15 July 2021

HAH! Arizona Ranked #30 of "Top States" For Business...More Mainstream Media Happy Talk > Are They Really Serious

WHAT????... Hey guys, that's the bottom half
(Snippets re-published from AZ BIG Media)
CNBC ranked Arizona No. 30 among Top States for Business. Here’s a closer look at how Arizona scored:

“This year’s Top States study was always going to be a verdict on which states were best poised to succeed coming out of the pandemic, and Virginia is a clear winner on that score,” Cohn said. “Not only does it have the talent that companies are craving, it has also taken major steps in the area of inclusiveness, which is especially important this year. But perhaps the best evidence of Virginia’s competitive strength is the fact that it was our Top State before the pandemic in 2019, and is back on top coming out of it.”


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