Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Published on Nov 30, 2016
Views: 2,672

No Sign of Euphoria > Federal Reserve Beige Book Report November 2016

Fed Says U.S. Economy Continued to Expand Across Most Regions
The U.S. economy continued to expand from early October through mid-November with little inflation as retail sales, real estate markets and business service firms saw rising activity, a Federal Reserve survey showed.
The central bank’s Beige Book economic report, which was based on information collected on or before Nov. 18 by regional Fed banks, said “outlooks were mainly positive” with half of the 12 districts “expecting moderate growth.”
“A tightening in labor market conditions was reported by seven districts, with modest employment growth on balance,” according to the Beige Book, released Wednesday in Washington. “Districts noted slight upward pressure on overall prices.”

Here's what's on YouTube 1 view

Published on Nov 30, 2016
Fed’s Beige Book reveals no sign of postelection euphoria

There was no sign of any postelection euphoria in the Federal Reserve’s latest survey of current economic conditions released Wednesday.

The Fed survey, known as the beige book, is a collection of anecdotes from business contacts in the Fed’s 12 regional districts. This report was based on comments collected by Nov. 18.

Markets DJIA, +0.01% have jumped and consumer confidence has surged in the wake of the election, but the beige book contains little evidence of any actual impact on the economy.

Read: Consumer confidence jumps to highest level since 2007

Retail sales remained mixed, the report said. Sales were higher for apparel and furniture, but car sales were down in “most” of the Fed’s districts, while used cars were becoming a more popular option.

Election “jitters” were blamed for housing-market uncertainty in the Cleveland district, a decline in auto sales in the Richmond and St. Louis, and for slower growth in health-care services in San Francisco.

One bit of good news in the report was scattered signs of rising wages.

In a majority of the Fed’s districts, staffing services reported “rising wages or difficulty filling positions without wage increases,” the survey said.

Workers and economists have been hoping to see higher wages ever since the labor market started to improve.
The job market is getting so competitive in the Chicago region that “it is getting more and more difficult to fill positions at any skill level,” the report said, citing local business contacts. Construction work was delayed because of difficulties in finding workers, it said.
There were several references to the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election scattered throughout the regional summary. The Richmond and St. Louis district contacts said softer vehicle sales “might be attributed to uncertainty surrounding the presidential election.” Cleveland contacts reported that election “jitters” contributed to a decline in job openings and placements.

Back to Bloomberg U.S. central bankers next meet Dec. 13-14.
Futures traders have priced in a 100 percent probability of at least a quarter-point hike as the economy gets closer to the central bank’s mandate of full employment and stable prices.
The Beige Book is a collection of anecdotes and information about economic conditions gathered by the regional Fed banks in their districts. This Beige Book was written by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
“As in the past four Beige Books, wage growth was characterized as generally modest,” the summary said. The strong dollar was cited as a “a headwind to more robust demand” for manufactured goods in a few districts.
The Chicago Fed saw “numerous reports of businesses” seeking to refinance loans ahead of future rate increases. The Cleveland said “overall capital spending” continued to decline with two firms “postponing investment decisions” until more is known about the tax policies of the next president. The Atlanta Fed reported labor shortages in nursing and construction.
The Fed’s preferred price measure, the personal consumption expenditures price index, rose 1.7 percent for the year ending October, minus food and energy. The Fed has a 2 percent target for the full index, which increased 1.4 percent. The unemployment rate in October stood at 4.9 percent.

Related content: Business Insider Nov 30, 2016

$10.65 Million 3-Year Contract Awarded for Police "Radios" at Nov 21 City Council Metting

City Council Report
Date: November 21, 2016 
To: City Council
Through: From: :   Mike Kennington, Chief Financial Officer Edward Quedens, MPA, C.P.M., CPPO, Business Services Director Matt Bauer, MBA, CPPO, CPPB, CPSM, Procurement Administrator

Subject:Three-Year Term Contract for Replacement Portable and Mobile Two-Way Radios for the Police Department (Citywide)
Purpose and Recommendation Council is requested to approve the Term Contract for Replacement Portable and Mobile Two-Way Radios as recommended.
A committee representing the Police and Communications Departments and Purchasing evaluated responses.
The evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposal from Motorola Solutions, Inc. at $3,550,000.00 annually, based on estimated requirements.
The Police Department will lease-to-purchase an initial quantity of 1,793 radios and will make additional equipment purchases as needed.  

