Wednesday, June 30, 2021

All The Liquidity In The Market Has To Go Somewhere / They'll Buy Anything

Somebody figured that out >

The SPAC Man Method: Inside the Billionaire Rush for Riches

As insiders have raced to push businesses into the public’s hands, they’ve employed a range of maneuvers to boost their fortunes.


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        Photographer: Nick Little
    Ok, here’s the play: Slip information to stock analysts, let whispers spread through the market — and watch the money grow.

Even for Howard Lutnick, a Wall Street billionaire known for sharp elbows, a move like that might sound close to the line.

But there was Lutnick, dialing into a videoconference, suggesting that very idea.

Relax, Lutnick told potential investors. Rules are rules, he assured the listeners — but you can be very smart about them.

All the more so because the investors were following Lutnick down the rabbit hole into the Wonderland of SPACs, those soaring — and now sinking — blank-check investments.

One of the most remarkable stories behind the Wall Street SPAC machine is the characters pulling the levers. SPACs — officially, special purpose acquisition companies — provide a shortcut to the stock market. As insiders have rushed businesses into the public’s hands, they’ve employed a range of maneuvers — some of them downright astonishing to the uninitiated — to win even when investors lose.


The Future of the Creative Economy (NOTICE THE ZOOM TALKING-HEAD SCREEN RIGHT)

TAKE-A-BREAK FOR MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Art Tatum - Please Be Kind

PUBLIC RELATIONS + MARKETING: Korean Company Hyundai Celebrates Acquisition of Boston Dynamics

Hope you all are feeling more Robot-Friendly > The dancing videos also help to show off the fun, playful side of the Spot robots, cementing them in the public mind as cute dancing machines, rather than the more controversial real-world uses in which the robots have been deployed.

Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot challenges BTS to a boy band dance-off in latest video             

Hyundai celebrates its acquisition with some smooth dance moves

Hyundai has officially completed its acquisition of Boston Dynamics, the creator of the internet’s favorite dancing Spot and Atlas robots (which only occasionally look like dystopian nightmare machines). And to celebrate, the company is collaborating with K-pop sensation BTS on a new video that shows seven Spot robots grooving to the band’s 2020 song “IONIQ: I’m On It.”

And while Spot’s smooth dance moves might bring a frisson of worry to any K-pop fans thinking that K-pop boy-bands might be the next industry that Boston Dynamics is targeting for its robots to replace human workers in, right now it seems that BTS isn’t too worried about the competition. A second video shows off the band celebrating the Hyundai acquisition alongside a Spot robot, and both boy band and bot come together for a brief dance-off . . .

“An athletic performance like dance stresses the mechanical design of the robot, and it also stresses the algorithms in the software,” says Marc Raibert, founder and chairman of Boston Dynamics, in an explanation as to why the company keeps making these videos. Raibert also notes that the dance routines force the company to create new tools to program the robots, like the “Choreographer” software used here — software that’s since been publicly released and is already being used by other Boston Dynamics Spot owners for entertainment purposes.

That hits on the second reason for the videos, which Raibert doesn’t touch on: they’re incredibly popular online. The company’s last dancing video has over 32 million videos on YouTube, and a collaboration with BTS, one of the most popular bands on the planet with an extremely active fan base, is almost guaranteed to put up even better numbers. And given the fact that Boston Dynamics is actually trying to get companies to buy Spot robots — to the tune of $74,500 each — it’s easy to see why it’d want to get the word out.

The dancing videos also help to show off the fun, playful side of the Spot robots, cementing them in the public mind as cute dancing machines, rather than the more controversial real-world uses in which the robots have been deployed. That includes things like NYPD’s since-ended tests of Spot robots, or the recent use of Spot robots in simulated military exercises in France for reconnaissance work.

GOTCHA AGAIN! Hackers steal data of 92% of LinkedIn users

Disaster Events | Nuclear, Yellowstone, How/When, Attitude

Sunspots, Drunk Comet, Mars Mystery | S0 News Jun.30.2021

SpaceX launches Transporter 2 rideshare, nails LZ-1 landing in Florida!

