Saturday, July 09, 2016

Where The Money Goes > Consent Agenda for Monday's City Council Meeting July 11,2016

City Council Meeting Agenda 
Tentative [Printed on June 30, 2016]

All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items. 
If you are interested in speaking on an agenda item, please fill out a blue card in the back of the room and give it to the City Clerk. 
When the Council considers the item, you will be called to the podium to provide your comments.

CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion.

There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. 
If a citizen wants an item removed from the consent agenda, a blue card must be completed and given to the City Clerk prior to the Council’s vote on the consent agenda.
Items on the Consent Agenda

Take action on the following contracts:

16-0760 $135,410 annually 3-year contract

Three-Year Term Contract for Custodial Services for Parks and Sports Field Facilities for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide) 
This contract provides custodial services for numerous City park restrooms.  Work includes furnishing all labor, transportation and equipment to perform the janitorial service as specified.  
The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department, and Purchasing recommend awarding a three-year contract with Clean Scene AZ, LLC, at $135,410 annually, based on estimated requirements.

16-0751 $65,000 annually [1-year renewal]

One-Year Renewal for the Term Contract for Heavy Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide)
The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing a one-year renewal using the Mohave Educational Services cooperative contract with North American Lubricants, at $65,000 annually, based on estimated requirements.

16-0748  $350,000 [5-month renewal]  

Five-Month Contract Renewal for Ammunition for the Police Department (Citywide)
Mesa, as the lead/issuing agency, together with City of Tempe Police Department, Navajo County Sheriff's Office, and Cochise County Sheriff's Office, solicited bids to enter into this contract for the purchase of ammunition.  Specifications and requirements of each agency were included in the bid solicitation.  Renewal is being requested because the solicitation is taking longer than expected because it will be a national cooperative contract led by the City.
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing a five-month renewal with San Diego Police Equipment Co, Inc., Miwall Corporation and Professional Police Supply, dba Adamson Police Products, cumulatively not to exceed $350,000, based on estimated requirements.

16-0777 $100,000 annually, based on estimated requirements. 

One-Year Term Contract for IT Infrastructure Storage Equipment to Support Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras for the Police Department (Citywide) 
The Police IT Division is requesting the purchase of additional storage hardware in support of the CCTV for the Police Holding Facility.  This storage will allow approximately 200 days of archived video retention for jail cameras, and will accommodate both the existing cameras, as well as the anticipated additions as part of the holding facility expansion.  
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract using the National IPA City of Tucson cooperative contract with CDW-G, at $100,000 annually, based on estimated requirements. 

The initial purchase (approximately $32,500) is funded by Asset Forfeiture Funds.

16-0764 The combined total award is $394,578.40

Purchase of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Data Analysis Software and Personal Computers for the Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
This scientific, industry-vetted software solution will meet and support Mesa Fire and Medical's long-term strategic planning decisions.  The product Integrates with Intergraph, Mesa's current CAD solution, and is designed specifically for fire and medical services.
The Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the sole source vendor, Deccan International, at $323,318.69; using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Dell Computers, at $5,496.64; and project contingency, at $65,763.07.  The combined total award is $394,578.40. 

This purchase is funded by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services - CMS Grant.
16-0747  $77,947 in the first year, and $8,509 in the second

Two-Year Term Contract for a Hosted Triage Software Solution for the Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
Telehealth triage is a new and an effective process for directing patients to the appropriate level of health care.  Under its Centers for Medicare Innovation Award, the Community Care program utilizes a registered nurse in the 911 Dispatch Center as part of the Telehealth service within the 911 system.  The nurse is charged with triaging low level calls, and providing either advice, or dispatching the appropriate fire and/or medical service, to the caller’s home.  This purchase will provide a vendor-hosted software solution that will support the Telehealth Triage program.
The evaluation committee recommends awarding a two-year contract to the highest-scored proposal from LVM Systems, Inc., at $77,947 in the first year, and $8,509 in the second year, based on estimated requirements.

16-0749  $350,000 first year total;years 2 through 5, at $36,000 annually, for on-going maintenance and support.

