Thursday, December 27, 2018

3 Workshops For Potential "Angel Investors"

PRESS RELEASE from Mesa Now, The City of Mesa's Newsroom
City of Mesa and PHX East Valley Partnership offer a free workshop series for potential Angel Investors
December 13, 2018 at 2:55 pm
Are you looking for a new way to diversify your portfolio but not sure how to become an Angel Investor?
The City of Mesa Office of Economic Development has partnered with East Valley Partnership to offer a three-workshop series for budding Angel Investors.
The series of workshops, beginning Jan. 9, at LaunchPoint in downtown Mesa, is designed to help you learn tools and skills to evaluate investment opportunities. Most people are aware of common investments such as real estate, stocks, and bonds but there are many companies in startup and growth phases that are also looking for investment to help them reach their next stage. These workshops are aimed at teaching individuals the basics of angel investing.
The PHX East Valley Angel Investor Initiative started as a response to the common hurdle for startups and early stage companies, which is limited access to equity investors in the East Valley. The goal is to help boost economic growth by providing education and raise awareness of the important role angel investors play in helping to fund startups. Angels can provide critical access to early-stage funding for PHX East Valley tech startups and the workshops are aimed at connecting with potential angels. Mike Hutchinson, Executive Vice President of the PHX East Valley Partnership said, "We are pleased with the results we've achieved thus far and continue to look for ways to raise awareness of the program, while sparking investment in our communities."
An "angel" is an individual who invests his or her own money in startup companies in exchange for an equity share of the business.
In 2016, Angel Investors helped create nearly 264,000 jobs in the United States. Moreover, startups receiving angel funding are more likely to remain in business after four years, grow to 75 employees or more, and receive venture capital funding in the future. According to a Sept. 2018 Angel Capital Association news article, Angels invest in a variety of industries with more than two-thirds of deals funding companies in the Tech and Life Science fields. Jim Goulka, the managing director of Arizona Tech Investors said, "the absence of a concentrated tech community - such as Silicon Valley - makes it difficult for startups to compare notes and develop synergy and Angels have positive, measurable impacts on startup success." There are many potential investors in the local communities and these workshops have been designed to encourage them to learn how to invest.
Nascent Angel Investors are encouraged to attend all three workshops and to share the information with others who may be looking for new ways to diversify their investments.
The series of events will be hosted at LaunchPoint, in the Mesa Center for Higher Education located at 245 W. Second St. in Mesa. All workshops are 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and light refreshments will be provided.
Please join us for:
Jan. 9 - Successful Startups
How to Evaluate a Startup with No Revenue

Jan. 23 - Is This Company Worth It?
Setting the Terms of a Deal

Feb. 6 - Trends in Investing with a Nod to Venture Capital
Angel Investing - Doing It
For further information
Call:    480-834-8335.

Kelley Keffer, Project Manager
City of Mesa Office of Economic Development
Tel: 480-644-6958