Why Elon Musk Lives in a $50,000 House - It's BOXABLE!

Half-A-Million Bucks For What > CONTRACT AWARD to Sentinel Technologies

Stay Alert. Ask more questions.
The devil's in the details - and we don't know much about this from the sketchy details provided in the Council Report
Technology tools in Government Control
Safeguarding Civil Liberties & Guaranteeing Rights
File #:21-0718   
Type:ContractStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:7/1/2021

Purchase of Outdoor Wireless Access Points (Replacement) for the Department of Innovation and Technology (Smart Cities Initiative) (Citywide)
The City currently provides free public Wi-Fi in the downtown district, libraries, parks, and pools.
The current outdoor system has reached end-of-life and replacement is needed.
With the new development in Downtown Mesa, the project will also expand the service area, as well as work with residents and businesses to ensure the service meets the needs of the community working in, living in, and visiting downtown, parks, and pool facilities.
Department of Innovation and Technology and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the NCPA cooperative contract and the lowest quoted vendor, Sentinel Technologies, at $539,075, based on estimated requirements.
This purchase is funded by Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

Attachments:1. Council Report
Public Wi-Fi Risks and Why You Don&#39;t Have to Fear Them | Kaspersky

How to Avoid Public WiFi Security Risks

Wi-Fi users are at risk from hackers, but fortunately there are safeguards against them. The recent explosion of free, public Wi-Fi has been an enormous boon for working professionals. Since these free access points are available at restaurants, hotels, airports, bookstores, and even random retail outlets, you are rarely more than a short trip away from access to your network, and your work. This freedom comes at a price, though, and few truly understand the public Wi-Fi risks associated with these connections.

The Risks of a Public Wi-fi

The same features that make free Wi-Fi hotspots desirable for consumers make them desirable for hackers... the  hacker has access to every piece of information you're sending out on the Internet: important emails, credit card information and even security credentials to your business network. Once the hacker has that information, he can — at his leisure — access your systems as if he were you.

Hackers can also use an unsecured Wi-Fi connection to distribute malware. If you allow file-sharing across a network, the hacker can easily plant infected software on your computer.

Turn Off Sharing

When connecting to the Internet at a public place, you're unlikely to want to share anything. You can turn off sharing from the system preferences or Control Panel, depending on your OS, or let Windows turn it off for you by choosing the "Public" option the first time you connect to a new, unsecured network.

Keep Wi-Fi Off When You Don't Need It

Even if you haven't actively connected to a network, the Wi-Fi hardware in your computer is still transmitting data between any network within range. . .

Stay Protected

Even individuals who take all the possible public Wi-Fi security precautions are going to run across issues from time to time. It's just a fact of life in this interconnected age. That's why it's imperative to keep a robust Internet security solution installed and running on your machine. These solutions can constantly run a malware scan on your files, and will always scan new files as they are downloaded. . .

