11 July 2021

AZ BlueMeanie > "Fact-Checking" Turns Into a Chorus of Epithets For the GQP ;)

Your MesaZona blogger has no idea - not even an inkling - of whomever that person is, except for this self-description appearing after an article posted on July 8, 2021:
About the Author:
"The Blue Meanie is an Arizona citizen who wishes, for professional reasons, to remain anonymous when blogging about politics. Armed with a deep knowledge of the law, politics and public policy, as well as pen filled with all the colors stolen from Pepperland, the Blue Meanie’s mission is to pursue and prosecute the hypocrites, liars, and fools of politics and the media – which, in practical terms, is nearly all of them. Don’t even try to unmask him or he’ll seal you in a music-proof bubble and rendition you to Pepperland for a good face-stomping.
Read blog posts by the infamous and prolific AZ Blue Meanie here.

Fact Checking Rep. Andy Biggs



Andy Biggs - Home | Facebook


"Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) chairs the GQP House Freedom (sic) Caucus – which truth in advertising would require it to be called the GQP House Fascist Caucus – and after the January 6 insurrection has been dubbed the GQP Sedition Caucus.

Two GOP congressmen sought pardons for their connection to Capitol attack:  report | Salon.com

Just to review, Rep. Andy Biggs has some splainin’ to do to the new House Select Committee on the January 6 Insurrection (as does his seat mate, Rep. Paul Gosar). . .

Rep. Andy Biggs, as chair of the GQP House Sedition Caucus, was one of 139 House Republicans and 8 Republican Senators who voted not to certify the Electoral College vote even after the violent MAGA/QAnon insurrection on January 6, 147 Republican lawmakers still objected to the election results after the Capitol attack, providing aid and comfort to the MAGA/QAnon domestic terrorists. And if Ali Alexander’s claims are verified, he aided and abetted the seditious insurrection as one of the key planners of the insurrection.

Arizona Audit Update, Investigating Jan. 6th , and Asking 'Where's Durham?'  with Congressman Andy Biggs | The Charlie Kirk Show | Podcasts on Audible |  Audible.com

It is a fair characterization that Rep. Andy Biggs is an “enemy of the state” – the lawful U.S. government – that he sought to overthrow on January 6.

Lauren Windsor from the Undercurrent has posted this new video of Rep. Andy Biggs in which he accuses others of being “enemies of the state” (some serious psychological projection going on here). . .

I don’t know what the hell this fool is talking about, but I do know that House Republicans, in particular, every member of the GQP House Freedom (sic) Caucus that Biggs chairs, violated their oaths of office when they twice voted not to impeach the most corrupt and criminal president in the history of the United States, and voted not to certify the Electoral College vote  in order to overturn the 2020 election, and to overturn American constitutional democracy.

Rep. Andy Biggs continues: “[T]he reality is they are pushing as far left as they can. Fortunately, for us the filibuster is still in effect in the Senate. Without that we would be dead meat and this thing would be done. The we’d be having a little bit more frantic discussion than we are having today. But thank goodness for [Sens.] Sinema and Joe Manchin. . .

Freedom Caucus chairman blasts 'sensational lies' after Capitol riot |  TheHill. . .Insurrectionist Andy Biggs needs to be removed from Congress, and soon forgotten.


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