11 July 2021

Let's Un-Pack This Image of Presenting a Medal to The Commander of Israeli Defense Forces Rescue Unit...NOT in Gaza

They deployed to Miami after days of wreaking destruction in Gaza - and not offering to rescue or recover the 260 bodies left dead by 11 days of massive airstrikes by the IDF. This image will not in any way change world opinion
Here's the caption: "Miami Dade Fire Department Chief Alan Cominsky presents a medal to Golan Vach, Commander of Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) National Rescue Unit during a send off ceremony on July 10 in Surfside, Florida."
Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
Surfside condo collapse
The story

Surfside death toll rises to 90

  • Levine Cava called the recovery efforts the "largest ever non-hurricane emergency response effort" in Florida history.
  • The latest: Members of the Israeli Urban Search and Rescue Task Force received a ceremonial key to the county on Saturday evening to thank them for all of their help. Meanwhile, Fire Chief Alan Cominsky made them official members of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.

    • “In recognition of your unrelenting dedication, compassionate service commitment to the victims and survivors of the Surfside tragedy,” Levine Cava said.
    This report yesterday :  Disproportionate Israeli airstrikes killed hundreds

    The Rebuilding of Gaza Amid Dire Conditions: Damage, Losses, and Needs

    "The eleven days of hostilities in May 2021 in Gaza resulted in the loss of over 260 people, including 66 children and 41 women, and exacerbated previous traumas in particular among children.
    The human toll was aggravated by overall damage and losses to the social, infrastructure, and productive and financial sectors.
    > A Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA) reveals up to US$380 million in physical damage and US$190 million in economic losses.
    > Recovery needs have been estimated up to US$485 million during the first 24 months

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