Background / Discussion
These portable and mobile two-way radios and related accessories and equipment will replace the current radios being used by Mesa Police. The radios currently in use are up to 14 years old and have reached the end of their useful life. They are no longer guaranteed support from the manufacturer and users have been experiencing increasing radio failures. The new radios will allow for GPS tracking and Wi-Fi reprogramming. 
Staff from the Police and Communications Departments evaluated the proposals based on the evaluation criteria as stated in the solicitation.
The highest scored proposal, Motorola Solutions, Inc., is being recommended for award. The evaluation committee unanimously agreed on the recommendation.

Council may choose not to authorize the purchase and new responses will be solicited. Motorola has offered a savings of $400,000.00 and an interest rate of zero percent for the life of the lease-to-purchase. 
If approval of this purchase is postponed, this savings will be forfeited.

Fiscal Impact
The Police Department will lease-to-purchase an initial quantity of 1,793 radios and related equipment. 

The cost of this purchase will be $8,492,324 and will be paid over three years. 

These payments will be funded by General Fund Capital.  

Additionally, throughout each contract year, the Police Department requests additional capacity to purchase equipment as needed for new hires and expanded programs requiring the need for radio communication. 
The additional capacity requested is $713,130.00 annually. 

As these purchases are needed, funding sources will be identified.  
Coordinated With Police Department, Communications Department, and Purchasing

Action:  Initial Award Procurement
Type:  Request for Proposals Solicitation Number: 2016167 Vendors Registered:  ProcureAZ (354) and Vendor Self Service (20) Advertising:  Arizona Republic, Bid Net, ProcureAZ and Purchasing Website Downloads: 
85 Responses:  2 Local Consideration: 
Not applicable as there were no Mesa responses.
Protests Received:  None
Initial Contract Term:  Three years
Possible Renewals:  Two, one-year renewals subject to future Council consideration

Prices:  Future price increases are capped by the Consumer Price Index Pricing Available to Other Cooperative Agencies:  No
June 16, 2016 Proposals Received  Motorola Solutions, Inc. – Schaumburg, IL RELM Wireless Corporation – West Melbourne, FL
Proposal Scoring Results Evaluation Criteria / Points Possible Motorola (Recommended) Ability to Meet Minimum Technical Specifications / 1000 RELM 730 Qualifications & Experience / 500 234 500 Pricing / 1000 100 1000 Total / 2500 860 2230 1194

AWARD RECOMMENDATION Motorola Solutions, Inc.  Schaumburg, IL 
Description Portable and Mobile Two-Way Radios per Agreement No. 2016167;
Exhibits – Scope of Work, Technical Specifications, Pricing and Mesa Standard Terms and Conditions; Other Exhibits; Solicitation including any addenda; and Contractor Response   Annual Lease-to Purchase Contract Amount:  $2,830,774.67
Annual Capacity for Equipment Purchases $719,225.33

Financial Transparency In The City of Mesa > Check It Out


What is the goal of Financial Transparency?
  • Build public trust in government
  • Allow for a better understanding of how local government works
  • Encourage citizen engagement

What do we mean by Financial Transparency?
Blogger's Note:
[ "Financial transparency" means that you are not actively hiding anything.]

Public access to a municipality’s financial information-May include budget information, summary of actual expenses and revenues, detail of actual expenses and revenues, forecast of future costs and resources-May include access to data, data visualizations and/or descriptive text -Relevant, timely and reliable information pertaining to the financial health of the municipality

Some of the ways the City of Mesa is meeting the goals of Financial Transparency
  • Annual financial forecast presented/discussed with City Council at televised meeting
  • Budget preparation process,
  • City Manager proposed budget, department presentations, utility rate discussions all televised with documents accessible on City’s website
  • Quarterly financial status report of both unrestricted operating funds posted to City’s website
  • City Council adopted financial policies and other budget related information posted to the website
  • Open data portal containing transactional financial information

Open Data

Addition of Full Financial Data
The current financial information available includes vendor information and local sales tax activity
-Effort is underway to add the datasets for full expenses and revenues
-The movement of the City from the old mainframe environment to the CGI Advantage software allowed the City to move in this open data direction for financials

The Daily Show - Adapting to Donald Trump's Lies / The Mind of A Toddler?

