07 January 2021

QUESTION:: How did Arizona Ignite-The-Fuse To Incite Violence For Extremist Radical Take-Over Riots ??

In hindsight we all should have seen these attempted take-overs gathering momentum all the time - first in Wisconsin, then in Oregon, then in Idaho, and yesterday with mobs storming the U.S. Capitol when both Houses in Congress were disrupted with violence at the time Arizona was the first state to have results from the Electoral Congress certification for the election of the next President challenged. .  .Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs partnered with Texas Senator Ted Cruz to bring it to the floor. After 1 p.m. all hell broke loose in the Nation's Capitol
BLOGGER NOTE: To his credit, Utah Senator Mitt Romney, a devout Mormon who was called "a traitor" en route on a flight back to Washington D.C., denounced the extremism while 6 other Senators stayed on the other side. However 46 Republicans in the House of Congress were counted against accepting the Electoral College results.
There remains 13 more days until the peaceful transition of power is complete with the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
Fuse burning cartoon bomb Blender 2.70a on Make a GIF
Here In Arizona we saw this at the time ballots were being counted in Phoenix:
EUREKA!  If there's one thing that helps to explain almost everything happening here in Maricopa County, Arizona and America, this is it > Gnostic America with this image of a Trump supporter-QAnon believer speaking to a crowd outside the Maricopa County Recorder's Office when votes were being counted in the 2020 General Election
When it came time for Governor Doug Ducey and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs to certify the appointed slate of electors votes, Trump attempted to interrupt the process with a timely phone call ringing "Hail to The Chief" - a call the governor sent to his voicemail.
(see earlier posts on this blog)
All along we've had AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward - and four fringe Republicans elected to the U.S. Congress - pound the drumbeats for more disruptions: using the same life-threatening strategies deployed by unrestrained hordes against the governor of Michigan directed at elected officials. Speaker of the Arizona State House Rusty Bowers for forced to shut down state government, fearing a take-down
(see earlier posts on this blog)
Five years ago this was posted on this blog 17 January 2016
Mormon News Report > Top Stories January 15: Bundy-Style Mormonism
" - ism" was one of Google's chosen words for 2015. 
The attention of your MesaZona blogger was recently re-directed from The New Urban DTMesa while receiving newsfeeds and news alerts and broadcast and streaming news for the last 14 days about a heavily-weaponized group taking over a property in Oregon. They've been called by mainstream media "right-wing domestic terrorists", "armed terrorists hijacking public lands", and "deluded nuts" among another things.
However, rarely brought up in world and national news broadcasts is that Clive and Ammon Bundy are disciples in the Mormon religion.
Is this another example of religions running wild with followers taking to the extreme fringes? 
[Image to the right is Ammon Bundy giving a talk at a public charter school here in Mesa last year.] >

Mormons behaving badly?
Perhaps to counter-act any possible negative publicity, the LDS church is engaging in a series of internal conversations starting with a radio interview broadcast three days ago.
Listen . . . here's the link > KUER/bundy-style-Mormonism
Well worth the time 52.39
One commentator Zeke had this to say: The LDS Church has a huge problem with bitter, hateful anti-government mormons running amok.
Another commentator Tsuji wrote this: I am a Mormon and do not support the Bundy's one bit, but I disagree with your characterization.
They are deluded nuts but they think they are making a political statement . . . The Feds are wisely trying to avoid escalation

And another johninnv wrote this:
"Just like in Bunkerville. The local elected Mormon leaders of the region did NOT ever say a word against what 'ol pappy Cliven and offspring were doing. Not once. Not a Bishop, nor a Stake President, nor the several Mormons in elected leadership positions. NOPE - and many of them indicated that they supported Bundy positions. The Mormon church needs to get over its long cultivated hatred of the United States Government."
Bundy-style Mormonism
Jan 14, 2016
Thursday we’re asking if the occupation of a federal office in Oregon is a Mormon enterprise, and if so, what kind of Mormonism? The Bundy brothers leading the group are LDS, and they use Mormon theology to talk about motives and dealing with “tyranny.” The Church has condemned the tactics, and while the Bundys’ views aren’t mainstream, historian Patrick Mason says they didn’t come out of thin air. He and others join us to talk about the groups’ politics and faith in relation to Mormon orthodoxy
21 December 2020
What are we to make of disruptions in Democracy?
Case in point in a feature from The New Yorker

How Ammon Bundy Helped Foment an Anti-Masker Rebellion in Idaho

BLOGGER INSERT > Here's one example of mis-appropriating statements to falsely justify adherence to what they are doing: "To Bundy, the escalating protests are the predictable result of escalating government interference. He cited President John F. Kennedy, who, in a 1962 speech to Latin-American diplomats, said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” While Bundy said that he does not necessarily condone trespassing on private property, he endorsed the spirit of the recent events in Boise. “I encourage them to protest at their homes. They are public officials, and by that nature they become accountable to the people,” he said. “It’s their right, protected by the First Amendment’s right to assemble. They have the energy and the right to stand on streets or sidewalks and protest government agents’ actions. Like it or not, that’s the way it is.”
It's a long story detailed at the start to provide background... if that "Anti-Masker Rebellion" sounds familiar, the same uprisings are going on here in Arizona, although the political party flip-flop has a different standing,
Eddie Farnsworth (@FarnsworthEddie) | Twitter
Read along to catch up to the issues there in Idaho and here in Arizona

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