Saturday, May 14, 2016

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is "Pissed-Off' at AZ Secretary of State Michele Reagan

Arizona AG won't halt Tuesday's special election despite foul-up
By Howard Fischer Capitol Media | Updated
PHOENIX — Attorney General Mark Brnovich refused today to try to cancel next week's special elections despite foul-ups by Secretary of State Michele Reagan, saying there's nothing in state law to permit that.
At a hastily called press conference, Brnovich unloaded on Reagan for failing to comply with state laws requiring voters to get ballot pamphlets explaining the two issues before they got their actual early ballots. And he said there needs to be an investigation of why Reagan hid that information from the public for so long.
"This was a complete fiasco,'' Brnovich said.
Source: Howard Fischer Capitol News Service

Attorney Calls For Arizona Secretary Of State's Impeachment After Ballot Pamphlet Mishap
By  Will Stone
Published: Friday, May 13, 2016 - 1:29pm
Updated: Friday, May 13, 2016 - 3:59pm
(Photo by Will Stone - KJZZ)

Attorney Tom Ryan is well known for wading into the political arena. He recently led the effort to oust the chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission over conflict of interest

"An Arizona attorney who tried unsuccessfully to stop next week’s special election is now calling for the impeachment of Secretary of State Michele Reagan.
On Friday, Tom Ryan blasted Reagan for a glitch that prevented hundreds of thousands of voters from receiving their ballot guides far enough in advance of the election. The attorney and activist has asked Attorney General Mark Brnovich to delay the May 17 election because about 200,000 households with voters on the permanent early voting list did not receive their publicity pamphlets the required ten days before voting. 
Brnovich will not intervene this close to the election, saying the statute does not actually provide a "remedy" for this situation. However, Brnovich called the error a "fiasco" and is investigating what happened and why Reagan did not alert the public last month when the issue was first discovered.
Meanwhile, Tom Ryan said the elections director should resign and the legislature should move to impeach Reagan.
“It’s about whether or not the secretary of state has the right to put her thumb on the scale and defeat the citizen’s right to get the message out that opposed or supports a particular bill she’s out campaigning on,” said Ryan. . . "
Source: KJZZ

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