Published on Nov 30, 2016
Views: 34,679
Even after Donald Trump's mendacious 2016 presidential campaign, the media is still grappling with how to report on the now-president-elect's blatant falsehoods.

Books About Where + How We Live

Where - and how - we live determines much about what we know.
These are books about making cities, but also books about how cities have made us, whether it’s our own hometown or somewhere on the other side of the planet. These are books that examine how cities change, and sometimes end up alienating the people who built them. There are plenty of brand-new books on this list because they reflect what people are thinking about today, which, in light of current events, may be very different from what they were thinking about just two weeks ago.

For the entire list of 101 try this link >> Curbed's Best City Books 
Recommended reading from urban experts and Curbed contributors

Urban Classics
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces by William H. Whyte
"Even after 36 years and the proliferation of pop-up urbanisms, no book brings the nooks and crannies and plazas and sidewalks around you into sharper focus. Short, well-illustrated and written with a slightly raffish tone, it’s a smart, enduring delight." —John King, architecture critic,
San Francisco Chronicle 

The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs
"Ask almost any urban planner, and he or she will cite Death and Life as a major influence. Jane Jacobs herself called it an 'attack' on established ideas of city planning at the time; she advocates smartly for dense, diverse cities." Sara Polsky, features editor, Curbed

Civilizing American Cities: Writings On City Landscapes by Frederick Law Olmsted
City-dwellers take natural refuges like Central Park as a given, but pioneering landscape architect Frederick Law Olmstead willed these great public spaces into existence, convinced of the value of nature during a time of rapid industrialization. The book collects his plans for masterpieces such as Chicago's Jackson Park with his eloquent writing on landscapes across the U.S. We rightfully marvel at new parks and landscape designs, but Olmstead truly planted the seed for a greener urban America.

Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life by Richard Florida
A deft read that turned the term "creative class" into a development buzzword, this sociological study of our cities, and an engaging look at why we choose where we live, unravels how global economic forces have impacted our urban centers. Seeking happiness has profound effects.

Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream by Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck
This seminal 2000 book offered a persuasive argument for why sprawl killed the U.S.—and ideas for what Americans could do to fix it. Sixteen years later, it remains to be seen if the country heeded this advice.

Why We Build
Cahokia: Ancient America's Great City on the Mississippi by Timothy Pauketat
Over 1,000 years ago, the largest human settlement north of Mexico was this thriving community of "mound builders" near present-day St. Louis. Widely considered to be the first North American city—with a population as large as London at the time—Cahokia eventually vanished but left behind an ambitious and utterly urban footprint.

Radical Cities: Across Latin America in Search of New Architecture by Justin McGuirk
"This is an engagingly-written, continent-wide introduction to the ways in which a couple of generations of Latin American architects and urban planners have contended with issues such as social housing, transportation and even the border. It offers a lot of lessons to us here in Los Angeles about flexibility, ingenuity, and social equity—of poor neighborhoods that offer as much (or even more) dynamism than our tony emerald lawn zones." Carolina A. Miranda, staff writer,
Los Angeles Times 

Cities We Love
Subway by Bruce Davidson
The grafitti may be erased, the block may be gentrified, and boomboxes are few and far between, but at least this stunning photobook allows for a temporary time warp back to the hip-hop era. Published in 1986, Bruce Davidson's photographic ode to the origins of a global movement capture a time when it was a simple homegrown culture shaped by the city.