City Council Report 
Date: July 1, 2021 
To: City Council 
Through: Michael Kennington, Chief Financial Officer 
From: Edward Quedens, Business Services Director 
Matt Bauer, Procurement Administrator 
Subject: Purchase of Outdoor Wireless Access Points (Replacement) for the Department of Innovation and Technology (Smart Cities Initiative) (Citywide) 
Purpose and Recommendation 
Council is requested to approve the purchase as recommended. Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the NCPA cooperative contract and the lowest quoted vendor, Sentinel Technologies at $539,075, based on estimated requirements. 
Public WiFi 102: Staying Safe on Public networks - Dignited
Background / Discussion 
The City currently provides free public Wi-Fi (Wireless Internet Access) in the downtown district, libraries, parks, and pools. The current outdoor system has reached end-of-life and replacement is needed. With the new development in Downtown Mesa, the project will also expand the service area, as well as work with residents and businesses to ensure the service meets the needs of the community working in, living in, and visiting downtown, parks, and pool facilities. 
Home Wi-Fi Connection–Pitfalls &amp; Precautions! – – Indian Business  of Tech, Mobile &amp; Startups
Staff evaluated multiple hardware platforms for this service, and found the solution utilizing Cisco Systems to best meet the needs of the City’s security and privacy, and to enable future capabilities for a Smart City. 
An evaluation committee from DoIT and the Transportation Department unanimously agreed on the Cisco recommendation. 
Purchasing Information Action
Award Procurement Type: Cooperative Contract 
Use Contract Number: 2021242 Contracting Agency/Contract Number: NCPA Contract/#01-97 
Local Consideration: Policy did not apply to this procurement method 
Protests Received: None 
Funding Source: Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 
Hardware, Software, Support, Services and Shipping per NCPA #01-97 
and Quote Cisco Outdoor Wireless (5/28/2021) 
Hardware and Software $398,660.00 
Solution Maintenance and Support $3,650.00 
Solution Subscriptions $73,800.00 
Professional Services $22,400.00 
Ground Shipping $2,000.00 
Estimated 8.1% Sales Tax $38,564.91 
Total $539,074.91
What is Sentinel technology?
Image result for Sentinel Technologies
As an independent technology company, Sentinelstands for integrated, customized IT solutions. Our business first, technology second methodology is a unique approach that helps our customers drive sales, propel business performance, and improve operational efficiency.

Re: FACEBOOK LAWSUIT > 46 States' Attorney Generals + The Federal Trade Commission Fail To-Make-Their Case Heard in Court

The Court spoken in very clear language using the same reasoning earlier used in a post on Techdirt:
The details of the ruling really show (as we had suggested earlier) that it appears that the government really tried to rush all these cases, and did so with weak arguments just to get a case started, without thinking that just because you say something is true you can't get a court to buy it without support:
"As you'll almost certainly recall, last December the FTC filed an antitrust case against Facebook. That happened the same day 46 states (and DC and Guam) also sued Facebook for antitrust violations in a separate case. Also it was right after the DOJ went after Google on antitrust grounds.

"On Monday a judge ruled on both the cases against Facebook -- and dismissed them both. In both cases, the Court highlights the very problems we noted in our initial writeup about these cases. They seem to assume that "obviously" Facebook is a monopoly and "obviously" it's doing anti-competitive bad stuff. But... the problem with insisting that it's all "obvious" is that you have to actually show that in your complaint. And that didn't happen in either of these cases.

The court, fairly easily, dismissed the FTC's case, though left it open for the FTC to amend the case and try again (which it will almost certainly do). The judge highlighted the exact same problem I raised in my post about the key weakness in the case: it fails to show evidence that Facebook has a monopoly.The question now is what will the FTC do in response. It could try to come back with another attempt with a better market definition -- even though the court seems somewhat skeptical that it could do so successfully. The other option, which some are speculating about, is that the FTC could try again using a totally different legal theory, basically arguing unfair competition, rather than abuse of market power. Of course, as former FTC Commissioner Joshua Wright has detailed, taking this latter approach could lead the courts to significantly limiting the FTC's authority -- meaning it could backfire spectacularly.

As for the States' case against Facebook, it fails for even dumber reasons. When the case was first filed, we noted how it tells a narrative that left out a ton of important context. The case focuses on Facebook's purchases of both WhatsApp and Instagram, and tries to argue that after sucking a bunch of companies in to use Facebook's platform, it then cut back on the API access to functionalities to keep competitors out. That, of course, leaves out the context of reasons why Facebook changed its approach to the API and how it had to deal with situations like Cambridge Analytica's abuse of the API to suck out a ton of data.

But the real problem with the States' case? They brought it way too late . . .Many people have taken it for granted that Facebook is clearly violating antitrust law, but the lawyers bringing these cases against the company can't take that for granted, or assume that it's obvious. They have to prove it to a court, and, as these two rulings show, they failed to do so in either case.

Filed Under: antitrust, competition, ftc, market power, states
Companies: facebook

. . .

