Tuesday, July 26, 2016

AZ Primary 2016 411 > Register + Vote // Early Voting Starts August 3rd

From the City of Mesa Newsroom http://www.mesanow.org/article.php?id=1704
Early voting begins Aug. 3 for Primary Election
Post Date: 07/25/2016 5:18 PM
Link to AZ Secretary of State info >> http://www.azsos.gov/elections/voting-election/election-information      
Early voting for the Aug. 30 Arizona Primary Election will be held from Aug. 3 to Aug. 26. The voter registration deadline for the Primary Election is Monday, Aug. 1.

Voters on the Permanent Early Voting List and voters wishing to receive an early ballot who are not registered with a declared political party must contact Maricopa County Elections at
(602) 506-1511 to request which ballot they want to receive (Republican, Democrat, Green or non-partisan if it is a ballot for Mesa City candidates only). Voters, not registered with a party, who plan on going to the polls to vote can request the ballot they want upon arrival at the polling site.

Voters may use the Mesa City Clerk’s Office Aug. 3 through Aug. 25 to vote in person. Thursday, Aug. 25 is the last day you can drop off your ballot at the City Clerk’s Office. The office is located at Mesa City Plaza, 20 E. Main St., Suite 150. Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please note the City Clerk’s Office will not serve as a ballot drop-off site Monday, Aug. 29 and Tuesday, Aug. 30 (Election Day). On Election Day, you may drop off your ballot at any polling location, including the following locations near Mesa City Plaza, before 7 p.m.:

First United Methodist Church
15 E. 1st First Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85210

First Presbyterian Church
161 N. Mesa Drive
Mesa, AZ 85201

Maricopa County Recorder’s Southeast Mesa Office
222 E. Javelina Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85210

For more information, call the Mesa City Clerk's Office at
(480) 644-4868 or visit www.mesaaz.gov/city-hall/city-clerk.
Public Information and Communications
Contact: Kevin Christopher
480-644-4699 kevin.christopher@mesaaz.gov

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