Slow Days, Fast Company: The World, The Flesh, and L.A. by Eve Babitz
"Hollywood native Eve Babitz published her first two books of memoirish fiction in the 1970s, but her work has been essentially lost to the cultural memory for decades. It's being found again (via reissues by New York Review Books), just in time, when Angelenos are tired of the dour Joan Didion view of our city. Babitz knows all of LA's faults, but she'd rather spend her energy ecstatic with its easy pace, surreal juxtapositions, and natural and unnatural beauty. It has to be mentioned that Babitz's godfather was Igor Stravinsky; that she is the girl playing chess nude with Marcel Duchamp in the famous photo; and that's she's slept with Jim Morrison, Steve Martin, Ed Ruscha, and Harrison Ford, but all that's just bait—it's the prose, like diamond-encrusted barbed wire, that hooks you." Adrian Glick Kudler, west coast features editor, Curbed

Up in the Old Hotel by Joseph Mitchell
Joseph Mitchell is best known for his New Yorker profiles of the sorts of New York City residents who are rarely profiled, and this volume collects much of his work. Mitchell’s pieces often covered
disappearing corners of New York, and his writing inspired preservationists to fight for the protection of the city’s history.

A History of New York in 101 Objects by Sam Roberts
"Building off a New York Times feature that solicited reader input on the tchotchkes that best represent New York, Roberts’s 2014 book is a compact, yet thorough, history of the greatest city in the world. The objects featured are wonderfully diverse—oysters, subway tokens, the Domino Sugar Refinery sign, and the bagel all make appearances—and the stories are compulsively readable. It’s proof that you don’t need to read a dense, 1,000-page book to get a sense of what makes a city a city. I love you, Robert Caro, but…" Amy Plitt, editor,
Curbed NY

Changing Places
he Future of the Suburban City: Lessons from Sustaining Phoenix by Grady Gammage Jr.
"I used suburban city in the title because it’s a pejorative term. I’m OK with that, since I want readers to understand they shouldn’t think of it as a pejorative term. It’s just a different type of city." —Interview with the author on

The Human City: Urbanism for the Rest of Us by Joel Kotkin
This compelling pro-suburban argument from a longtime advocate for low-density communities is made even more relevant as city-dwellers are getting priced out of urban metropolises and building their own "
urban burbs."

Planning the Future
Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time by Jeff Speck
In the midst of a technological transportation revolution, it's important to remember that one of the most consequential shifts in the last decade has involved walking. By explaining why walkable cities matter and how to make them possible, Speck, an experienced urban planner, shows that walkability is key to today's revitalized downtowns, and should be an important consideration in future urban planning and development.

Cities That Think like Planets: Complexity, Resilience, and Innovation in Hybrid Ecosystems by Marina Alberti
Alberti offers a fresh take on how cities can safeguard themselves against the effects of climate change by offering an ecological approach to urban planning, encouraging urban metropolises to become self-sufficient, hyper-resilient megaregions.

 Aerotropolis: The Way We'll Live Next by John D. Kasarda and Greg Lindsay
This 2011 book predicts a future where cities (and their residents) start to organize around exurban airports to better participate in the global marketplace.

Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water by Marc Reisner
Written long before the current drought gripping the West, this is a frighteningly prescient look at how the scarcity of water will dictate the social, political, and economic destiny for some of the most populous cities in the country.

Understanding People
Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism by Stephen Graham
"An enlightening overview of the security state's impact on contemporary cities, from overt authoritarian control in war-torn areas to more subtle forms of behavioral influence in places supposedly at peace. Graham shows how military/police/security forces perceive urban places and urban dwellers as subjects to control, and how their inherently undemocratic tactics threaten freedom all over the world." —Nate Berg,
journalist and Curbed contributor 

Dark Age Ahead by Jane Jacobs
"For any urbanist living through the Age of Trump, Jane Jacobs is a must-read. But not The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Her last book, Dark Age Ahead, where she anticipated our post-fact society and the pillorying of government investment, which she called the "dumbing down" of taxes. She argued that our cities and society writ large were heading toward dangerous crisis, presaging the rise of Trump and Trumpism by a decade." —Richard Florida, author of the forthcoming book
The New Urban Crisis 

Your local newspaper
Okay, it's not a book. But local newspapers employ the writers who will author the next great book we add to this list. Take a moment to
purchase a subscription to a paper near you—or, perhaps, nowhere near you—and get to know a place from the inside out, in real time.

