14 July 2021

City of Mesa Design Review Board : WHO + WHAT THEY REVIEW ...Final Agenda for First Work Session FY2021-2022

Overlooked until now. . .

Design Review Board

Design Review Board Work Session

To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public viewing and participation are available electronically.

Members of the Design Review Board will appear electronically for study session meetings via a video or telephonic conferencing platform, and the live meetings will be accessible via  video broadcast and telephonically.

The live meeting may be watched via a video conferencing platform at https://mesa11.zoom.us/j/5301232921 or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts.

Public participation will be available electronically. If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit anonline comment cardat least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting.  If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting.  You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.

Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Design Review Board agenda and who want  to comment on their item or be able to answer questions from the Board should fill out an applicant online comment cardat least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting.  Prior to the start of the meeting, call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) use meeting ID 530 123 2921 and follow the promptsYou will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.

For any difficulty accessing this meeting, please call 480-644-2099.

Second Tuesday of each monthAgendas & Minutes


City Council Chambers (lower level)
57 E. First Street

The Design Review Board is composed of seven members who are residents of the City, and who volunteer their services. The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, appoints the members of the Board.

The Design Review Board is unique in that its composition is set by the Zoning Ordinance to include two architects, two from other design professions (i.e. landscape architecture, engineering, urban planning, interior design or other design-related background), one contractor or developer, and two citizens.

The purpose and duties of the Design Review Board have changed and evolved over the years. The original purpose of the Board was to hear appeals of decisions made by the Building Safety Division regarding the newly adopted Design Guidelines.

It now reviews: buildings of four or more stories in height; any multiple residential projects that exceed the RM-2 density range; commercial and industrial projects that have frontage on an arterial street, or that are part of an existing or planned development that has frontage on an arterial street; and any commercial and industrial projects which have, or will have, greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of gross floor area. The Board also Reviews parking garages, and City of Mesa municipal projects.

For a full explanation of the duties and responsibilities of the Design Review Board see Title 11 - Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 71 of the Mesa Code of Ordinances.

 Board Member
 Role Date Appointed Term Expires
 Sean Banda Vice Chair 7/1/2014 6/30/2022


Jessica Knudsen


Board member

 7/2/2018 6/30/2024
 J. Seth Placko Board member 9/22/2016 6/30/2023
 Scott Thomas Board member 3/1/2019 6/30/2022
 Tanner Green Board member 7/1/2019 6/30/2022
 Paul Johnson Board member 7/8/2020 6/30/2023
 Dane Astle Board member 7/1/2021




PRINTED ON 07/12/2021
Design Review Board City of Mesa 
Meeting Agenda - Final 
Mesa Council Chambers 
57 East First Street 
Vice Chair Sean Banda - on the Design Review Board since 2014
Board Members 
Scott Thomas 
J. Seth Placko 
Jeanette Knudsen 
Tanner Green Paul Johnson
Dane Astle 
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 
4:30 PM Lower Level Council Chambers 
1 Call meeting to order
2 Approval of minutes from the previous Design Review Board meeting. 
2-a DSN 21093



Minutes from the June 15, 2021 Design Review Board Meeting 
File #:DSN 21093   
Type:DSN MinutesStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Design Review Board
On agenda:7/13/2021
Title:Minutes from the June 15, 2021 Design Review Board Meeting
Attachments:1. 6.15.2021 Design Review Board Meeting Minutes

