Sunday, December 20, 2020

New Mesa City Council Julie Spilsbury

Let's have a retro look at how she somehow managed to get elected:
Meet Julie — Spilsbury for Mesa
Mesa Dist 2-CouncilmemberBallot Cast: 16508Turnout: 36.76%Vote for 1
She said the mayor, City Manager Chris Brady and virtually the entire council called her or texted her, congratulating her on her victory over Whittaker and welcoming her to the council. She will be seated in January.
“I’ve been given leadership qualities by God. I can make things happen,’’ Spilsbury said. . .
Spilsbury for Mesa
Spilsbury has mainly been noted in the past as a school volunteer and said she didn’t know initially that serving on the council was a paid position when she was weighing a bid at elected office.
She said she would like to think that residents voted for her because of her years of building relationships in the community as a mother and a lifelong Mesa resident, but acknowledged the impact of Giles support, saying, “I’m sure that didn’t hurt me.’’ 
Lop-Sided August 4 Primary Election 2020: Unofficial Results
Where Have All the Voters Gone? | The Tyee 
Low Voter Turnout Is Not An Accident - in fact that is what entrenched and generations-old Political Machines are counting on when they can deliver a bloc of votes.
In one Mesa City Council race in District 2 there was a good example of that when one inexperienced candidate was hand-selected by Mayor John Giles - and doused with thousands of dollars in disclosures made in required Campaign Financial Statements - to unseat the incumbent Jeremy Whittaker.
That was the closest contest for the Mesa City Council

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