TAKE ACTION > Re: City of Mesa Seeks Pollution Discharge Permit AZ-0025151

PUBLIC NOTICE Proposed AZPDES Permit Modification for the City of Mesa

Blogger's Note: The permit authorizes the discharge of up to 8 million gallons per day (mgd) of treated domestic wastewater from the SEWRP to the East Maricopa Floodway, tributary to the Gila River in the Middle Gila River Basin in Township 1 S, Range 6 E, Section 12, in Maricopa County, Ariz. The modification request is to reduce the sampling frequency for chromium (total), chromium VI, copper, cyanide, iron, hydrogen sulfide, selenium and sulfides from monthly to quarterly
Public Notice No. 16-99
Published in: Arizona Business Gazette  on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016
Notice: Pursuant to the Clean Water Act and in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) R18-9-A907, the Director of ADEQ proposes to issue an Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) Permit to discharge pollutants to U.S. waters to the following applicant, subject to certain effluent limitations and special conditions:
Facility Name: City of Mesa
AZPDES Permit No. AZ0025151
Facility Location
City of Mesa
P. O. Box 1466
Mesa, AZ 85211-1466
The city of Mesa operates the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant (SEWRP) for the treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. On Sept. 12, 2016, ADEQ received a request from the permittee to modify the AZPDES permit, which became effective on March 18, 2015. The permit authorizes the discharge of up to 8 million gallons per day (mgd) of treated domestic wastewater from the SEWRP to the East Maricopa Floodway, tributary to the Gila River in the Middle Gila River Basin in Township 1 S, Range 6 E, Section 12, in Maricopa County, Ariz. The modification request is to reduce the sampling frequency for chromium (total), chromium VI, copper, cyanide, iron, hydrogen sulfide, selenium and sulfides from monthly to quarterly. Additional data was provided for the parameters for review. An assessment of the data indicates no reasonable potential for an exceedance of the standard exists for chromium (total), chromium VI, iron, selenium, hydrogen sulfide and sulfides. Therefore, those parameters only require effluent characterization sampling quarterly. However, since the data indicates a reasonable potential for an exceedance of the standard exists, limits remain in the permit for copper and cyanide and sampling is required monthly.                       

Review Documents

Original Published Public Notice | View/Print >
Draft Permit | View >
Statement of Basis | View >

Public Comment Period 

Dates: Oct. 21, 2016 – Nov. 20, 2016
All written comments received by ADEQ by the close of business 30 days after publication of this notice will be considered in the final permit decision. A public hearing request must be in writing and must include the reasons for such request. If there is a significant degree of public interest, the Director will hold a hearing in accordance with AAC R18-9-A908(B).
Comments may be submitted as follows:
     By Email | 
Send Email > 
     By Mail (Must be postmarked by Dec. 3, 2016):
       Jacqueline May
       Water Quality Division
       1110 W. Washington Street
       Phoenix, AZ  85007 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Expect NASTY Weather through December - THORnews Low Fi Weird Weather Watch

Published on Nov 28, 2016
Views:432 ------- Fundraiser Link
We've got a lot of wild weather on the way from now through December, so says Henry Margusity, Accuweather's lead Meteorologist.
And, right now, we've got a giant strip of clouds crossing earth, a massive storm in the middle/northeast of the usa and more storms set to hit Alaska, Canada, Washington, Oregon, California and then roll through America.
Plus, Mean Sea Level Pressure is still really nasty. So start alert and aware of your weather. God bless everyone, T
@newTHOR on twitter
accuweather article