3 Election of Design Review Board Officers 
 a. Chair 
 b. Vice Chair 


4 Discuss and provide direction on the following Preliminary Design Review cases:* 
*The applicant and public may speak about a case, and the Board may provide comments and suggestions to assist the applicant with the proposal, but the Board will not approve or deny a case under Preliminary Review.
> DSN 21086 DRB21-00395 District 6. 
Within the 7600 to 7800 block of east Warner Road (south side) and within the 4400 to 4700 block of the South Sossaman Road alignment (east side). Located east of the Sossaman Road alignment on the south side of Warner Road.
(101.7± acres). 
Requesting the review of an industrial business park. 
Wendy Riddell, Berry Riddell LLC, Applicant 
Tonto Corp and Gateway Business Park, LLC, Owners 
Staff Planner: Kellie Rorex 4-a 
File #:DSN 21086   
Type:DSN PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Design Review Board
On agenda:7/13/2021
Title:DRB21-00395 District 6. Within the 7600 to 7800 block of east Warner Road (south side) and within the 4400 to 4700 block of the South Sossaman Road alignment (east side). Located east of the Sossaman Road alignment on the south side of Warner Road. (101.7± acres).
Requesting the review of an industrial business park.
  • Wendy Riddell, Berry Riddell LLC, Applicant
  • Tonto Corp and Gateway Business Park, LLC, Owners
Staff Planner: Kellie Rorex
Attachments:1. Vicinity Map,
2. Site Plan,
3. Landscape Plan,
4. Elevations,
5. Material Board,
6. Conceptual Signage,
7. Lighting and Site Photometrics,
8. Presentation
City of Mesa Page 1 Printed on 7/12/2021 Design Review Board Meeting Agenda - Final July 13, 2021 
> DSN 21087 DRB21-00290 District 6. 
Within the 7800 to 8000 blocks of east Ray Road (north side). Located west of Hawes Road on the north side of Ray Road.
(9.9± acres). 
Requesting the review of an industrial development
  • Eric Zitny, Ware Malcomb, Applicant
  • Marwest Enterprises LLC/Santan 74 LLLP, Owner
(Continued from the June 15, 2021 meeting
Staff Planner: Kellie Rorex 4-b 
File #:DSN 21087   
Type:DSN PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Design Review Board
On agenda:7/13/2021
Title:DRB21-00290 District 6.
Within the 7800 to 8000 blocks of east Ray Road (north side). Located west of Hawes Road on the north side of Ray Road. (9.9± acres).
Requesting the review of an industrial development
Eric Zitny, Ware Malcomb, Applicant
Marwest Enterprises LLC/Santan 74 LLLP, Owner
(Continued from the June 15, 2021 meeting)
Staff Planner: Kellie Rorex
Attachments:1. Vicinity Map,
2. Site Plan,
3. Landscape Plan,
4. Elevations,
5. Material Board,
6. Renderings,
7. Lighting,
8. Presentation
> DSN 21088 DRB21-00352 District 2. Within the 4400 block of East Baseline Road (north side). Located east of Greenfield Road on the north side of Baseline Road. (1.04± acres). Requesting the review of a dental office with a drive-thru. Jonathan Ammon, Jammon Studios, Applicant; Blue Glacier LLC, Owner. Staff Planner: Chloe Durfee-Sherman 4-c 
DSN 21089 DRB21-00462 District 6
Within the 9200 block of East Cadence Parkway (south side). Located south of Ray Road and east of Ellsworth Road. (1.2± acres). Requesting the review of a restaurant with a drive-thru. Stephanie Watney, Withey Morris PLC, Applicant; PPGN-Ellsworth LLLP, Owner. Staff Planner: Jennifer Gniffke 4-d 
> DSN 21090 DRB21-00119 District 4. 
Within the 300 block of North Stapley Drive (west side) and within the 1100 block of East University Drive (south side). Located on the southwest corner of Stapley Drive and University Drive. (.70± acres). Requesting the review of a drive-thru coffee shop. Tim Rasnake, Archicon, Applicant; Singh Jaswinder/Surinder K, Owner. Staff Planner: Sean Pesek 4-e 
> DSN 21091 DRB21-00349 District 6
Within the 8200 to 8400 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side). Located east of Sossaman Road on the south side of Pecos Road. 
(6.8± acres). 
Requesting the review of an industrial development
  • Larry L. Allen, ThirtyThree North Architects, Applicant
  • East Comstock, LLC, Owner
Staff Planner: Lesley Davis 4-f 
File #:DSN 21091   
Type:DSN PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Design Review Board
On agenda:7/13/2021
Title:DRB21-00349 District 6. Within the 8200 to 8400 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side). Located east of Sossaman Road on the south side of Pecos Road. (6.8± acres).
Requesting the review of an industrial development
  • Larry L. Allen, ThirtyThree North Architects, Applicant
  • East Comstock, LLC, Owner
Staff Planner: Lesley Davis
Attachments:1. Vicinity Map,
2. Site Plan,
3. Landscape Plan,
4. Elevations,
5. Site Details,
6. Color Material Board,
7. Monument signage,
8. Lighting,
9. Project Narrative,
10. Presentation
Project Description 
The Owner proposes to relocate and expand their existing business (KT Fabrication) from its current location in Chandler to this site in Mesa. KT Fabrication currently employees 180 people and provides custom building wall systems, aluminum curtainwall systems, ornamental metals and ACM panels. 
Their current location does not provide room for expansion, thus their desire to relocate. 
As represented on the Site Plan, the Owner proposes to build two buildings on the site of approximately 6.83 acres. 
  • The north (larger building will house 17,600sf of two-story Office space and 53,960sf of Warehouse/Assembly space.
  • The southern building is for storing raw materials and finished product. It is 28,940 sf. 
> The Owner also owns the parcel to the south of the project parcel which consists of 7.78 acres and will be used for expansion. 
The proposed project is a part of the Pecos Road Economic Opportunity Zone (EOZ) and has a LI zoning. 
