took off in the media airwaves within six months in yesterday's article in the Arizona Republic
Like Bette Davis used to say: Fasten your seat-belts, it could be a bumpy ride!

Officials caught 'totally off guard' by Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport ...
AZ hours ago
Phoenix, Arizona ... Officials caught 'totally off guard' by Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport director resignation . . .  
"Plans to find a new leader for Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport are forming after Executive Director and CEO Jane Morris suddenly announced her resignation last week.
The regional airport's governing board — which includes officials from Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Apache Junction and the Gila River Indian Community — likely will select an interim director at a May 17 meeting, according to chairwoman and Phoenix Councilwoman Thelda Williams.
A Republic review of board-member emails indicated Deputy Director Brian O’Neill is a probable candidate.
A formal search for a permanent director is expected to follow, though officials haven’t determined a timeline or scope for the recruitment effort, Williams said.
Morris, 56, submitted a letter of resignation April 28 after more than three years with the airport, saying she planned to focus on “time with my family and family business matters” after stepping down June 2. An airport spokesman said Morris declined to elaborate beyond her initial statement.
The notice she gave was much shorter than that of her predecessor, . . " 

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