Inches of rain to douse eastern US this week Much of the eastern third of the nation will be drenched by two rounds of rain this week. A storm anchored over the Upper Midwest will pump warm air and moisture northward from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean through Thursday. "The rounds of rain will be significant and result in a thorough soaking from much of the Appalachians to part of the Atlantic coast," according to AccuWeather Lead Long-Range Meteorologist Paul Pastelok. In addition to the risk of locally severe thunderstorms in the South, some highways may be extra slick, due to the lack of enough rain in recent months to wash away oil from road surfaces. Motorists should reduce their speed on the highways and at intersections and allow extra distance between vehicles. The first batch of rain will expand quickly from the central and southern Appalachians to the mid-Atlantic and New England coasts during Tuesday. Rainfall of 0.50 to 1 inch is likely in most places with local amounts to 2 inches in the Northeast. Motorists should be on the lookout for poor drainage flooding. Airline delays are possible due to a low cloud ceiling and gusty winds for a time from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia, New York City and Boston. Rainfall that is more spotty in nature will reach the southern Atlantic coast on Tuesday as well. A second batch of rain will spring around the Gulf Coast during Tuesday evening. A general 1-2 inches of rain is likely from the central Gulf Coast to southern New England. This new batch will spread rapidly northeastward across the interior South and eastern parts of the Ohio Valley and the Appalachians during late Tuesday night and Wednesday and then to the coastal Northeast by Wednesday evening. In addition to additional benefits to drought areas, the second batch of rain could also lead to another round of travel delays along the Interstate 81, I-85, I-77 and I-95 corridors, including the major airports from Atlanta to Boston. The second batch of rain will end quickly along most of the Atlantic coast on Thursday morning. Showers and thunderstorms may linger over Florida. While warmth surges across much of the eastern third of the nation with rain this week, areas from central and northern Maine to northern New Hampshire and Vermont will be cold enough for snow and/or a wintry mix from both systems. In parts of northern Maine, more than a foot of new snow may be on the ground by Thursday evening. Looking ahead, there is the chance that another major storm may affect the eastern part of the nation with rain, thunderstorms and northern tier snow this weekend into early next week. "The track and strength of the storm between Dec. 4 and Dec. 6 is uncertain this far out," Pastelok said. Even if the storm fails to evolve this weekend, the overall weather pattern will remain favorable for significant storms to swing across a large part of the nation through much of December, according to Pastelok.

BIG Question: How Can The New Urban DTMesa Re/Generate and//or "Build" ?

QUESTION: Do we really need another "Guidebook"??

Join Smart Growth America for the launch of (Re)Building Downtown

(Re)Building Downtown: A Guidebook for Revitalization is a new guide coming out from Smart Growth America on December 14, 2015, and it’s a resource designed to be used by any community, no matter their size, to bring people and businesses back to downtown.
As part of the release, they will be holding a kickoff webinar all about the new guide.

Go to these underlined links to engage in an online event on December 14, 2015 at 1:00 PM EST to discuss the strategies outlined in this new guide, hear about cities that are in the midst of revitalization, and to ask questions about your own revitalization work:
Smart Growth Re/Building Downtown
According to an article sent:
 Reinvesting in downtown can expand economic opportunity within your community, create a culture of engagement, and make your city stand out within your larger region.
It is also an opportunity to help make your community more equitable, stronger economically, and more sustainable environmentally.
Our forthcoming guide is designed to be used by any community, no matter where you are in the revitalization process, to create a vibrant, walkable downtown neighborhood.
The guide will lay out in straightforward language seven main steps to take, with specific tasks and ideas to consider along the way.
If you’re already on our mailing list, you’ll get a copy of the new report delivered straight to your inbox when it comes out.
Want to be the first to see it? Webinar registrants will get an early copy.
Register to join us for launch on December 14.

Hey! What's Next After Black Black Friday & Cyber Monday? LISC celebrates #GivingTuesday

Published on Nov 28, 2016
Views: 22
On Giving Tuesday join LISC’s work to build stronger communities for all. Your contributions support work with organizations and individuals across the country to preserve affordable housing; increase access to good paying jobs; support small business; and create safer, healthier communities.


Earth & Sun Magnetic Field Interactions. Keep an eye on the west coast
Published on Nov 28, 2016
Length: 8:18
Double Quakes Offshore of the US West Coast.
All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Over 70,000 Views . . What's Next? You Are Invited To The Table of Contents: MesaZona

Thank You, dear readers, for taking the time to visit.   Your MesaZona blogger is more than thrilled and more than excited to have published visually-stimulating posts, a wide spectrum of ideas, and opinions from different sources that pique your interest and hopefully make you think. 

Noam Chomsky & Yanis Varoufakis - New York Public Library

The INTENSE hypocrisy of Neoliberalism . 19TH century power politics
Published on Nov 26, 2016
Views: 33
Time: 1:06:48
Noam Chomsky & Yanis Varoufakis - New York Public Library
Category News & Politics
License Standard YouTube License
Created using YouTube Video Editor
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EuroFinance Vienna Oct 2016 Q&A session with Yanis Varoufakis

Published on Nov 24, 2016
David running Q&A with Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Minister of Finance during the crisis

Welcome To The News: We're in The Twilight Zone.

