Food Insecurity + Hunger? Another Crisis? It's more than "Still a problem"
What about higher wages? Better jobs here in Mesa? Here in Mesa and here in the greatest and richest nation in the entire world we are still dealing with people not making enough money to buy a basic necessity of life: Food.
Hunger still a problem for EV kids and adults
By Cecilia Chan, Tribune Staff Writer Updated People flock on Friday to the Javelina Volunteer Annex that United Food Bank operates at Javelina Avenue and Mesa Drive, Mesa. There, they can find fresh produce they otherwise would be unable to afford. . . . " Photo Credit: Kimberly Carrillo/ Tribune Staff Photographer And we have "a crisis' in affordable housing: SHELTER, another basic necessity. Mebbe it's time for re-distribution of wealth _________________________________________________________________________ Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, and food banks have designated September as Hunger Action Month – a time when Americas [sic Americans) are urged to help take action on the national hunger crisis. "We are making progress on this issue,” Dave Richins United Food Bank CEO, said, adding that United Food Bank has helped make a striking impact through its programs and outreach in helping Arizonans out of poverty throughout its 19,000-square-mile service area covering five counties. . . .We have lot of work left to do he said. But “we have a system in place to continue to chip away at this.”