All proposed parking, landscaping and building design elements will be consistent with the EOZ and City of Mesa development standards. 
Existing and Surrounding Site Uses 
Existing Zoning Current General Plan Existing Use(s) North 314-61-002W LI - light industrial Employment Agricultural/Farming East 304-61-014F LI - light industrial Employment Agricultural/Farming South 304-61-014E LI - light industrial Employment Agricultural/Farming West 304-61-014B Ll – light industrial Employment Metso Minerals Industrials, inc. 
Location and Accessibility 
The site is located approximately ¾ of a mile east of the intersection of Pecos Road and Sossaman Road. 
PAMZ Mesa Map
Primary access will be from Pecos Road via two proposed commercial driveways. 
Circulation System 
The site is near the intersection of two major arterial street intersections and will not have a significant impact on the surrounding traffic circulation system. 
The on-site circulation will be controlled by the drive aisles as indicated on the proposed site plan. The width of the on-site drive aisle is sized to accommodate large commercial vehicles, two-way normal vehicle movements and emergency vehicle access and maneuverability. 
Community Facilities and Services 
Due to the nature of the type of proposed use, additional services such as parks, schools or other regional amenities are not needed or required.
untitled (13).png
Public Utilities and Services 
It is anticipated that the existing City of Mesa 20-inch public water mainline and 18-inch public sewer mainline, both located in Pecos Road, will be of sufficient size and capacity to serve potable water, fire protection system and wastewater needs for this proposed development. 
Stormwater Drainage and Retention 
Stormwater retention for this site will be maintained in proposed surface basins and a below grade retention system as shown on the proposed Site Plan
The Owner’s Civil Engineer will prepare the requisite drainage calculations and Grading and Drainage design showing compliance with the city of Mesa’s adopted standards. 
Architectural and Landscape Design 
This proposed ground up new build project will house
17,600sf of Administrative Offices in a two-story building facing Pecos Road,
53,960sf of high bay Assembly/Warehouse functions which will be located directly behind the Office portion and a separate
Storage/Warehouse building located on the southern portion of the site. 
The main building components will be patterned Concrete Tilt Panels painted a neutral light gray with the office portion complimenting the scale of the panels with a Curtainwall system of vision glass and patterned ACM panels.
Common to both parts of the building will be a horizontal metal screening system that will enclose the exterior stair and visually draw the two portions together as shown on the design elevations. 
Also making a visual connection will be horizontal painted steel LED lights elements over each of the 20-foot-wide overhead doors on the Assembly/Warehouse portion. 
They will be painted the same used penny copper color as the horizontal screening. 
By incorporating the use of a single accent color on the office and assembly/warehouse areas the two distinctive parts are pulled together as a single structure.
> The storage/warehouse building will have the same elements as the assembly/warehouse portion of the main building. 
The portion of the project which faces Pecos Road which houses the administrative operations is designed the showcase the exceptional work in curtainwall construction of KT Fabrication the group that will occupy the buildings.
The east side of the building will be full height curtainwall construction providing extensive natural light into the lobby area.
Visitors will enter from the north into a two-story Lobby.
The west side of the office portion will house back of house office functions, exercise space, lunch room and the design/engineering group. The exterior of this portion will be concrete tilt panel to match the rear portion further tying the two area visually together. The horizontal used penny colored metal screening will not only enclose the exterior stair but will be used to screen the roof top mechanical units and the outside staff areas. 
As demonstrated on the attached plans, the landscape concept will incorporate low water use plant material focused on introducing color and form to the proposed landscape areas. 
The plant pallet consists of native and non-native plants found within the Arizona Department of Water Resources plant list and they are consistent with the City of Mesa standards. 
The intent of the design is to create vibrancy and to compliment the architectural elements. Numerous landscape islands in the parking areas will provide shade and soften the front along Pecos Road. The landscaping along the project frontage will help to ty the project to its surroundings. 
Conclusion The Owner intends to fully comply with all aspects of the Pecos road Employment Zone, the LI zoning district, the Employment/Mesa Gateway sections of the Mesa 2040 General Plan, the Gateway Strategic Development Plan and the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Airfield Overlay District. Accordingly, we respectfully request staff’s support for this project.
5 Discuss and take action on the following Design Review cases: None 
6 Staff Presentation 
City of Mesa Page 2 Printed on 7/12/2021 Design Review Board Meeting Agenda - Final July 13, 2021 
DSN 21092 Presentation on proposed Small Lot Development Guidelines and associated text amendments to Title 11 of the Mesa Zoning Ordinance - Rachel Prelog and Veronica Gonzalez 5-a 
7 Planning Director Updates
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