02 April 2019

2-For-1 SPECIAL > Mesa City Council Meetings April Fools Day Mon 01 April 2019

These are both late afternoon sessions, starting after 5 o'clock. In a 24/7/365 world we are reminded that the City of Mesa Government works 4/10 - they work only four 10-hour days in a week that has seven days. . . at least that's the excuse given by Mayor John Giles when one councilmember remarks that data/information is not provided in a timely manner. With all the millions currently spent of IT [Internet Technology] investments, that excuse is lame.

Two councilmembers -  Heredia and Luna - are not present and not on the phone, but nonetheless were "excused" by Mayor John Giles for being absent.
All the other five councilmembers join in what is active discussion on some of the agenda items except for one: District 4 Councilmember Jennifer Duff and her lack of participation and speaking-up is noticeable time-and-time again. In the end she does make a motion to approve Item 6-f
If readers of this blog take the time to watch, you can sense and apprehend a certain urgency for both elected and salaried City Hall employees over the Bond Issues, but in the end of the regular meeting that lasts 23:19 minutes everyone caves in and approves Items 6d, 6f and 6g to side-step any delay that might affect or impact the city's credit rating or delay the process of the proposed FY2019/20 Budget closure by the end of May.
The pressure was put on for approval across-the-table, with two councilmember absent and not voting.

Likewise very noticeable is the lack of public attention and attendance at all these public meetings of elected government here in Mesa. Especially for all these proposed Budget Proposals by City Manager Chris Brady that have been Power-Point presented by Michael Kennington.
You will notice that this year Candace Cannistraro - looking a little worse-for-wear - is not doing any presentations alone.
Please note that all the Power Point presentations made in these Proposed FY2019/20 Budgets are used to justify future spending.
Also note that all the Sales Pitches used last year to sell Mesa taxpayers to approve millions for Public Safety and Police/FireMedical have to have "deliverables" on the promises made during the protracted public relations campaigns made to the public.
Both D1 Councilmember Freeman and Mayor Giles, and D6 Councilmember Thompson raise and discuss issues about the hiring of 'sworn' and 'civilian' hires in the Mesa PD/FM and other city departments.

It was an unusually active meeting in both the Lower and Upper Chambers.
What were the tactics and strategies used are cued in by the inserted image at left.
See how many times they get used and by whom: Mayor John  Giles, City Manager Chris Brady, and OMB Director Michael Kennington in vocal exchanges with Councilmember Whittaker.
At one time in the 44-minute Study Session Giles tries to assert that Whittaker intends to vote NO on three Item 10 Items that were asked to be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual discussions.
What's with that? Some kind of a snare-and-scare tactic that does not go un-noticed.

At another time City Manager Chris Brady says he doesn't understand a request made to Michael Kennington to provide some data to Councilmember Whittaker on Friday of last week to prepare for Monday's meeting City Council meetings . . . As it turns out, Kennington admits he only sent the requested information one hour before!
THESE GUYS ARE NOT USED TO BEING 'ON-THEIR-TOES' and responsive to information requests.
There were also SERIOUS QUESTIONS ABOUT POLICE OFFICER POSITIONS - issues were raised in response to the findings in a recent audit.
Hiring practices for 'sworn' and 'civilian' employees
Police overtime and off-duty assignments
Mesa Fire/Medical transport
Expenses paid to Valley Metro for security
Note the involvement of Giles, Brady, Freeman, Candace Cannastraro and City Attorney Jim Smith.
Here for readers of this blog are the two City Council Meetings - very few members of the public take the time to care-and-watch what our elected government is doing: a total of 37 views in a city of over 475,000 people.
STUDY SESSION only 18 views
Note the new 'split screen' images that are now a feature of these streaming video uploads to YouTube. Why the specific images have been made might say something about how the City of Mesa wants to focus - and what it might not include on purpose.
REGULAR SESSION only 19 views 
NOTE how many empty seats there are in the Upper Chambers.
City employees are clustered at lower right. About 12 members of the public at upper left.
Starts off with a Proclamation + a Photo Opp 
Kevin Christopher reads what's on the Consent Agenda . . . and then Giles puts the pressure on for voting without any further delays.

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Ukraine has apprehended a suspected traitor within its military intelligence directorat e, accused of "passing details of clandestine o...