RELATED CONTENT from December 9, 2020

Open Season: FTC & 48 Attorneys General File Separate Antitrust Lawsuits Against Facebook

from the well-this-will-be-interesting dept

2 New Reports on Hunger in The USA

1 in 10 adults are experiencing food scarcity 

The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey has measured food scarcity throughout the pandemic. What’s emerged from that data is a fuller picture of who is going hungry in the US. And while the coronavirus pandemic did not create a national hunger problem, it has exacerbated it. Learn more with these reports about who is experiencing food scarcity in America. 

  • In December 2020, 13.7% of adults were in households experiencing food scarcity. The national rate fell to a low of 8% in April of this year but now sits at 9.7%. For comparison, food insecurity was as high as 15% during the Great Recession.  
  • The chart above displays a percentage of households experiencing food insecurity by status. Over a third of very low food security households reported not eating for an entire day.
  • Food deserts are one reason for food insecurity. What is a food desert? The Department of Agriculture defines them as an area where low-income people do not have easy and ample access to food retailers. This limits people’s access to affordable, nutritious food. 
  • These deserts particularly impact urban areas. In 2019, 96% of people in a food desert lived in an urban area. That’s 51.7 million people.
  • Extreme food deserts are where people live more than a mile away from the nearest urban food store or more than 20 miles from the nearest rural food store. Twelve percent of Memphis, Tennessee residents live in extreme food deserts.
  • Six metro areas have 1% or fewer of its population living in extreme deserts: San Jose, Calif., Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, New York City, and Portland, Oregon.

See more at USAFacts, including the cities most affected by food deserts and how the government increased funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, aka food stamps, during the pandemic.

Understanding transgender laws by state

State legislators nationwide are considering bills on medical access and sports participation for transgender Americans. From overridden vetoes to a several new bills, it can be difficult to track developments. This new data story at USAFacts is here to help you understand where these laws are being proposed across the US.

  • Lawmakers from 15 states have introduced bills to restrict medical access or procedures for transgender minors. The bills include proposals to criminalize treatments and surgeries and require parental consent for medical care. 
  • In 2021, state legislators in 35 states introduced bills to limit participation in high school or college athletic teams based on what sex a student was assigned at birth, sometimes called  “biological sex.”
  • Hate crime laws in 21 states from Hawaii to Tennessee to Rhode Island, plus Washington, DC, protect victims targeted due to actual or perceived gender expression or gender identity.

One last fact
Over half of eligible Americans received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of June 21. Additionally, at least 150 million Americans have received two doses of the vaccine, and most Americans could be fully vaccinated by the end of the summer. For up-to-date numbers on the pandemic, visit the USAFacts coronavirus data hub.

And finally...
Do you want to help improve the USAFacts website? Then join the USAFacts User Experience Participant Pool. Members will partake in interviews, surveys, and other means of measuring website performance. You’ll help out USAFacts while making the website better for readers like you! If you're interested, please sign up here.

Hizzoner Johnny G (Mesa Mayor Giles) was Having A Good Time Last Week > All The Screen-Grabs


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Running Time

Number of Views


Google Is a Natural Monopoly, Says Former Google Executive

The Safe Zones Video | Your #1 Request

Pimco: Want to Have Inflation Protection in Portfolio

TOMORROW The Mesa City Council Starts A New Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Through Second Half of The Calendar Year

