21 July 2021

HARD-TO-BELIEVE : Top Automated Tool Award for Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Elite Environment + Energy Leader Awards 2021 Program

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | ADEQ Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment Tool Earns Top Product of the Year Award from Environment + Energy Leader

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ADEQ Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment Tool

Earns Top Product of the Year Award

from Environment + Energy Leader

PHOENIX (July 20, 2021) – The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), the state’s cabinet-level environmental agency that administers environmental laws and programs, today announced that its Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment Tool received a Top Product of the Year Award in the elite Environment + Energy Leader Awards 2021 program. The win is an indication that the program’s expert judges consider ADEQ’s automated assessment tool a top example of the exemplary work being done today in the field of environmental management.

ADEQ developed the Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment Tool to determine Clean Water Act assessment decisions at the parameter, use and waterbody levels. The tool automates every step from gathering national water quality portal data to creating a final assessment report for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. With the tool’s extreme automation, ADEQ can efficiently and effectively determine if lakes and streams meet federal water quality standards and make timely decisions that address the most pressing issues impairing Arizona’s surface waters. 

“The Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment Tool slashed the time to conduct a statewide surface water quality assessment of over 1,400 waters by more than 99 percent -- what took nine months of staff time now takes roughly 15 minutes and saves more than $500,000 annually.” said ADEQ Water Quality Division Director Trevor Baggiore. “This tool allows us to view the status of our waters on a much more frequent basis.”

One judge said of ADEQ’s new tool, “The open source approach means that in addition to the citizens of Arizona benefitting from improved health of lakes and streams, other communities can adopt the practice as well.”

Another judge added, “Decreased labor hours and increased insight into water quality and the effectiveness of remediation efforts is commendable.”

The Environment + Energy Leader Awards is a program recognizing excellence in products and services that provide companies with energy and environmental benefits, and in projects implemented by organizations that improved environmental or energy management and increased the bottom line. 

“With a very experienced and critical judging panel and a strict set of judging criteria, entrants faced an extremely high bar to qualify for an award in 2021” says Sarah Roberts, Environment + Energy Leader publisher.

View the open source, free and shareable ADEQ Automated Surface Water Quality Assessment dashboard: https://azdeq.shinyapps.io/assessment_dashboard/

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About the Environment + Energy Leader Awards

For nearly a decade, the Environment + Energy Leader Awards have celebrated excellence in the world of environmental, sustainability and energy management. Award winners are truly buzz-worthy, and companies that sport a Top Project or Top Product of the Year Award badge are known to be the best of the best. When other companies are seeking a sustainability or energy management solution, they know that E+E Product of the Year Award winners offer a significant group of products, vetted by experts, to peruse for help in making their decisions. Project of the Year Award winners are known to illustrate how sustainability and energy management projects can successfully help other companies improve the bottom line.

About ADEQ

Under the Environmental Quality Act of 1986, the Arizona State Legislature established the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality in 1987 as the state agency for protecting and enhancing public health and the environment of Arizona. For more information, visit azdeq.gov.

ADEQ will take reasonable measures to provide access to department services to individuals with limited ability to speak, write or understand English and/or to those with disabilities. Requests for language translation, ASL interpretation, CART captioning services or disability accommodations must be made at least 48 hours in advance by contacting the Title VI Nondiscrimination Coordinator at 602-771-2215 or Communications@azdeq.gov. For a TTY or other device, Telecommunications Relay Services are available by calling 711.

ADEQ tomará las medidas razonables para proveer acceso a los servicios del departamento a personas con capacidad limitada para hablar, escribir o entender inglés y/o para personas con discapacidades. Las solicitudes de servicios de traducción de idiomas, interpretación ASL (lengua de signos americano), subtitulado de CART, o adaptaciones por discapacidad deben realizarse con al menos 48 horas de anticipación comunicándose con el Coordinador de Anti-Discriminación del
Título VI al 602-771-2215 o Communications@azdeq.gov. Para un TTY u otro dispositivo, los servicios de retransmisión de telecomunicaciones están disponible llamando al 711. 

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