06 December 2020

Increasing Costs of $3,590,566.35: ASU Money-Pit //The Studios @ Mesa City Center

It all started more than five years ago when Hizzoner Mayor John Giles tried to pull-off a major stunt with the costumed ASU mascot 'Sparky' when they both appeared together on the stage at the Mesa Arts Center making under-handed gestures to each other. Amusing? No. . . it was a major goof.  - a goof backed-up by a privately-funded $500,000+ public relations campaign to trick Mesa taxpayers to go-into-debt obligations to finance a $200M 'satellite ASU campus' here in Downtown Mesa. They didn't give up when taxpayers got smart and REJECTED that proposition in 2016.
File #: 20-1223   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/8/2020
Title: The Studios @ Mesa City Center - Second Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 2) (District 4) This project is the second of three that will renovate and revitalize the vacant City-owned building at 59 East 1st Street into an academic building in conjunction with Arizona State University (ASU). City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with ASU in February 2018 which, in part, commits the City to the renovation of 6,000 to 12,000 square-feet of the existing 26,500 square foot building into The Studios @ Mesa City Center. Staff recommends awarding the contract to the selected Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Okland Construction, in the amount of $3,419,587 (GMP) and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $170,979.35 (5%), for a total amount of $3,590,566.35. This project is funded by the Economic Investment Fund and General Fund - Capital.
Attachments: 1. Presentation, 2. Council Report, 3. Location Map
> Item 2-a 19-0526
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the following Downtown Innovation District projects:
  • 1) ASU @ Mesa City Center
  • 2) The Studios @ Mesa City Center
  • 3) CO+HOOTS @ Benedictine University
The Presentation is 10 Power Point slides
City Council Study Session
May 2, 2019
Jeff McVay Manager of Downtown Transformation
File #: 19-0526   
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 5/2/2019
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the following Downtown Innovation District projects: 1) ASU @ Mesa City Center, 2) The Studios @ Mesa City Center, and 3) CO+HOOTS @ Benedictine University.
Attachments: 1. Presentation
Project Update Overall Project Budget: $63.5M
Funding Sources: 
Proceeds from sale of City assets 
Construction sales tax 
Excise tax revenue bonds 
Economic Investment Fund
This is NOT what the proposed new building looks like --- Here's THE MONEY-PIT July 2020

BLOGGER NOTE: THE STUDIOS @ MESA CITY CENTERA renovation of the 1970's-Era old former City of Mesa IT Building on First Street @ SWC Centennial Drive. Next to the City Council Building. What you see is a view from the south. The proposed ASU @ Mesa City Center new construction for one building with an estimated cost of $63,000,000 is planned to go on the footprint of the parking lot in the back on the IT Building on the NWC of Pepper Place/Centennial.It is a very constrained site perimeter that presents multiple problemsSite excavation, connection of utilities and broadband/optical fiber, access and storage for construction machinery and building materials
12.26.19 to NOVEMBER 2021 - PEPPER PLACE CLOSED @ CENTENNIAL (City of Mesa)  — Nextdoor — Nextdoor
Budget Estimate
Phase I: $5.0M 
Phase II: $3.0M 
Proposed Funding Sources: Economic Investment Fund
Former IT Building - Mesa’s first public library (26,500SF)
Innovation District front door 
Open/Flexible community collaboration spaces 
Corporate partnerships 
City/ASU Inter-governmental agreement 
City design and construction: 6,00012,500 SF 
ASU annual public events: 25 film and 20 entrepreneur and innovation
> Partner with ASU Entrepreneurship and Innovation(E+I) for programming 
  • E+I workshops and events 
  • Entrepreneurship training and mentoring 
  • Place-based programs (e.g. maker spaces) 
  • Incubator and accelerator programs
> MEP systems upgrade 
Local Historic Landmark designation 
Design consultant selected 
Prepare concept design: 6-8 months
PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (6 Months after the Ground Breaking)
Date:  July 8, 2020
To:  City Council
Through: Kari Kent, Assistant City Manager
Beth Huning, City Engineer  
Marc Ahlstrom, Assistant City Engineer
Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $98,322
City Project No. CP0880
In February 2018, Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Arizona State University (ASU) for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory). 
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 E 1st Street. 
In November 2018, the City and ASU subsequently entered into a lease agreement for the new academic building and the vacant City building. 
Phase 1 of the lease agreement requires the renovation of 6,000 – 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building which will be called The Studios @ Mesa City Center.  
The last item developed during the Pre-Construction Phase will be the “Guaranteed Maximum Price” (GMP) for the project.
This GMP will then be brought back to the Council for review and approval.
MesaZona > Table of Contents : Here's The Menu. Enjoy

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query The Studios @ Mesa City Center -. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query The Studios @ Mesa City Center -. Sort by date Show all posts

04 July 2020

More Money CMAR Contracts for ASU Money-Pit ??

