20 August 2019

The Medium Is The Message: Seeking Artists To Help Build Strong Healthy Cities by Promoting Integration of Arts-and-Culture In The Guerrero Park Community

The Urban Land Institute Arizona is seeking artists interested in participating in an old neglected industrial-residential neighborhood here in downtown Mesa along the Broadway corridor that intersects with Macdonald Street, along the line of the Valley Metro Light Rail extension into downtown Mesa.
It's a project "to catalyze neighborhood revitalization through two-dimensional mural art." Artists will be collaborating with residents of the Guerrero Park community to paint many murals.
ELIGIBILITY: This RFQ [Request For Qualifications] is open to artists/muralists and artistic teams who live and work in Arizona.
Artists or artists teams who are from or reside in Mesa will be given preference. 
Last night there was a neighborhood meeting on Hibbert Street inside the gallery at Mesa ArtSpace Lofts where 3 representatives from the Urban Land Institute and the coordinating artist for the selection committee Hugo Medina, who  discussed the project.
A representative from the City of Mesa's Neighborhood Outreach Program was also there, along with a few ArtSpace artists, residents and neighbors that included Terry Benelli, Augie and Jennifer Gastelum.
< Phoenix artist Hugo Medina described the new project and the selection process, as well as the project budgets that are funded by donations to the ULI 2D  Community Mural Project. 
Artists will be compensated for their work by the square footage of secured wall location they get selected for, along with a scale for three levels of experience:
Established Artists: over 20 murals completed. $25/sq.ft.
Emerging Artists: over 5-10 murals completed. $15/sq.ft
Apprentice Artists: less murals completed. $250 total.
(Apprentice artists may be matched with other emerging or established artists to work collaboratively.)
SELECTION PROCESS: A panel will convene to review all applications received in response to this RFQ and establish a Roster of Mural Artists that will remain active until all the secured walls are painted. Once selected, pre-qualified artists and artist teams will meet the ULI 2D team and wall owner to discuss expectations, contracts, designs and compensation for the mural. Artists will receive 50% up front; the rest once the mural is  completed.
Applications must be submitted electronically via email copied (Cc'd) in the submission line
"ULI 2D Mural RFQ submission"
On a Facebook page created August 15, 2019



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