Monday, July 04, 2016

Millennials, Politics & Causes:The 2016 Millennial Impact Report

Research from Wave 1 of the 2016 Millennial Impact Report Now Available
New research from Achieve investigates how millennials’ involvement with causes trends during a presidential election year
Today marks the release of the first wave of trends from the 2016 Millennial Impact Report.
Research from previous studies within The Millennial Impact Project ( repeatedly indicates millennials (born 1980-2000) value cause engagement. With the changing landscape in the U.S. brought on by a presidential election year, Achieve, the research agency behind The Millennial Impact Project, wanted to understand how – or if – this generation’s philanthropic interests and involvement changes as well.
The 2016 Millennial Impact Report investigates how millennials’ cause engagement behaviors may change during an election year, and how these changes may be influenced by important demographics such as their political ideologies, geographical location, age, gender and race/ethnicity or by the emerging candidates for election. This study also examines millennials’ interest and activation in specific causes that may be differentiated by their support of a particular political party.
“It is likely that during an election year, causes and organizations that are politically aligned or part of a candidate’s agenda could see an increase in participation from this generation, and vice versa,” said Derrick Feldmann, Achieve president. “As millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. and are now tied for the largest share of the vote, understanding the evolving millennial mindset in the current political landscape is critical to informing leaders and organizations that want to unleash this generation’s ability to create change for many years to come.”
Download the 2016 Millennial Impact Wave 1 Trends Report, as well supporting infographics and profiles, at
The Millennial Impact Project is the most comprehensive and trusted study of the millennial generation (born 1980-2000) and their involvement with causes.
Since beginning the study in 2009, Achieve continues to lead the national research team in partnership with the Case Foundation. With more than 75,000 participants in its studies, The Millennial Impact Project has helped organizations, corporations and individuals around the world understand the best approaches to cultivate interest and involvement with this generation.
Achieve is a research and marketing agency for causes. We leverage our expertise in research, technology, creative and strategy to understand and inspire your audience – whether current or yet to be discovered – to take action.
Learn more about Achieve, our research, events and cloud-based technology solutions, TrustedPartner and RacePartner, at

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