Saturday, July 23, 2016

Mesa Housing & Community Development + Grant Awards Update

The City of Mesa Newsroom put out this press release on Thu 21 July 2016 at 9:34:52 AM
More than $4.8 million awarded to programs to help those in need
MESA, AZ. Subject to final approval from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), agencies that help Mesa residents in need will collectively receive more than $4.8 million from federal government grants, along with the City of Mesa and private donations during the 2016/2017 fiscal year. The funds will be used for a variety of programs that assist the working poor and low income residents, individuals with disabilities, domestic violence victims, youth and the homeless.
More than 25 nonprofit organizations that partner with the City will receive funding from

HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG),
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs
as well as Human Services funding from the City of Mesa and donations made to the ABC: A Better Community Program.
The funding was awarded after public hearings, City Council meetings and a 30-day public comment period earlier this year. HUD awarded funding after the City submitted its Annual Action Plan.
The allocations include: [exact amounts furnished in blog post below]
  • More than $400,000 for programs to help victims of domestic violence including children in crisis.
  • More than $195,000 for programs to help homeless individuals and families seek housing, employment and other assistance.
  • More than $722,000 to help qualifying individuals with home acquisition and assistance, security/utility deposits, housing counseling and home rehabilitations.
  • More than $400,000 for transforming neighborhoods including the new Love Your Neighborhood which is dedicated to bringing resources, education and community projects to neighborhoods to help them be clean, safe, diverse and economically vibrant places to live.
  • More than $740,000 for Artspace, an affordable live/work facility for artists to be built at 155 S. Hibbert in downtown Mesa as well as improvements to Hibbert Street.
For a complete list of funding awards, visit and click on the "FY 2016-2017 Funding Awards" button.

Housing and Community Development
Contact: Kevin Christopher
Tel. 480-644-4699

For readers who are interested and not familiar with this city department here are some useful and convenient links

- Liz Morales, Mesa Housing and Community Development Director
Housing, Community Development, & Human Services
The Housing and Community Development Division oversees a variety of programs designed to assist  Mesa's low and/or moderate income individuals and families. To accomplish this task, the Division has assumed a number of vital roles within the community.
Exceptional customer service to Mesa residents, neighborhoods and agencies by providing resources to improve the quality of life for the community.

Useful Links





Information for Individuals & Families

Rental Assistance Programs / Housing Authority
Homeownership Programs
Homeowner Emergency Repair Assistance

Grant Information for Sub-Recipients, Developers & Contractors

The City has been designated as an entitlement community by HUD and this Division also oversees the following Community Development programs:
A New Leaf Emergency Shelter $126,420
A New Leaf Supportive Services $42,500
Ability 360 Mesa Home Accessibility $74,249
Artspace Projects Hibbert St. Improvement $242,843
COM Community Services Transforming Neighborhoods $417,776
COM Facilities: East Valley Adult Resources (EVAR)
Facility Rehabilitation (Westside location) $750,000
COM Housing & Community Development Homeowner Rehabilitation $325,000
COM Housing & Community Development Rehab-Transforming Neighborhoods $325,000
COM Public Library Main Library Rehab $100,000
Community Bridges Center for Hope Housing Support Services $43,214
Community Bridges Navigation Services $90,924
Community Bridges Outreach and Stabilization Svcs $65,000
NEDCO Business Development $81,500
Newtown CDC Housing Counseling $25,000
Oakwood Creative Care Adult Day Health Svcs $30,000
Save the Family Homeless Families Case Coordination $30,000
WMCDC Economic Development $90,000
Agency Project Name Amount A New Leaf Emergency Shelter  $113,579

A New Leaf Rapid Re-Housing $38,600
CASS Regional Shelter $37,219
Child Crisis AZ Children’s Emergency Shelter $10,000.
Chrysalis Shelter Services $12,000
Save the Family Rapid Re-Housing $55,000

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