06 January 2021

1st Mesa City Council Meeting of New Year 2021 > REMOTE ZOOM + So Much To Slide By

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Here's what is the Tentative Agenda to kick-off the New Year 2021 for the Mesa City Council scheduled for 11 January - so far there is no agenda publicly available for the City Council Study Session that precedes it on the same day. 


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Total Assessed Valuation of private land ................................  $41,236 

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File #: 21-0031   
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/11/2021

Public hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for the proposed annexation case ANX20-00242, located north of Pecos Road and east of Ellsworth Road (337.0± acres). 

 This request has been initiated by the applicant, Dennis Newcomb, Beus, Gilbert, McGroder, PLLC, for the owner, Pacific Proving, LLC. (District 6)

Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. Annexation Map, 3. Annexation Petition

City Council Report 
Date:  January 11, 2021

To:  City Council

Through: Natalie Lewis, Assistant City Manager   
From:  Christine Zielonka, Development Services Director   Nana Appiah, Planning Director

Subject: Public Hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for annexation case ANX20-00242, located north of Pecos Road and east of Ellsworth Road (337.0± acres). Council District 6  
Purpose and Recommendation
The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Council to conduct a public hearing on the proposed annexation of 337.0+ acres (see Exhibit “A”).

State Statute requires the blank annexation petition to be recorded prior to the public hearing (A.R.S. §9-471A).  The blank petition was recorded on December 14, 2020.  
The subject annexation request was initiated by the applicant, Dennis Newcomb, Beus, Gilbert, McGroder, PLLC for the owner, Pacific Proving, LLC.

Following the public hearing, the annexation petition will be released for property owner signature. Once the signatures have been received, the annexation ordinance will be scheduled for the City Council’s consideration and adoption. Staff anticipates making a recommendation of approval for the annexation. 
The annexation area consists of one undeveloped parcel generally located on the south side of the Williams Field Road alignment, specifically between Ellsworth Road and the Crismon Road alignment as well as the Crismon Road alignment right-of-way located on the eastern side of the property (see Exhibit ‘A”).

The applicant is requesting annexation to develop the parcel within the corporate limits of the City of Mesa.

Currently, the site consists of two zoning districts within Maricopa County. Specifically, 295.3± acres of the subject property (Area 1) are zoned Industrial 2 (IND-2) with the remaining 41.7± acres (Area 2) zoned Single Residence 43 (RU-43).

The annexation ordinance will establish City of Mesa zoning designation of Light Industrial (LI) on the 295.3± acre portion of the site that is currently zoned IND-2 in Maricopa County and City of Mesa zoning designation of Agriculture (AG) on the remaining 41.7± acre of the site currently zoned RU-43 in Maricopa County.

Subsequent to the annexation, the applicant will submit an application to rezone the AG portion of the property to Leisure and Recreation (LR). 
The proposed annexation area is completely surrounded by the existing City of Mesa corporate boundaries and is within the City of Mesa Planning Area. The subject property has a General Plan character area designation of “Mixed Use Community”. 

Upon annexation, any development of the subject property will be required to comply with City of Mesa development standards, including storm water retention, street improvements, landscaping, screening, and signage.

> The City will also collect the development fees as well as supply water and gas utilities.  Utilities and City services are already provided in the area and extension of these services will have minimal impact on the City. 

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> The City of Mesa Departments/Divisions of Transportation, Fire, Solid Waste, and Water Resources have provided comments related to the future development of the property; however, none of the comments pertain to the annexation of the current vacant land. 

State Statute requires the City to adopt a zoning classification that permits densities and uses no greater than those permitted by the County on newly annexed land (A.R.S. §9-471-L).  The property is currently zoned IND-2 and RU-43 in Maricopa County.  City of Mesa zoning designations of LI and AG will be established through the annexation ordinance. 

Fiscal Impact 
Annexation of this land will result in the collection of any future secondary property tax, construction tax, and development fees generated from the land. 

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The annexation site has been posted and notifications have been sent to all property owners and county agencies as required by state statute (A.R.S. §9-471).  

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                        Area  .......................................................................................  337.0± Acres Population ...............................................................................  0 People

Dwelling Units  ........................................................................  0 Homes

Existing Businesses ................................................................  0 Businesses

Arterial Streets ........................................................................  1.25± miles 

Total Owners  ..........................................................................  1 Owner Total

Assessed Valuation of private land ................................  $41,236 


ITEM 3 = RELEASE OF 8 "APPROVED MINUTES" going back to Oct 29, 2020


File #: 21-0015   
Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/11/2021
Title: Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.
Attachments: 1. October 29, 2020 Study, 2. November 5, 2020 Study, 3. November 12, 2020 Study, 4. November 19, 2020 Study, 5. December 1, 2020 Study, 6. December 8, 2020 Study, 7. December 8, 2020 Regular, 8. December 14, 2020 Study

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More > 17 CONTRACTS Here's just one on the Consent Agenda Item *5-b

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File #: 21-0027   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/11/2021

Three-Year Term Contract with Six Years of Renewal Options for Wireless Voice, Data, Equipment, Products, and Services for Citywide Use (Citywide)

This contract provides for the purchase of a wide variety of wireless devices and services. In mid-2014, the City transitioned to a pool plan program that enabled the City to save on wireless voice, data, equipment, and services. Through this program, City devices draw from the Citywide voice or data allowance, if usage exceeds an individual plan’s limit (mitigating overage charges). In addition, equipment upgrades can be leveraged from a Citywide perspective, allowing aging or failing devices to be replaced as needed. The Department of Innovation and Technology, Mesa Fire and Medical, Mesa Police, and Water Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the NASPO/State of Arizona cooperative contracts with AT&T; DiscountCell; T-Mobile; and Verizon Wireless; Year 1 at $2,039,000, Year 2 at $2,267,000, and ...

Attachments: 1. Council Report

more > Item *5-k $3,300,000 annually to replace damaged or rusted streetlight poles

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File #: 21-0024   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/11/2021
Title: One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Streetlight Maintenance, Installation/Removal, and Rusted Pole Replacements for the Transportation Department (Citywide) The City maintains over 41,000 streetlights. Contractors are needed to supplement City crews for the replacement of damaged or rusted streetlight poles, foundations, fixtures, and cabinets. Contractors are also used for the installation of new streetlights along with performing various maintenance activities. The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Brooks Bros Utility Contractors, LLC; Contractors West, Inc.; and CS Construction, Inc., at $3,300,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
Attachments: 1. Council Report

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