More than six months after the "Ground-Breaking" + million$$ more than the initial $63.5M approved by the Mesa City Council, there's not much progress to be seen above-ground in this image taken on-site last week for "The ASU Creative Futures Lab" or "The Studios @ Mesa City Center in a parking lot on Pepper Place and Centennial Drive.
< Take a look

Item 5-g
File #: 20-0730   

Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/8/2020

Title: The Studios @ Mesa City Center -
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Selection and
Pre-Construction Services Contract (District 4) 
In February 2018, Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona State University for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory). 
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 East 1st Street, which requires the renovation of 6,000 - 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building, to be called The Studios @ Mesa City Center. 
This pre-construction phase of the renovation project consists of working closely with the project team to develop the project design, review the design for constructability, prepare cost estimates, and develop the project schedule and phasing plan. 
Staff recommends the selection of Okland Construction as the CMAR for this project and award a Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $98,322. This project is funded by the Economic Investment Fund                                
Attachments: 1. Council Report,
2. Project Location Map
Date:  July 8, 2020
To:  City Council
Through: Kari Kent, Assistant City Manager
From:  Beth Huning, City Engineer   Marc Ahlstrom, Assistant City Engineer 
Subject: The Studios @ Mesa City Center  
              City Project No. CP0880
District 4 
Purpose and Recommendation.
The purpose of this report is to provide information to the Council concerning the selection of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the proposed The Studios @ Mesa City Center project (Refer to Exhibit “A” for the project location).   
Staff recommends that Council approve the selection of Okland Construction as the CMAR for this project and award a Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $98,322.
In February 2018, Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Arizona State University (ASU) for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory). 
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 E 1st Street. 
In November 2018, the City and ASU subsequently entered into a lease agreement for the new academic building and the vacant City building. 
Phase 1 of the lease agreement requires the renovation of 6,000 – 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building which will be called The Studios @ Mesa City Center.  
Located in the heart of Downtown Mesa's Innovation District and managed/programmed by ASU, The Studios @ Mesa City Center will align world-class industry leaders, budding entrepreneurs, and cutting edge academic insight to create a one of a kind ecosystem empowering a modern workforce development and startup pipeline to fuel the economy of today and tomorrow.      
The facility will also have a close functional relationship with the adjacent ASU Creative Futures Laboratory
The renovated building will have a complimentary aesthetic to the new ASU facility and will be designed to integrate into the overall Mesa City Center development. 
In March 2020, Staff received eleven “Statements of Qualifications” (SOQ) from contractors proposing to act as the CMAR for this project. Based on an evaluation of these SOQ’s and subsequent interviews, Okland Construction was recommended as the most qualified CMAR.
Staff has prepared a contract and negotiated the fee for the PreConstruction Services contract.
During the Pre-Construction Phase, the CMAR will work closely with the project team to
> develop the project design,
> review the design for constructability,
> prepare cost estimates, and
> develop the project schedule and phasing plan.   
The last item developed during the Pre-Construction Phase will be the “Guaranteed Maximum Price” (GMP) for the project.
This GMP will then be brought back to the Council for review and approval.   
Once underway, construction of this project is anticipated to last approximately 8 months

An alternative to the approval of this Pre-Construction Services contract for the selected CMAR would be to construct this project using the traditional Design/Bid/Build method.  This is not recommended due to the need for the additional services provided by a CMAR contractor during the design phase. 
The proposed The Studios @ Mesa City Center project will require
> extensive on-site investigation,
> phasing,
> construction sequencing,
> constructability analysis, and
> cost evaluation
by the contractor throughout the design phase. 
Another alternative is to not perform the work. This is not recommended because this would be contrary to the IGA and associated lease between the City and ASU. 
Fiscal Impact 
This pre-construction services contract is in the amount of $98,322.   
This project is funded by Economic Investment Fund. 
Coordinated With 
The City Manager’s Offices concur with this recommendation.


SLAMMED AGAIN! Agenda for Mesa City Council Study Thu 02 May 2019 @ 07:30 a.m.