That's right - Here we Go! with the same crew referred to with much affection on this blog as "The Brady Bunch". The repercussions of a stunning announcement from The Arizona Department of Water Resources could serious change all those "Pipe Dreams" for expanding real estate developments and short-sighted rampant and unrestrained land-use planning strategies proposed last year in the fastest growing city in America.
KEEPING YOU INFORMED well ahead of time - you are actively encouraged to engage with your city government.
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/1/2021 5:15 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Lower Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda
ON THE MESA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Proposed Audit Plan FY 2021/2022
Now that the first-half of 2021 is over with after tomorrow, what wasn't done for internal audits can get some overdue attention now.
Top FAQs for Internal Audits - BizzSecure
Looks like 'the time has been adjusted' and scheduled for a City Council Meeting on July 8, 2021
ITEM 2-a
Proposed Audit Plan Fiscal Year 2021/2022 
( Page 1 of 2 )
The City Auditor’s office provides audit, consulting, and investigative services to identify and minimize risks, maximize efficiencies, improve internal controls, and strengthen accountability to Mesa’s citizens. 
December 2020
FIRST LOOK: Mesa City Annual Financial Review Fiscal Year Ending June 2020 > Impact of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security
This CAFR is an internal audit report prepared by the city's Financial Services Department that covers the first half of the calendar year and the end of the the fiscal year in June 2020 - four months into the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are now six months more into unpredictable stronger economic impacts that have destroyed the long-term prior planning strategies as well as the overall budget predictions, estimates and forecasts.
File #: 20-1230   
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee
On agenda: 12/14/2020
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide a recommendation on the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020.

