Monday, July 04, 2016

Vendor Payment Data Set Now On City of Mesa Open Data Portal

Vendor Payment Data Now Available 
The newest data set on Mesa's open data portal has been released 3 daysagoand includes information on payments made to vendors that do business with the City of Mesa.
Checkbook register including Paid Date, Payee, Amount, Department, Object, Fund and Commodity Code.
For full page view hit this link >>
<iframe width="400" height="175" src="" frameborder="0" style="border:1px solid #E2E0E0;padding:0;margin:0;"></iframe><p style="padding:3px 0 15px 0;margin:0;font:11px arial, helvetica, sans-serif;color:#999;">Desarrollado por<a href="" title="Junar" style="color:#0862A2;">Junar</a></p>

The data set can be found to the infographic above by going to this link for detailed viewing >>

The vendor payment data set includes payments made by the City to vendors that provide goods and services to the City of Mesa.  
More detailed information is also included in the data set that shares which department the purchase was made for, the type of good or service provided, and which fund the purchase was made from.
The vendor payment data set allows residents to see how the City of Mesa spends funds and which goods and services are provided broken down by vendor.  
The data set increases financial transparency and gives easy access to payment information through Mesa’s open data portal.  

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