This is Death-by-Power Point and one more calculated attempt to Wear-Out everyone's Attention Span!!
Way too much thrown at the public and City Council and so little time in advance to study it all . . . Maybe they plan it that way, huh?  
Tomorrow's study session agenda was made available today - only one day ahead of the "study session".
NOT ENOUGH TIME to seriously devote the time necessary

Once again there are three more City Department Budgets to hear, discuss and provide direction on:
(1) Community Services
(2) Library Services
(3) Arts & Culture.

Any one of them might individually need an hour of attention at the minimum.
With that being said, before the department budgets presentations are made, there is a previous Item: to hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on 3 projects in what city officials like to call the "Downtown Innovation District". . . and before that is the first item . . .and at the same time in the same place [The Lower Chambers] there is another meeting for the Cadence Community Facilities District.
Review and Discuss 38 Items on the agenda for Mon 06 May 2019 Regular Council Meeting!! 
LINK: Mesa Legistar/Council, Committee & Board Research Center 
  •  6 Liquor License Applications (Item 3a - 3e)
  • 12 Contracts (Item 4a - 4l) Pay attention to these. Item 4-f is $2,000,000 annually
  •  6 Resolutions (Item 5a -5f)
  •  8 Ordinances (Item 6a - 6d) + (Item 7a - 7d)
  •  2 Sub-Division Plats (Item 8a - 8c) 228 PCD single-residence lots. These are for   Cadence @ Gateway Phase 3
  • 2 Public Hearings (Item 9a and 9b) on the release of petitions for signatures for 2 annexation cases:
> Item 9-a ANX18-00502 69.3 acres initiated by VIVO Partners in District 6.
> Item 9b19-00066 13.07 acres initiated by SeanLake, Pew and Lake, PLC in District 5.
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the May 6, 2019 regular Council meeting

2 Presentations/Action Items: You can open the link to the Presentation in the File # insert
> Item 2-a 19-0526
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the following Downtown Innovation District projects:
  • 1) ASU @ Mesa City Center
  • 2) The Studios @ Mesa City Center
  • 3) CO+HOOTS @ Benedictine University
The Presentation is 10 Power Point slides
City Council Study Session
May 2, 2019
Jeff McVay Manager of Downtown Transformation

Project Update Overall Project Budget: $63.5M
Funding Sources: 
Proceeds from sale of City assets 
Construction sales tax 
Excise tax revenue bonds 
Economic Investment Fund
This is NOT what the proposed new building looks like.

BLOGGER NOTE: THE STUDIOS @ MESA CITY CENTERA renovation of the 1970's-Era old former City of Mesa IT Building on First Street @ SWC Centennial Drive. Next to the City Council Building. What you see is a view from the south. The proposed ASU @ Mesa City Center new construction for one building with an estimated cost of $63,000,000 is planned to go on the footprint of the parking lot in the back on the IT Building on the NWC of Pepper Place/Centennial.It is a very constrained site perimeter that presents multiple problemsSite excavation, connection of utilities and broadband/optical fiber, access and storage for construction machinery and building materials.__________________________________________________________________________
Budget Estimate
Phase I: $5.0M 
Phase II: $3.0M 
Proposed Funding Sources: Economic Investment Fund
Former IT Building - Mesa’s first public library (26,500SF)
Innovation District front door 
Open/Flexible community collaboration spaces 
Corporate partnerships 
City/ASU Inter-governmental agreement 
City design and construction: 6,00012,500 SF 
ASU annual public events: 25 film and 20 entrepreneur and innovation
> Partner with ASU Entrepreneurship and Innovation(E+I) for programming 
  • E+I workshops and events 
  • Entrepreneurship training and mentoring 
  • Place-based programs (e.g. maker spaces) 
  • Incubator and accelerator programs
> MEP systems upgrade 
Local Historic Landmark designation 
Design consultant selected 
Prepare concept design: 6-8 months

It's a proposed built-out for the existing city-owned building at the SEC Main/Hibbert Street. CO+HOOTS was originally intended as an anchor- partner for Tony Wall's GRID Project atop the Pomeroy Street Parking Garage.
Budget Estimate
$1.5-2.0M (design and construction) 
Proposed Funding Source: Economic Investment Fund 
Design and construction of approx. 10,000 SF within Gillette Hall at Benedictine 
CO+HOOTS and Benedictine University partnership 
Entrepreneurship curriculum 
80-100 students in program/year 
Co-working space 
300 new Mesa jobs/businesses created 
CO+HOOTS responsible for FF+E 
Regular public entrepreneurship events 
10 year commitment (CO+HOOTS and Benedictine)
File #: 19-0526   
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 5/2/2019
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the following Downtown Innovation District projects: 1) ASU @ Mesa City Center, 2) The Studios @ Mesa City Center, and 3) CO+HOOTS @ Benedictine University.
Attachments: 1. Presentation