1. Presentation,

 2. 2020 CAFR

11.8MB 191 Pages
Financial Services Department
14 December 2020
5 Ways Internal Audit Can Fail to Adequately Serve Its Organization
Four Ways to Get More Value from Your Internal Audits - The Auditor
Audit Plan Purpose and Considerations 
The Audit Plan is a Council-approved document which outlines the planned activities of the City Auditor’s office for the year. 
Factors considered when selecting audits may include: 
 Requests or suggestions received from the City Council or City Manager
 Statutory mandates and/or volume of regulations (highly regulated vs. unregulated)
 Prior audit history or lack thereof
 Activities commonly susceptible to fraud
 Complexity of operations, significant changes in operations, or high turnover
 Cash handling volume and number of locations
 Impact and likelihood of potential adverse events (risk management/control failures) 
The Audit Plan intentionally exceeds our capacity by approximately 20%, to provide flexibility to adjust the timing of a project to accommodate the needs of the client, while also managing our resources most efficiently. 
Audits which are not completed in the current year may be carried forward to the next year, as is the case with one of this year’s audits*. 
Audits Planned for FY 2021/2022 
Audit Subject Area Initial Objectives 
Understanding Premium Audits and Why Compliance Is Important | Zeiler  Insurance Services, Inc.
* Falcon Field - Leases 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure revenues are accurately calculated, recorded, and collected; to prevent or detect errors, fraud, waste, or abuse, and ensure compliance with policies, statutes, and other applicable requirements. 
PRCF – Mesa Tennis Center 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure all due fees and charges are accurately calculated, recorded, and collected. 
Police Department – Property and Evidence 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure that property and evidence are properly documented, secure, and available when needed; and ensure compliance with applicable policies, statutes, and other requirements or recommended practices. 
Police Department – Criminal Investigations Case Management 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure that cases are properly assigned, investigated, and disposed of in accordance with applicable policies, statutes, and other requirements
DoIT – Remote Access 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure risks related to remote access to the City’s network are minimized and connectivity between the network and remote users is secure.
( Proposed Audit Plan Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Page 2 of 2)
Transportation – Street Maintenance 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure proper maintenance of City streets in accordance with applicable policies, statutes, and other requirements
Services/Housing & Community Development – VASH Program 
Determine whether effective controls are in place to properly administer the Veteran Affairs Supporting Housing Voucher (VASH) program in accordance with applicable policies, statutes, and other requirements. 
FY 2020/2021 Work in Progress (as of 6/30/2021) 
 DoIT – Software/Application Management 
 Fleet – Parts Management 
 Business Services/Purchasing Division – Procurement Processes 
 Police Department – Badging/Security Access 
Annual Review Follow-up Reviews Due in FY 2021/2022 
 PRCF – Convention Center Revenues 
 HR/Employee Benefits – Claims Admin. Contract 
 Transient Lodging Tax 
 Engineering – CMAR Projects 
 Engineering – JOC Projects 
 Police – Photo Safety Program 
 MFMD – Medical Transportation Services & Billing 
The objective of each follow-up review is to verify that corrective actions 
agreed to in response to the audit were: 
1) Implemented as agreed
2) Effective in resolving the underlying audit findings 
Other Activities 
> Citywide Cash Audits 
Unannounced audits of cash handling sites citywide throughout the year. 
> Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSSReview 
   Annual review of payment card acceptance sites for PCI DSS compliance. 
> Fraud & Ethics Hotline Investigations 
Monitor the City’s Fraud & Ethics Hotline and conduct investigations when necessary
Consulting Services 
Provide independent consulting/advisory services
data collection
validation, or analysis
internal control reviews
risk analyses
financial statement reviews
etc. as needed. 
Unscheduled Audits 
As directed by the City Council or City Manager, conduct unscheduled audits, which may arise due to unforeseen circumstances.
File #:21-0727   
Type:PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council Study Session
On agenda:7/1/2021
Title:Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the proposed Audit Plan for FY 2021/22.
Attachments:1. Presentation,
2. FY 2021-2022 Audit Plan (Proposed)
City Auditor 
Proposed FY 2022 Audit Plan 
City Council Study Session July 1, 2021 
Joseph Lisitano, City Auditor
Audit Plan Overview:
• Current work in progress 
• Audits planned for FY 2022 
• Follow-up reviews due in FY 2022 
• Other activities
• Current work in progress 
Current work in progress: 
• DoIT – Software/Application Management 
• Business Services/Purchasing – Procurement Processes 
• Fleet – Parts Management 
• Police – Badging Security Access 
• PCI DSS Annual Review
• Audits planned for FY 2022 
• Follow-up reviews due in FY 2022 
• Other activities
• Audits planned for FY 2022 
New audits: 
• *Falcon Field – Leases 
• PRCF – Mesa Tennis Center 
• Police Department – Property and Evidence 
• Police Department – Criminal Investigations Case Management 
*Carried over from FY21 Audit Plan
• DoIT – Remote Access 
• Transportation – Street Maintenance 
• Community Services/Housing & Community Development – VASH Program
• Follow-up reviews due in FY 2022 
Follow-up reviews: 
• *PRCF – Convention Center Revenues 
• *HR/Employee Benefits – Claims Admin. Contract 
• Transient Lodging Tax • Police – Photo Safety Program 
*Delayed in FY 21 due to COVID-19
• MFMD – Medical Transportation Services and Billing 
• Engineering – CMAR Projects 
• Engineering – JOC Projects
• Other activities 
Follow-up reviews: 
• MFMD – Medical Transportation Services and Billing 
• Engineering – CMAR Projects 
• Engineering – JOC Projects
• Citywide Cash Handling Audits (continuous) 
• PCI DSS Annual Review 
