09 July 2021

5 Part-Time Slackers for Seven Minutes-and-Thirteen Seconds: Mesa City Council Study Session - 7/8/2021

Though this is your elected city 'at-work", not too many people bother to take the time to see-or-know what the Mesa City Council can get done in another one of those so-called "Study Sessions". Yes they put it their time in The Lower Chambers yesterday for less than ten minutes but what do we know about what they did for 35 hours of work this week that they get paid for in salaries paid for by Mesa taxpayers - we NEVER SEE ANY ACCOUNTING FOR THEIR TIME SPENT ON-THE-JOB!As far as comments and events attended, everyone - except for Julie Spilsbury - made a few remarks: David Luna Mark Freeman Franco Heredia Jen Duff John Pombier - sitting in for absent City Manager stated the Summer Break is scheduled until August 19th, opening The Lower Chambers to the public for a study session That was it ...

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