> Item 2-b 19-0408
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the following department budgets:
  • 1. Community Services
  • 2. Library Services
  • 3. Arts & Culture

3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees.
Item 3-a 19-0535
Judicial Advisory Board meeting held on March 20, 2019.3-a
Item 3-b 19-0540
Community and Cultural Development Committee meeting held on April 4, 2019.
Item 3-c 19-0541
Joint Meeting with the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community held on April 15, 2019.
(Page 1 City of Mesa Printed on 5/1/2019)


15 July 2020


(View looking northeast to intersection of Centennial Drive/1st Street. Cimarron Apartments in the backdrop)
Rising above the virtual reality of an image of the proposed ASU Creative Futures Lab on the rent-a-fence barricades behind Mesa City Hall Plaza - it's a big blue rig of some kind - perhaps a drilling rig - it's definitely way too soon to see one more crane here in downtown.
Mounds of earth got moved making some dust in the early Monday morning haze . . .

Hard to say exactly what's there now after ground was broken months ago, so let's let the images deliver the optics when new supplies and big equipment moved on-site during the recorded-shattering heat of the past weekend for more sub-contracting work to do all the underground installation of a new network infrastructure and relocation of city-owned utilities services for the leasing of one existing vacant 1970's-era building needing to get renovated inside. No signs of laying the foundation of a proposed 3-story structure of one new city-owned construction to lease out to,  ASU originally-priced at $64M and financed by Mesa taxpayer-funded debt obligations in the 2018 General Election.

The dust of controversies over that hotly-contested, privately-financed Public Relations campaign had hardly settled when city officials came back to ask the Mesa City Council for approval of million$$$$$$$ more . . the most recent "GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE" was one more GMP that was Item 5-g to approve a $98,000 "study" with Okland - with the last phase recommendations coming back for council approval at a later date.
(Expanded view looking north from City Hall Parking lot to include back of City Council Building)
This was the Sales-Pitch for GMP #3 (date: 13 March 2020)
A clear example of this is the first item brought up by City Manager Chris Brady Item 7-a (see below), followed by another item, Item 6-a
< Item 6-a is the subject of a FrontPage feature story in this Sunday Edition of the East Valley Tribune 
"High-end NE Mesa plan wows zoning panel" is only one piece of the story that city officials wanted to get told.
< The TOP HEADLINE - coincidence or not - is Item 4-h on Monday's agenda - it's for the third request for an increase of millions more that need to get  approved for the Contract Manager At-Risk that had to get hired as a third-party buffer.
File #: 20-0295   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/16/2020
Title: Mesa City Center - Third Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 3) - ASU @ Mesa City Center (District 4) GMP No. 1 was approved by Council on November 4, 2019 and included infrastructure improvements to the City’s utilities, communications facilities, and streets needed to support the ASU building, the Plaza, the Studios and any future developments and improvements in the area. GMP No. 2 was approved by Council on December 9, 2019 and included general site demolition, excavation of the building site, building pad preparation, foundations, the concrete building structure, and associated items. This GMP is the third of the series of GMP’s relating to City Center work. The scope of work includes all remaining construction necessary to complete the ASU @ Mesa City Center building. Staff recommends awarding the contract for GMP No. 3 to the selected Construction Manager at Risk, DPR Construction, in the amount of $46,548,058, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $2,327,...
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. Project Location Map

04 July 2020 More Money CMAR Contracts for ASU Money-Pit ??
Please Note additional information:
Staff has prepared a contract and negotiated the fee for the PreConstruction Services contract.
During the Pre-Construction Phase, the CMAR will work closely with the project team to
> develop the project design,
> review the design for constructability,
> prepare cost estimates, and
> develop the project schedule and phasing plan.   
The last item developed during the Pre-Construction Phase will be the “Guaranteed Maximum Price” (GMP) for the project.
This GMP will then be brought back to the Council for review and approval.
More than six months after the "Ground-Breaking" + million$$ more than the initial $63.5M approved by the Mesa City Council, there's not much progress to be seen above-ground in this image taken on-site last week for "The ASU Creative Futures Lab" or "The Studios @ Mesa City Center in a parking lot on Pepper Place and Centennial Drive.
< Take a look