• Fraud & Ethics Hotline Investigations 
• Consulting (limited reviews, other projects, etc.) 
• Unscheduled Audits (if requested by City Manager or City Council)
Questions or changes?
There's a helluva lot on-the-table.
Scroll down to see if anything catches the attention of your eyes - for example in the dollar amounts of Contract Awards, or if there's anything in the district where you live that you might want to know about...and then again, there's always the issue of water for expanding mixed-use development.
It only takes a few minutes to get informed 
Use the link provided to send in online comment cards or if you want an item removed from the Consent Agenda
Council Meeting Notice: To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation and viewing will be available electronically.
How to Keep the Party Crashers from Crashing Your Zoom Event ...
Members of the City Council may appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. 
Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Council Meetings. Public participation will be available electronically.
If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card by going to at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Council, and it is your turn to speak, you will be prompted to unmute your line to provide comment.
Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Council agenda and who want to be able to comment on their item or be able to answer questions should fill out this Applicant online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. 
For help with the online comment card, or for any other technical difficulties, please call 480- 644-2099.
CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a separate item. 
If a citizen wants an item removed from the consent agenda, an online comment card will need to be completed by going to
at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and by following the instructions provided under “Citizen Participation” at the top of this page.
City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative July 8, 2021 
Mayor's Welcome 
Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by electronic means.) 
Invocation by Pastor Vance Pascua with Christ’s Church of the Valley 
Pledge of Allegiance Awards, Recognitions and Announcements 
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda 
*2 21-0630 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written. 
3 Take action on the following liquor license applications: (SKIPPED
4 Take action on the following contracts: 
21-0746 One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for PC Cycle Replacement and Supplemental Computers, Ruggedized Laptops and Tablets for Various City Departments as requested by the Department of Innovation and Technology (Citywide) 
This contract provides for the City's PC Cycle Replacement program managed by the Department of Innovation Technology and provides supplemental purchases of computer equipment for departments as needs are identified. The Department of Innovation and Technology and Purchasing recommend renewing this contract using the State of Arizona cooperative contracts with Dell Marketing LP, Apple Computer Inc., Panasonic Solutions, and Microsoft Corporation, at $2,440,000. *4-a 
21-0737 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Preventative Maintenance Services for City Facilities for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Districts 1, 3, and 4) 
This contract will provide preventative maintenance services for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and Armstrong pump rebuilding in the following municipal buildings: THERE ARE 12:
Arizona Museum of Natural History, Charles K Luster Utilities Building, Communications Building, District Cooling facility, i.d.e.a. Museum, Mesa Arts Center, Mesa City Plaza, Municipal Court, PD Fiesta, PD Headquarters and the Transportation Building. 
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposal from Comfort Systems USA Southwest, Inc., at $156,400 annually, with an annual increase of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-b 
21-0734 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Police Uniform Badges for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) 
This contract furnishes custom police uniform badges. The department recently increased inventory levels to meet demand. The additional capacity is needed to maintain an adequate stock of each badge and rank on hand. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Sun Badge Company by $30,000, from $55,000 to $85,000 annually, with an additional increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-c 
City of Mesa Page 3 Printed on 6/24/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative July 8, 2021 
21-0735 Purchase of Two Replacement Helicopter Cameras and Three New Moving Map Systems for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) 
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 4eaff930-733b-4a09-a7a0-91c09aad2552.png
This purchase will replace two thermal imaging cameras that have become obsolete and provide new moving map systems for use in three police helicopters used by the Air Support Unit to provide video images for day and night missions to assist ground units. 
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposals from Wescam USA, Inc., Churchill Navigation, dba Shotover Systems, and Precision Heli-Support LLC (a Mesa Business), at $1,254,967.58. 
The purchase is funded through the Mesa Police Department Operating Budget - Public Safety Sales Tax Funds. 
21-0754 Purchase of a Drone Detection System for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) 
This equipment will be used to detect, locate, track, and mitigate an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) threat at sporting events, large gatherings, presidential and dignitary events, key resources, and critical infrastructure. 
The system can be used independently or in unison with other agencies to cover large areas of an event with multiple high-risk locations. 
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 4eaff930-733b-4a09-a7a0-91c09aad2552.png
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Transource Service Corp, at $112,500. The purchase is funded through a Grant from the Arizona Department of Homeland Security. *4-e 
21-0741 Purchase of Two Replacement Technical Search and Rescue Color Cameras for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Single Response) (Citywide) 