Purchase of a Replacement Vendor-Hosted Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) System for the Information Technology Department (Citywide)
The Information Technology Department (ITD) is seeking a replacement for their existing obsolete ITSM system that will include Help Desk ticketing, a streamlined user portal for add/change request fulfillment, incident management, asset management, change management, configuration management and service level tracking.  This user portal can provide "one stop shopping" for users across the City to request IT services.  This system will be a robust, resilient, and scalable vendor-hosted solution that uses current technology and leverages industry best practices.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with SHI International, at $306,705.70, plus a project contingency, at $43,294.30, for the first-year total of $350,000; and years 2 through 5, at $36,000 annually, for on-going maintenance and support

16-0753 $570,432.58. combined total award

Purchase of Hardware and Software for the City’s Annual Server/Storage Lifecycle Replacement Program (Citywide)
This purchase leverages the latest technology to keep pace as more of the City's applications move into cloud environments and it takes into account the plans to move into a new datacenter by consolidating server and storage resources.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the U.S. Communities cooperative contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc., at $519,432.58, plus a 10% project contingency, at $51,000, for the combined total award of $570,432.58. 

This purchase is in FY 2017’s replacement program with funding available in Information Technology’s Lifecycle Roadmap.
16-0752 $100,834.91 combined total award

Purchase of Server/Storage Hardware for the City’s IT Security Auditing System for the Information Technology Department (Citywide)
This purchase will provide the supporting server/storage hardware to enhance the cyber-security protection for the City’s computer network. 

A separate agreement is being finalized to update the City’s licensing of the software used. 
The City has been using this system to collect, monitor and audit security event data to detect unauthorized access and changes.  It provides daily reports and dashboards that are useful to the IT Security Team; the data they need to perform audits, respond to incidents and handle security investigation requests.

ITD will expand the use of the system throughout the enterprise to help build the framework for a security intelligence platform capable of identifying known and unknown threats in real-time, while greatly reducing overall security exposure and response times.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using cooperative contracts with vendors:  CDWG, at $27,107.75; and EMC Corporation, at $73,727.16; for a combined total award of $100,834.91.

16-0754 $643,318.75.combined total award

Purchase of Equipment and Hosting Fees for the City's Data Center Relocation Project for the Information Technology Department (Citywide)
This purchase will provide a local, commercial data center (AT&T) that is within the City limits and will use Mesa's fiber optic infrastructure.  Over a one-year period, AT&T will become the City's primary data center, moving from the Information Technology (IT) building that is currently located at 59 East First Street, and in need of significant upgrades. Additional benefits include:  redundant power; heating and cooling; removal of single points of failure; 24/7 monitoring and dedicated security staff; ability to reuse the City's IT building for other purposes; reduced power usage (greener computing); flexibility to expand or contract with demand; and easier access to a wide variety of internet service providers.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing purchases using sole source and cooperative contracts, and competitive quoted and lowest bid pricing; with AT&T, at $321,815.45; Sentinel Technologies, at $176,876.56; U.S. Critical, at $15,870.62; Zayo Group, at $70,272.60; and project contingency, at $58,483.52.  The combined total award is $643,318.75.

16-0750  cumulatively not to exceed $200,000 annually,

One-Year Renewal of the Term Contract for Heavy Equipment Rental for the Transportation Department (Citywide)
This contract provides multiple vendors for the rental of a variety of heavy equipment available with and without an operator on an as-needed basis.  This equipment will be used for storm drain system maintenance, right-of-way maintenance and road hazard responses.
The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing a one-year renewal using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with multiple vendors:  RDO Construction Equipment Company; Hertz Equipment Rental Corp.; Empire Southwest, LLC (a Mesa business); Earhart Equipment Corp.; Qualex Construction Inc.; Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.; and Neff Rental, LLC; cumulatively not to exceed $200,000 annually, based on estimated requirements.

16-0735 $6,816,864 total authorized amount 

Arterial Street Reconstructions / Traffic Signal Projects - University Drive (Sossaman to 88th Street), Signal Butte Road (Southern Avenue to Weir Avenue), Southern Avenue (58th Place to Power Road) (Districts 5 and 6)
This project will replace the deteriorated asphalt pavement with new asphalt pavement that includes a polymer modified asphalt surface course improvements, expansion to the existing curbs and sidewalks, street lighting, ITS infrastructure and waterline infrastructure.  The intersection of University Drive and Sossaman Road will be widened to increase roadway capacity. Repairs will be made to existing sewer manholes that are in need of rehabilitation, and installation of a traffic signal at Signal Butte and Emelita Avenue/Grove Street.
Staff recommends awarding the project contract to the lowest, responsible bidder, Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc., in the amount of $6,197,149, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $619,715 (10%), for a total authorized amount of $6,816,864. 

Funding is made available through the FY13/14 Street Bond Program, Local Streets Sales Tax, FY 14/15 Water Bond Program and Wastewater Reserve, and the Extension and Replacement Fund Program.

16-0758 $36,058, authorized amount  

Signal Butte Water Treatment Plant Construction Manager at Risk Construction Services Contract (GMP 1) (District 6)
The demand for potable water has been increasing due to new development in southeast Mesa. 