Item 5-g
File #: 20-0730   

Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/8/2020

Title: The Studios @ Mesa City Center -
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Selection and
Pre-Construction Services Contract (District 4) 
In February 2018, Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona State University for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory). 
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 East 1st Street, which requires the renovation of 6,000 - 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building, to be called The Studios @ Mesa City Center. 
This pre-construction phase of the renovation project consists of working closely with the project team to develop the project design, review the design for constructability, prepare cost estimates, and develop the project schedule and phasing plan. 
Staff recommends the selection of Okland Construction as the CMAR for this project and award a Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $98,322. This project is funded by the Economic Investment Fund                                
Attachments: 1. Council Report,
2. Project Location Map
Interestingly enough, these two pieces of "A 360-Degree Dilemma" - and its constantly increasing added costs - and all the current closely-connected interlocking puzzles of speculative real estate gambles in downtown, just happened to open an article that appeared Monday in the East Valley Tribune
Slowly but surely, Mesa getting a new downtown
"After decades of big plans followed by bigger disappointments, the foundations of new downtown Mesa are emerging as city leaders and developers look past the COVID-19 pandemic towards a brighter day.
Piece by piece, a new downtown is starting to come into focus, with the ASU@mesacitycenter as the epicenter and a constellation of large and small developments swirling around it. . .
Despite the continuing controversy revolving around asu@mesacity center, even during the upcoming election, “I think the wisdom of that project will be evident to everyone’’ once the new campus opens, Giles said.
“It’s not a hole, it’s a ladder out of a hole,’’ he said.
But Councilman Jeremy Whittaker continues to criticize city subsidies for ASU through a favorable lease and Giles’ efforts to repackage the campus into a smaller project with a different funding source than the plan previously rejected by voters.
With the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowing the city’s economic forecasts, Whittaker contends, “I think it’s foolish to continue spending money on this downtown ASU campus.”
But the council approved funding for The Studios@mesacitycenter project, to convert a vacant former Information Technology building into meeting space and conference rooms.

More of the Transform Downtown Puzzle +
The 360-Degree Dilemma
Site 17
“Site 17 is absolutely a big factor’in the newly revamped downtown’s future, Giles said. “The easy thing for us to do was to sell off that piece. We want to have some influence over how it’s going to develop.’’
The next step is negotiating a memorandum of understanding with Mira Vista Holdings and Sunbelt Investments, allowing the developer to market Site 17, McVay said.  The agreement may come before the council as early as August.
Brown & Brown Chevrolet

ON THE TENTATIVE AGENDA > Exactly What is Mesa City Hall Up To These Days To Ask Taxpayers To Fund More Money For ASU @ Mesa City Center

Looks like another Con Game as a follow-up to that proposition in the General Election 2018.
And it looks like in the rush to push this through in a bogus $500,000+ privately-funded public relations campaign the city's engineering staff didn't do their job on the specs.
That is only one of twenty items on the meeting's Tentative Agenda that was printed on 09.03.2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mon 09.14.2020
Meeting Name:City CouncilAgenda status:Tentative
Meeting date/time:9/14/2020 5:45 PMMinutes status:Draft
Meeting location:Virtual Platform
Published agenda:Agenda Agenda
File #:20-0827   
Type:MinutesStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:9/14/2020
Title:Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.
ITEM 4-j Here's just one of ten contracts
Asking approval for an increase in costs - "the first Guaranteed Maximum Price - a contract award in the amount of $213,095.00 (GMP) and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $21,309.50, for a total amount of $234,404.50.
This GMP for demolition work for The Studios @ Mesa City Center is the first of a series of GMP’s for the work on the building. 
The scope of work includes interior demolition, site demolition and other associated tasks. 