These cameras supplement and accelerate investigations to focus on hot points and contrasts in temperatures, helping to locate victims or their thermal signature following natural disasters or other major incidents. 
The Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the single, responsive and responsible bidder, L.N. Curtis and Sons, dba Curtis Tools for Heroes, at $38,200
The purchase is funded through a grant from the Arizona Department of Homeland Security. *4-f 
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21-0743 One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for AC Delco and Motorcraft Vehicle Parts for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide) 
This contract provides genuine AC Delco (General Motors) and Motorcraft (Ford) parts for the maintenance and repair of the City's fleet of sedans, light-duty trucks, and vans. 
The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Parts Mart Inc., at $250,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-g 
21-0736 Purchase of a Replacement Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer and Related Annual Supplies for the Water Resources Department (Citywide) 
This contract will replace the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer used in the Water Resources Compliance Lab and provide on-going annual related supplies. The equipment being replaced is 10 years old and identified in the 2021/2022 replacement cycle. 
The equipment is used to meet regulatory requirements of the Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products Rule and to analyze for volatile organic compounds in drinking water. 
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the City of Tempe cooperative contract with Agilent Technologies, Inc., at $114,000. *4-h 
21-0729 Hohokam Stadium Repairs - Second Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP No. 2) (District 1) 
The scope of work for GMP No. 2 includes replacement of concrete and handrails in lower and upper bowl seating areas, creating ADA accessible paths, improving ADA ramps, repairing/replacing perimeter steel fence panels, and making concrete repairs in the dugout, bullpen, and on the steps, walkways, seating areas and retaining walls. 
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Staff recommends awarding a construction services contract for this project to W.E. O’Neil Construction in the amount of $3,115,986 (GMP), and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $311,600 (10%), for total amount of $3,427,586. 
This project is funded by the capital budget. *4-i 
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21-0753 North Center Sports Fields - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (District 1) 
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This project scope includes the development of the park with regulation-size LED lighted soccer fields, lighted parking lot, new irrigation system, new restroom/storage building, and additional landscape and site improvements. In addition, the project will provide improvements to Center Street, adjacent to the park
Staff recommends awarding a construction services contract to the Construction Manager at Risk, Valley Rain Construction Corp, in the amount of $8,206,683.18 (GMP), and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $410,334 (5%), for a total amount of $8,617,017.18. 
This project is funded by 2018 General Obligation Bonds and proceeds from the sale of the City property. *4-j 
21-0750 Northeast Public Safety Facility - Pre-Construction Services and Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) (District 5) 
The Northeast Public Safety Facility is proposed to meet the increasing fire, medical and police public safety needs. The facility will accommodate up to two fire crews, one ambulance crew, and one battalion crew to handle the increasing emergency call volume in northeast Mesa, due to the continuous growth in the area. 
The facility will be located on an eight-acre site on the northeast quadrant of the Power and Brown Roads intersection. 
Staff recommends selecting CORE Construction Inc. (a Mesa business), as the CMAR for this project and awarding a pre-construction services contract in the amount of $196,746. 
This project is funded by 2018 Public Safety Bonds. *4-k 
5 Take action on the following resolutions
21-0702 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the Hickey Family Foundation to accept $188,000 for overtime, equipment, and training for the Police Department to combat domestic minor sex trafficking, and to comply with the requirements set forth in the award notice. (Citywide) *5-a 
21-0732 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission to accept up to $100,000 in grant funds to be used for training and equipment for the Police Department’s Forensic Services Division. (Citywide) *5-b 

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21-0733 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission to accept up to $13,145 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and up to $16,730 in state funds to be used for overtime and employee related expenses by the Police Department’s Forensic Services Division. (Citywide) *5-c 

21-0751 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the reconstruction of the Higley Ramp West at Falcon Field Airport. 
The total estimated cost for this project is $3,320,343. 
Should federal funding become available, the estimated amount is $2.8 million. 
Airport Enterprise funds will be used for the remaining project costs, estimated at $520,343. (District 5) *5-d 
21-0752 Approving and authorizing the sale of certain City-owned real property at the northwest corner of East Thomas Road and the Loop 202 Red Mountain Freeway (APN: 141-02-002E) to Lehi Land, LLC for the sale price of $1,700,000, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with Lehi Land, LLC for the development of the property. (District 1) *5-e 
21-0681 ZON20-00447 (District 6) 
Within the 10600 block of East Pecos Road (north side) and within the 6700 block of South 222nd Street (east side). Located west of Signal Butte Road on the north side of Pecos Road (4.7± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an RV storage facility. Adam Baugh, Withey Morris PLC., applicant; Van Co Properties, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *5-f 