Current water demand projections require increasing the City’s treatment capacity by 24 million gallons per day.  In 2014, the Mesa voters approved a Water Bond Program that included construction of the Signal Butte Water Treatment Plant.  The preconstruction services construction manager at risk contract was awarded to Sundt Construction for this project in March, 2016.
Staff recommends awarding the Construction Manager at Risk Construction Services Contract for the first phase of construction to Sundt Construction in the amount of $35,008,509 (GMP No. 1) and authorize a change order allowance for this phase of the project in the amount of $1,050,255 (3%) for a total authorized amount of $36,058,764.  This project is funded by the 2014 authorized Water Bonds.

16-0757 $3,016,562.96 total authorized amount 

Brown Road Water Treatment Plant (BRWTP) Improvements Project (District 5)
This project includes the installation of hydraulic pressure surge mitigation devices and equipment at the BRWTP for the protection of the existing Desert Sage and Desert Wells water distribution piping and equipment from damage.  The project includes the installation of a 20,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank on the discharge of the Desert Sage High Pressure Pump Station, located at the BRWTP.  The hydropneumatic tank will provide an air cushion to dissipate high pressure surges in the Desert Sage pressure zone.
Staff recommends awarding the project contract to the lowest, responsible bidder, AJ Roberts Industrial, Inc., in the amount of $2,742,329.96, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $274,233 (10%), for a total authorized amount of $3,016,562.96. 

This project is funded by the 2010 authorized Water Bonds.

16-0737 $1,124,794 total authorized amount

Quarter Section Residential Street Overlays - Asphalt Only (in the vicinity of Lindsay and Baseline Roads) (District 3)
The existing pavement in this residential area has fallen below the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) limits of normal maintenance and repair. The concrete ramps, driveways, and sidewalks have been retrofitted, or replaced, to meet current American Disability Act (ADA) standards.
Staff recommends awarding the project contract to the lowest, responsible bidder, Nesbitt Contracting Co. Inc., in the amount of $1,022,540, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $102,254 (10%), for a total authorized amount of $1,124,794. 

Funding is available from the Local Street Sales Tax.

16-0730 $2,005,432 total authorized amount

Arterial Reconstruction Project P3 - University Drive (22nd Place to Val Vista Drive) (District 2)
The asphalt pavement on University Drive from 22nd Place to Val Vista Drive is nearing the end of its life cycle and is in need of replacement.  This project will replace the deteriorated asphalt pavement with new surface and base courses of polymer modified asphalt pavement over the existing aggregate base course. 
Staff recommends awarding the project contract to the lowest, responsible bidder, Combs Construction Co., Inc.., in the amount of $1,823,120, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $182,312 (10%), for a total authorized amount of $2,005,432.  Funding is available in 2013 authorized Street Bonds.

16-0761   $1,690,116  total amount of the proposed improvements

Gilbert Road Light Rail Extension (GRE) - City-Funded Wastewater Improvements (District 4)
An approved Design and Construction Agreement includes a process for the City to add City-funded improvements to the project.  These improvements are referred to as Concurrent Non-Project Activities (CNPA).  This CNPA request is for wastewater improvements that fall into two specific activities: cured-in-place resin lining and new wastewater main pipeline.  The cured-in-place resin lining will be installed on approximately 5,400 feet of existing wastewater main pipes that are aging.  Approximately 3,300 feet of new wastewater pipe and the accompanying services are proposed to be replaced on Main Street between Horne and Stapley Drive.  
Staff recommends the approval of funding the wastewater improvements located throughout the GRE project.  The total amount of the proposed improvements is $1,690,116. 

This project is funded by 2014 authorized Wastewater Bonds.

16-0759 $3,824,737 total authorized amount

Mesa Fire and Medical Regional Dispatch and Emergency Operations Center (GMP No. 2) (District 3)
The Mesa Fire and Medical Regional Dispatch Center and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at 708 West Baseline Road is a 14.5 acre site with existing facilities. Proposed improvements consist of renovating approximately 9,800 square feet of floor space.  GMP No. 1 was approved on June 20, 2016, to allow phase one construction to begin.  GMP No. 2 is required to complete construction of the new dispatch area, EOC, training rooms, computer room, and tenant improvements.
Staff recommends awarding the project contract to CORE Construction, in the amount of $3,659,737 (Guaranteed Maximum Price No. 2), and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $165,000, for a total authorized amount of $3,824,737. 

Funding is available from the 2008 and 2013 authorized Public Safety

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