Additional GMP’s for the remaining building construction will be presented to City Council at a later date >>> NOW WE KNOW
 DECEMBER 8, 2020

12.26.19 to NOVEMBER 2021 - PEPPER PLACE CLOSED @ CENTENNIAL (City of Mesa)  &mdash; Nextdoor — Nextdoor

?? The lease agreement commits the City to the renovation of 6,000 to 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building 
?? Completing this demolition work early during the design phase of the project will allow the Architect and CMAR to obtain a better understanding of the existing structure and systems in the building, making the design more accurate and allowing construction progress without encountering extensive unknown conditions in the building.
> the majority of the work in the project will be competitively bid by Okland Construction to multiple subcontractors.
City Council Report 
Date: September 14, 2020 
To: City Council 
Through: Kari Kent, Assistant City Manager 
From: Beth Huning, City Engineer 
Marc Ahlstrom, Assistant City Engineer 
Subject: The Studios @ Mesa City Center (District 4) – First Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 1)
File #:20-0901   
Type:ContractStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:9/14/2020
Title:The Studios @ Mesa City Center -
First Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 1) (District 4)

In February 2018, City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Arizona State University (ASU) for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory).
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 East 1st Street (Mesa’s first public library).
In November 2018, the City and ASU subsequently entered into a Lease Agreement for the new academic building
Once underway, construction of this project is anticipated to last approximately 8 months
Item 5-g
File #: 20-0730   

Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/8/2020

Title: The Studios @ Mesa City Center -
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Selection and
Pre-Construction Services Contract (District 4) 
In February 2018, Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona State University for a new academic building in downtown Mesa (ASU Creative Futures Laboratory). 
This agreement also included provisions for ASU to assist with the programming of the vacant City-owned building located at 59 East 1st Street, which requires the renovation of 6,000 - 12,000 square-foot of the existing 26,500 sf building, to be called The Studios @ Mesa City Center. 
This pre-construction phase of the renovation project consists of working closely with the project team to develop the project design, review the design for constructability, prepare cost estimates, and develop the project schedule and phasing plan. 
Staff recommends the selection of Okland Construction as the CMAR for this project and award a Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $98,322. This project is funded by the Economic Investment Fund                                
Attachments: 1. Council Report,
2. Project Location Map

Asking approval for an increase in costs - "the first Guaranteed Maximum Price - a contract award in the amount of $213,095.00 (GMP) and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $21,309.50, for a total amount of $234,404.50.
This GMP for demolition work for The Studios @ Mesa City Center is the first of a series of GMP’s for the work on the building. 
The scope of work includes interior demolition, site demolition and other associated tasks. 
This was the Sales-Pitch for GMP #3 (date: 13 March 2020)
A clear example of this is the first item brought up by City Manager Chris Brady Item 7-a (see below), followed by another item, Item 6-a
< Item 6-a is the subject of a FrontPage feature story in this Sunday Edition of the East Valley Tribune 
"High-end NE Mesa plan wows zoning panel" is only one piece of the story that city officials wanted to get told.
< The TOP HEADLINE - coincidence or not - is Item 4-h on Monday's agenda - it's for the third request for an increase of millions more that need to get  approved for the Contract Manager At-Risk that had to get hired as a third-party buffer.
File #: 20-0295   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/16/2020
Title: Mesa City Center - Third Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 3) - ASU @ Mesa City Center (District 4) GMP No. 1 was approved by Council on November 4, 2019 and included infrastructure improvements to the City’s utilities, communications facilities, and streets needed to support the ASU building, the Plaza, the Studios and any future developments and improvements in the area. GMP No. 2 was approved by Council on December 9, 2019 and included general site demolition, excavation of the building site, building pad preparation, foundations, the concrete building structure, and associated items. This GMP is the third of the series of GMP’s relating to City Center work. The scope of work includes all remaining construction necessary to complete the ASU @ Mesa City Center building. Staff recommends awarding the contract for GMP No. 3 to the selected Construction Manager at Risk, DPR Construction, in the amount of $46,548,058, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $2,327,...

04 July 2020 More Money CMAR Contracts for ASU Money-Pit ?? POWERPOINT SLIDE

Located in the heart of Downtown Mesa's Innovation District, The Studios @ Mesa City Center is being designed to provide a flexible ecosystem that will allow the collision of world-class industry leaders, budding entrepreneurs, and cutting edge academic insight to empower  modern workforce development and startup pipeline to fuel the economy of today and tomorrow.   


The Studios @ Mesa City Center will have a close physical and programmatic relationship with the adjacent ASU Creative Futures Laboratory.  The exterior renovations, which include a new entry experience, improved day-lighting, and an exterior restroom core respect the local Historical Landmark designation, while integrating into the overall Mesa City Center development.


Authorizing this activity early will help minimize cost escalation and maintain the project budget.  This approach also ensures proper procurement time to minimize the risk of delays due to deliveries of equipment and materials. 

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