Here we go again!
Published on Nov 27, 2016
Views: 7,539
Pie is shocked at the news. All the News.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Published on Nov 22, 2016
Views: 49,803

Body Armor: Got Some? Need Some?

Body Armor and Personal Protection Market US$2.9 billion by 2026
Shifting focus towards lightweight body armor and personal protection equipment
The Global Body Armor and Personal Protection Market, valued at US$1.9 billion in 2016, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.61% over 2016-2026, to reach US$2.9 billion by 2026.
You might want to watch and listen to this YouTube Video before reading on:

Published on Apr 20, 2016


The market consists of five categories: Soft Armor, Hard Armor, Protective Headgear, Protective Clothing, and Boots. The market is expected to be dominated by the Soft Armor segment, which is expected to account for 36.9% of the market, followed by Hard Armor and Protective Headgear with shares of 22.7% and 18.6%, respectively. The North American region is forecast to dominate the sector with a share of 24.3%, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific with shares of 23.2% and 22.9%, respectively.
The military body armor and personal protection market is split into five segments: soft armor, hard armor, protective headgear, protective clothing, and boots. During the forecast period, the soft armor segment is expected to account for the largest share of spending, accounting for 35% of the overall global market. Spending in this segment will be largely driven by procurement programs in the European region, followed by investments in Asia Pacific, North America, and the Middle East. Innovations in developing integrated under suit systems, soft ballistic protection plates, and exoskeletons will drive demand for soft armor and provide better flexibility and speed suited for a wide range of missions.

The demand for body armors and personal protection equipment is expected to be driven by modernization initiatives undertaken by various large defense spenders across the world and internal security threats, such as terrorism and organized crime, police modernization programs. Countries are focusing on manufacturing better solutions such as ballistic inserts, lightweight under suits, advanced night vision equipment, and combat helmets that provide benefits of comfort, lighter weight, and enhanced protection to the ground forces.
  • Cross border disputes, more wars, an increase in terrorist activities, and modernization initiatives to drive the market
  • Technological innovations are expected to drive the market
  • Shortage of body armors is expected to drive the body armor and personal protection market
  • Shifting focus towards lightweight body armor and personal protection equipment
  • Joint programs to witness significant growth over the forecast period
  • Liquid armor technology to provide better protection compared to conventional body armors
  • Increased spending on Homeland Security to enhance the capabilities of personnel and special agencies
  • Reduction in the weight of body armor and integrating the soldier components acts as a major challenge
  • High unit costs of individual protective equipment acts as a hindrance
  • Development of body armor for women still in the nascent stage
Read more on ASDReports or Download Report Information
Source : ASDReports - Market Research - view original press release

Phoenix Metro Area Rank 38/40 for Main Street Entrepeneurship

Metropolitan Area Rankings
This section presents maps and rankings for the Kauffman Index. Below, select between these Kauffman Index reports, each focused on a different aspect of entrepreneurial activity.
The Kauffman Index of Startup Activity focuses on new business creation activity and people engaging in business startup activity.

NEW! The Kauffman Index of Main Street Entrepreneurship focuses on local, established small business activity and their business owners.

The Kauffman Index of Growth Entrepreneurship focuses on how much U.S. entrepreneurial businesses are growing.

Main Street Entrepreneurship
Metropolitan Area Rank
2016 Rank: 38
2015 Rank: 36
Kauffman Index: Main Street Entrepreneurship 2016
Metropolitan Areas
Phoenix-Mesa-Glendaleat a glance
Startup Activity Rank 2016 38
Startup Activity Index 2016 -1.34
Startup Activity Rank 2015 36
Rate of Business Owners [1] 6.24%
Established Small Business Density [2]  575.16
Survival Rate [3]  43.47%



Daily Beast: AM Digest

  Angry Voters Yell at ‘Empty Chair’ Town Halls as Republicans Chicken Out By Janna Brancolini  •   Read More »     Usha Vance Accident...